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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/05/2016 in all areas

  1. 1 point

    Overwatch - Trailers

    When I said it took longer, I meant like 30-45 seconds longer. The match maker actually has a timer, and an ETA to finding a match. I'm sure they put this data to good use. I had to wait a full minute like one time. This is actually pretty impressive since only preorders can play right now, and TBH not a lot of console players really know much about this game. The ad campaign just started like 2 weeks ago. Once in a server tho, matches transition immediately. The map loading is the only wait between them. If you need to AFK, you'll have to leave the game or you'll just get booted by the AFK timer if you take too long to get back. If not enough people are in the server you can goof around and spar for fun like in GW2 prematch until the map finds enough players. I really like this because I hate waiting a full minute between matches like on COD (I have no idea why they got rid of their express modes with a shorter wait time). When people leave they get replaced pretty fast, its just the actual finding a server that takes the longest, 30-50 seconds maybe? It will probably improve later on the 5th when everyone tries it.... but it will also stress test the servers. GW2's issue is programming and the player base. I'd say over 85% are casuals that have no interest in PVP. That's how the game was marketed. Plus their MMR that is hellbent on making sure you lose 50% of the time is just absurd and creates the most issues with their format. Its one thing to loosely base it on that, but to go to the extreme to make sure you're on the worst team possible at points to make sure your W/L ratio stays where they want it takes the fun out of PvP. This is why you cant stay with the same team of randoms and just load into the next map after a new round of voting. They boot you out of the instance to find you a new set of players to play on both sides. This is their biggest flaw. If they'd leave it up to the players to leave the match and then queue everyone on the instance until someone else joins, it would work a lot better. But they are too concerned with their strict MMR W/L ratio to ever let that happen. Oh and praise the six Overwatch doesn't have map voting. It was cool when MW2 first introduced this, but now days people want to play the same damn map over and over and over again and avoid maps they suck on. There are always maps I like more than others, but I much rather play the maps I don't like than play the one I do like 3-4 times straight. MW2 had a better system even then, You could only vote to skip 1 time and where stuck with the next map that was randomly selected. Now days its a choice between maps letting a organize team override a solo q group every time on map play.

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