Honestly I like Levelcap. His videos are made from the perspective of an infantry player which is one of the reasons I really like him as I generally play infantry. Plus his videos are extremely informative for players like me who don't spend our days crunching the numbers on what attachments are good, what weapon is the best in each class, and generally have lives that don't revolve around being elitist pricks. I honestly don't know where he gets the hate, yea he calls for nerfs but it's not like he doesn't provide information to back his reasons (he's not just an infantry player, he does play in vehicles but he prefers infantry game play (a lot like Jack does)). I mean yea some of the things he's called for nerfs on I don't agree with but then again I don't agree with a lot of the stuff Jack, XFactor, and Matimi0 think need to be changed either. I think a lot of those people are just whiny little bitches who have gotten their asses handed to them by him (he's generally at the top of his team in every match he plays, even when he's doing his Monday Loadout where he's given a gun set up from his viewers (which are usually bad set ups). Honestly, I'd say Level is a better player then Jack but that's just my opinion. Don't get me wrong Jack in an amazing player, one of the best, but I've seen Level outdo him more then once (then again I've seen normal, random players do better then Level and Jack)).
If having a 2.0 K/D playing infantry only is bad then I must be the worst damn BF player in history. My K/D is sitting at 1.44 last I checked and I play almost exclusively infantry and that's because I actually PTFO and do my job. I might not always be in the top three (hell I think I've only been in the top three like 4 times since I bought BF4) but your damn straight that I walk out of almost every match as either top support or top assault for my team.