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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/10/2016 in all areas

  1. 2 points
    Meh, I'm far from impressed by this partnership. I like Funi well enough (more so than I ever used too considering they're one of the few companies still around licensing anime (Geneon/Pioneer and ADV were my go to before both companies went under on this aspect)) but I've never really liked Crunchyroll (they're subs are shit compared to better done and localized fansubs). If this means Crunchyroll gets access to Funi's translators it's a step in the right direction but I highly doubt it (who knows it might but Crunchyroll has always been rather shady (even before they went the legit route, back when I used to support them)). Plus it's another subscription service that I honestly can't afford to pay for (plus the Funi catalog, like I mentioned previously, isn't as robust for me. I own everything that interests me and Crunchyroll doesn't pick up the shows that really interest me (and honestly I watch pretty much everything through fansubs and buy what I want when it comes over here (and considering my declining taste for anime over the last few years it's be a waste of money to pay for a service I'll barely use))).
  2. 1 point
    Strider Hiryu

    Overwatch - Trailers

    So I lied. I played a few matches this afternoon just to see if I really do want to buy it. Honestly after the shit show that was quick play I don't think I can stomach this game and probably won't be purchasing it now (I can't stomach playing with randoms and with the way my work schedule is I don't see me having any real time to play with DX or any of my other friends that have it). No it's not because of the changes to characters (I actually like the changes to Mercy and in my first game I got Play of the Match with her) it's the community. I realize I'm playing with people who are only trying out the free weekend but I'm seeing exactly what you were talking about DX, people refuse to do what's good for the team and would rather run fucking 2 Widows and 2 Reapers instead of thinking what was best. I'm not griping because I actually like playing support/healer characters in this game but it's fucking retarded to run a healer when there is no tank and all you do the entire match is spend in face down in the dirt (which is exactly how my last match went). I assume the game as a whole is probably better but I sadly can't comment on it due to being stuck with these idiots trying it out. I'd give anything to actually fight with people who know what they're doing. I won't be playing anymore this weekend that's for sure but I'm going to have to take a serious look at the game and whether or not I buy it (with BF1 coming out in October, Mafia 3 right around the corner, and Deus Ex having been released (though I hear it's not that great I'd still like to play it) my funds will be taxed (have to rebuild my savings after that 4 month unemployment period)) or put it into the "maybe in the future" category. On a positive note I absolutely love Ana and though my first time playing her wasn't exactly what someone would call epic I thought I did a damn good job backing up my teams Mercy with side heals and that nice healing grenade. I also Nano Boosted our D'va and watched her completely wreck the entire enemy team three times (my god she's a monster with nano boost on). I also tried playing Roadhog. It's safe to say I'm terrible with him but he is fun to play once you learn how to use him effectively.
  3. 1 point
    http://www.funimation.com/blog/2016/09/08/funimation-crunchyroll-working-together-to-bring-you-more My Funi subscription went down to $5.99 because of this. This is great for everyone, Sub and Dub fans alike.
  4. 1 point

    Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare

    *sigh* This looks great. Here's to hoping they sell this separately one day. This is probably the best gameplay I can find to my standards. I watched some random IGN editor play on Overgrown the other day, and I was literally arguing with the screen about how he was taking horrible paths. I pretty much called how he was going to die and where he was going to be shot form every time he died. TTK looks just as good as I remember. ;_;
  5. 1 point

    Overwatch - Trailers

    Unless people play with friends that already have the game, it looks like trial players will just play each other along with people that just bought the game in the last 2-3 days. I ran into 1 pure level 1 today out of the 5-6 hours I played. The friend I play comp with didn't get on so I didn't play much of it. I almost dropped down into the 2100's but managed to pull my myself back into the 2300s. There are several names I'm starting to recognized, and its astonishing how they keep getting placed on my team. There is one guy that does nothing but play Torb, I don't know how he can say in this tier, I figured he'd drop low and I'd never see him again, but no he gets paired on my team, at least 3-4 times in the last two nights. It sucks when someone takes Junkrat and doesn't get off of him when they aren't doing well. I lost a match on Nepal because a D.Va just sat in a corner and held down fire. No one would do anything about it, and I didn't have enough DPS to finish her because her whole team would would melt me if I tried, while she melted my dumbass teammates not paying attention. The only way I could have gotten her was with Junkrat's mine, but the guy playing Junkrat never even tried to go after her. My other option was Zarya and Reinhardt... both taken and ignoring D.Va. I was the only one on my team swapping characters trying to deal with it with what I had. Sometimes competitive can be so maddening. I'd like to spend a day on the other side of this stupidity. And its not because I'm up against a pre-made vs. Randos. Comp actually does a decent job of pairing solo q's vs. each other even though there is no true solo q. When I'm with a friend, we get paired up against teams that have a party of 2, or both teams have split parties. I spent most my night in QP sharpening more character skills. I might try to get better with Mercy. I had a pretty decent match with her on the new map. My biggest weakness is I'm too eager to get in on the action and with Mercy you can't do that. Sometimes I get too aggressive with Zen, especially when there is a Bastion on the other team. I generally hate playing characters that have to rely on others because I'm always let down while I see opposing teams use these characters and dominate an entire match. I stopped picking Reinhardt completely because no one ever has my back. I'll just have someone flank my back and melt me from both sides while my team just ignores whats going on. I can't play DPS and tank competently, but I'm a terrible support player.. hell even when I'm Zen, I get too caught up into my fights, I forget to heal my teammates. I'm getting pretty deadly with 76 and Roadhog. With D.Va becoming a favorite pick for everyone, I have to expand my skill set... plus you get more comp points when winning with a character you don't use a lot apparently. I caught to videos tonight. The first one is my usual Junkrat antics... but I realized I killed the guy playing Solider 76 a LOT with my concussion mine. I know he was probably getting really irritated with me. This second video was a loss, but I had the match of my life with Roadhog. Its the best I've ever done with him. I'm learning not to be so aggressive like I'm playing battlefield. You really have to pick and choose your engagements in this game, and I always have to remind myself of that, becasue thats never how I've played. Excuse the tea bag, I really hate Mei, and I had a Mei tea bag me a few nights ago, and I made a point to hook and kill her a lot afterwards, so now I have a bad habit of tea bagging every time I kill a Mei.

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