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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/10/2017 in Posts

  1. 1 point

    Mass Effect: Andromeda

    Aint no patches fixing the story. Not unless they go back and add a shit ton of voice lines, cutscenes, and missions. The villain was shit, which is sad, because he could have been great. It was more about execution. You focused more on another type of enemy the majority of the story who holds no hostility unless provoked. The game centered around planet viability too much, and yet didn't have many worlds. The side quests were redundant, an dialog wasn't placed very well to make it interesting. Driving around in the nomad got old, because it was the same old "drive here and scan this/fight this group of bandits/kett/rogues" Its like they tried to use the KOTOR 1 planet formula without interesting missions and stories to do while on them. I count maybe 3 story altering decisions you could make, that were all the same via letting a NPC die/kill them or letting them live. There was nothing like previous ME games that had huge consequences... or to avoid spoilers for those games, I'll bring up Manaan from KOTOR 1. You could get banned from that planet altogether and never be able to visit it again, and you could kill various crew members via decisions you made in that game. There is nothing like that in this game. No one was in danger of dying. Its all too safe, no risk, bland dialogue. The game wasn't an abomination, or super terrible. It was just not as good as the previous 3 games. Slap a different label on it and maybe I'd have a different perspective. ME1-3 aren't perfect by any means either, but damn it was fun and had some memorable moments. 10 years from now, I couldn't tell you much about Andromeda... but I can recount even the smallest side quests in the original trilogy. The main character wasn't bad, but he had nothing to work with.
  2. 1 point

    What is your Lock Screen?

    Indeed. Now that I knocked ME:A out I started my 3rd playthrough and its not a different POV of the original playthrough, but an endgame story that give a few good gut punches from all that you accomplished. Its like DLC came with the game. I'm highly impressed, its the most I've gotten out of a $60 single player experience in a while.
  3. 1 point
    Strider Hiryu

    What is your Lock Screen?

    I do that because my home and lock screen are of 2B as well (and I haven't even played the game). Well of a Taiwanese Cosplayer who is dressed up as her, see: Great minds think alike I see
  4. 1 point

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