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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/12/2017 in Posts

  1. 1 point

    Battlefront II

    Looks like there will be single player.
  2. 1 point

    Attack on Titan

    The sub already started at the beginning of the month. I'm just glad I don't have to wait a good 4-5 months to watch this dubbed.
  3. 1 point
    Strider Hiryu

    Battlefront II

    Pfft, it's going to take a lot more then a pretty 30 second trailer to get me interested in this (even with the promise of a single player campaign). EA and DICE fucked up massively with Battlefront (and BF1 but that doesn't apply here) and it's going to take a lot to regain my trust and money (hey that parallels Bungie with D2, god so many Devs and Publishers are just pissing me off lately).
  4. 1 point

    Overwatch - Trailers

    OMG YES!! I had to have this more than any skin. The PvE event is amazing. Its better than the Halloween event. They took King's Row and made it a day time map. You have to capture 3 points while fighting off hordes of bots. You have your standard enemies, and then there are ones with Reinhardt type shields. Once you capture all 3 points, which are timed rather than a progress meter, you have to guard a payload. New smaller enemies appear and shoot beams at the payload, while detonator bots spawn every once in a while and try to blow up near the payload. Bastions will also spawn in turret configuration. Once you guard that, you have to escort it to the infamous last hallway of the map, all while fighting tank config Bastions. Then the final stretch is a clusterfuck of tank and turret bastions along with 4 souped up Orisas. Normal mode is pretty tough outside of normal difficulty. There are 4 difficulties; Normal, Hard, Epic, and Legendary. It def requires everyone to be on the same page. Reinhardt has to have awareness of where the bastions are, while Mercy has to keep him up along with Tracer since she only has 150HP. Torb can handle his own for the most part with some attention from Mercy here and there. There are no health packs, so its all up to the healer to keep people alive. You pretty much have to communicate. Then there is "All Heroes" mode where you can pick anyone. You still need a healer, but with better ults like Hanzo, Junkrat, D.Va, and Bastion, it makes certain parts a lot easier. We had some pretty funny rounds where I lined up the last two Orisa's with Hanzo's ult, then next I nanoboosted Bastion with Ana to make real short work of the end with a D.Va nuke on top of it. We haven't tried anything higher than Hard yet. I can't imagine how insane legendary is.
  5. 1 point

    Overwatch - Trailers

    English trailer

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