Over all it was a decent presentation. They could have went into more depth about some of the new aspects of open world. They repeated a lot of I play solo/my kids play solo/SOLO! talk and then briefly mentioned the new aspects that accompany patrols. The added layer to public events sounds cool but I'd like to see what it entails. If its a solo objective and everyone is trying to get it at the same time, it will be rage inducing rather than cool.
The Guided Games concept is good natured, but unless clans get decent enough rewards to carry noobs through raids, it will just be used as an LFG for people with the meta load outs. They'd have to have a raid ranking or stat, and the lower the stat (which should be account wide across all characters to prevent boosting) the more rewards a clan can get. This should also be divided up into similar and different rewards up until a certain threshold... that way clans don't go looking for complete noobs and people that have done them sparingly wont get kicked because they aren't a "real noob". Its all a complex formula I'm sure they didn't use at all.
PvP being 4v4 is going to be brutal. I see them adding 6v6 back at some point. Having one terrible person on your team is going to make solo q not fun at all. Everyone will have to be competent. Iron banner will be less fun getting steam rolled by people with beastly gear.
I need more details on gear acquisition and the adventures. The story looks a lot better... but they don't have as much experience with how to move the camera like COD does. The guy just looks like a noob playing in this demo. When I finally got to raid in D1, it was some of the best content of any shooter. Its a shame that high quality mechanics couldn't have gone into strikes. They said only 50% of the playerbase ever touched raids in the game. Thats pretty telling... if they are decreasing the size of PvP, then I hope more effort will be put into smaller group content. The 3 part boss of the strike sounds intriguing, I hope we see some footage of that. I really want this game to be good. They realize they had a playerbase retention problem the last game... and I hope they really listened to the player feedback.