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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/31/2017 in all areas

  1. 1 point
    Strider Hiryu


    So to get this back on track I just got done watching this. I have to say I really enjoyed the movie and this is coming from a guy who has very little knowledge of X-Men, it was a nice send-off to Hugh's version of Wolverine and Patrick's version of Professor X (if you think we've seen the last of these characters you're mistaken, not only is Wolverine a money maker because everyone and their mom knows who he is I'm pretty sure he'll be brought into the current set of X-Men movies played by someone else (if they continue on)). I honestly understand why this movie was as big as it was. My only problem is the whole poisoning aspect. I don't know if this is even in the comics (never read them nor do I plan on it) but you can't tell me a man with his regeneration abilities can't fight off the poisoning? I get it, Logan is 197 years old in this movie. He's old, run down, and after a lifetime of fighting and taking a beating his body can't keep up anymore but they made it sound like this was due to the poisoning more then old age (plus you'd think this would of been a factor earlier on after he originally got the adamantium grafted to his skeletal frame). I never once thought Logan was immortal, I knew he'd eventually die of old age but this was kind of a let down for the character (though the way he went out was a pretty nice send off). Oh there will be another movie, maybe not a direct sequel but there will be another one. They just introduced X-23 to the X-Men movie franchise, there's no way they'll let that die out considering how popular she is as the new Wolverine in the comics (and lets face it she's a complete badass and will be just as big of a money maker as Logan was).
  2. 1 point
    So I was bored yesterday and played some of the Overwatch free weekend (sadly I won't have anymore time to play it). Quite honestly I'm actually considering buying it now because Quickplay was not as bad as it was last time. It seems either people have learned to play the game. Really like a lot of the changes the game has gone through since the last time I played (really happy to see you can only have one of each hero on a team now, such a fucking lovely change). I actually think I could stomach the grind to 25 to play comp now (if I could find the time to play it, I'm working on my Bard's Anima Weapon in FFXIV and I've got less than a month till early access for the expac launches (and I still have to beat ME:A and Horizon)). I've also pretty much proved that I'm going to be stuck playing healers as I have lost all skill at playing anything but them. Went on a tear with Lucio last night, getting play of the game for knocking two people off the map on Ilios and getting three more kills on top of it. I have to say if I didn't love Mercy as much as I do I'd have to say Lucio is my favorite hero (also got a Legendary skin for him, not to hip on it as its the blue hockey one but still it was a nice gain from a lootbox). I also wall skated my way out of dying in the center well on the first part of Ilios, was pretty fucking epic (considering I didn't think it could be done). I also have to point out that I really like Orisa. I never actually played as her but she was a major reason as to why my group won on Defense for Volskaya in the first part of the map (that place down shield is powerful with the right set up). She's a very nice addition to the hero lineup. Also have to say I fucking hate Sombra, in the right hands she's a fucking nightmare.

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