So to get this back on track I just got done watching this. I have to say I really enjoyed the movie and this is coming from a guy who has very little knowledge of X-Men, it was a nice send-off to Hugh's version of Wolverine and Patrick's version of Professor X (if you think we've seen the last of these characters you're mistaken, not only is Wolverine a money maker because everyone and their mom knows who he is I'm pretty sure he'll be brought into the current set of X-Men movies played by someone else (if they continue on)). I honestly understand why this movie was as big as it was.
My only problem is the whole poisoning aspect. I don't know if this is even in the comics (never read them nor do I plan on it) but you can't tell me a man with his regeneration abilities can't fight off the poisoning? I get it, Logan is 197 years old in this movie. He's old, run down, and after a lifetime of fighting and taking a beating his body can't keep up anymore but they made it sound like this was due to the poisoning more then old age (plus you'd think this would of been a factor earlier on after he originally got the adamantium grafted to his skeletal frame). I never once thought Logan was immortal, I knew he'd eventually die of old age but this was kind of a let down for the character (though the way he went out was a pretty nice send off).
Oh there will be another movie, maybe not a direct sequel but there will be another one. They just introduced X-23 to the X-Men movie franchise, there's no way they'll let that die out considering how popular she is as the new Wolverine in the comics (and lets face it she's a complete badass and will be just as big of a money maker as Logan was).