Sledge you won't be disappointed, HIMYM is an amazing show. I was heartbroken when they ended it as it's probably one of my favorite shows ever (great humor, great cast (NPH does an amazing job portraying Barney), and some of the best jokes I've heard in years).
Sadly I can't really say I have many favorite old TV shows as growing up I never really had control of the TV (my father controlled it and we spent a lot of time watching Wrestling and random stupid shit I couldn't get into) and when I did I spent most of that time watching cartoons. The only real shows I got into were Star Trek Voyager (the one show both my father and I liked watching), Star Trek: TNG, X-Files (I was a huge X-Files junky up until Mulder disappeared, could never get into it after that), the good shows on MTV (like Daria), and a few other shows here and there (yea the 90's kid in me shows, I was also a huge Power Rangers fan (the one show I watched religiously)).