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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/19/2017 in Posts

  1. 1 point

    YT thread

  2. 1 point
    Strider Hiryu

    Destiny 2

    Yea, IB was a joke (though it made getting Call to Arms done easier since everyone was doing it). I honestly feel Bungie should of never touched IB and left it as it was because I had no fun doing IB last week (fuck I just did it so I could get Call to Arms done). IB was the pinnacle of what Bungie did right with D1 PvP wise (and I fucking enjoyed it, its the only thing I missed about playing D1 when I quit) and to see it stripped to just a casual, monthly crucible event saddens me greatly. I love the ease of access this game gives us casual players but I'm really starting to think Bungie went to far with it's casual friendliness. If it wasn't for the $60 I paid for this game I would of quit playing it after last week (IB really was that disappointing). I'm officially out of stuff to do by myself (Nightfalls are only fun with friends and I don't have a Clan or raid team to do the raid with). The only thing driving me to continue playing is getting my PL to at least 300 (I'm 283 as of last week) and after that nothing. I feel no need to take my Warlock up anymore (where in D1 I actually felt like doing it because, while flawed, I enjoyed the leveling process in D1 a lot more) because I honestly don't want to do the grind all over again (yes I know it's easier to gain power with your second and third characters but I just don't see the point). Don't get me wrong I stand by my earlier impressions, D2 is definitely the game D1 should of been and is the superior version of the game and is definitely worth purchasing for the story (though I'd wait for it to go down in price) but I find myself getting more pissed off with the lack of content in D2 the I ever was with D1. It seems Bungie learns from past mistakes but continually develops new ways to continually fuck up.

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