They spent more time duping the comic readers this season than anything. The whole dream sequence with old rick and his cane was a play on the comic. At the end of All out War, Negan breaks Rick's leg in the fight causing permanent damage, he has that exact hairstyle and beard. They also made it looks like Negan was dead for a good 30 seconds for dramatic effect. It would have made sense now that Carl is dead though. The whole plot device to having Negan in a cell was because Carl would often come and talk to him as if Negan was his mentor. I'm surprised they'll pay JDM just to rot in a cell outside of some forced scenes. I know he does some other stuff later in the comic, but I haven't gotten that far as I'm waiting for Compendium 4 to come out before I start reading. Also Eugene escaped from the Saviors fairly quickly and went back to making bullets for Alexandria. The whole off site facility was never a thing as him and Abraham brought the machinery back to Alexandra when they found it. The way Denise died was how Abraham died in the comics, and Dwight became the leader of the Saviors post Negan. Oceanside wasn't a thing, and was so lame on the TV series... all they did was throw Molotovs at some randos. WTF they wasted all that scene time trying discovering them, escaping, and then going back to convince them to join the fight for such a small impact.
It sounds like Maggie is going to get into an arms race with everyone else or something. This next season or two will probably be filler arcs. The whole animosity between Maggy and Rick never happens in the comics. I honestly don't know how Jesus could go along with an underhanded plan. The lady in the van is also a character that happens much later in the comics... I don't know much about her either but I know she showed up recently... that's a long game cameo they pulled for some reason.
Negan is still the biggest baddest villain TWD ever has had, and I doubt they'll ever top it. I think the show has peaked at this point, I'd be surprised if it lasted another 3 seasons unless they can somehow pull a Vikings and revitalize the story. They need to move on past Carl, he was getting too old for the part, and I called his death like 2 seasons ago. If Rick died, the show would be over. Its not like Rangar's many sons, there is pretty much no one else that can lead this show forward other than Andrew Lincoln. As much as I like Maggie, she's no Lagertha, not even close. The cast is way too bloated still. I was hoping Tara died because shes a huge annoyance and not a very good actor IMO, Henry should have died, Gregory will eventually die, Daryl can die too for all I care. Hes just become an emo always pissed off pointless character. They pretty much ruined him after he got caught and listened to Easy Street a million times. I have my suspensions that not many will die until the next villain, and if that is the case, it better happen by next season finale otherwise this show will get super stale.
With that being said..