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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/23/2018 in all areas

  1. 1 point

    God of War

    I focused on mostly side quests today. I now have maxed purple lvl armor. I was able to go back and defeat a few encounters that were just too much with my previous gear. I'd say thats one of the best parts of this game is that you don't really have to commit to any of the side quests. If you keep getting your ass kicked, you can just leave and come back later. In fact there was one that required me to undo 3 locks. I did two of them and the 3rd was in this small ass room with a big ass dude with a even bigger sword. At the time he could one shot me, and the room was so small the camera would fuck up at times and I couldn't see him over Kratos' back. In a fight that had no room for error, I kept getting hit. I gave up and came back later to find the first two locks were still undone and I only had to focus on the last one. Its not a spoiler since its in the trailer, but once you get Mimir's head, he's a lore machine. Boating around the map he'll tell Atreus all kinds of stories about the mythology. It's highly enjoyable. I'll sometimes just not even dock until he is finished telling the tale. The game is jammed pack with Norse lore. Not only from Mimir but Atreus translations into his journal which you can real every time you uncover some texts. I feel like this game is still awesome if you haven't played any of the games before... but if you have it really has that extra feels. There are some real watershed moments that are only so for those that have played the previous games. Oh and there are still some gory moments. Not everything bleeds elements. I ran into a werewulf type monster yesterday and if you break his stun bar, you grab his jaw and pull on it until it rips it off along with the front of his neck and chest.

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