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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/09/2018 in Posts

  1. 1 point

    Path of Exile

    I played a few hours of this finally on PC. I must say its quite good so far. Its definitely heavily inspired by Diablo 2. Its like if Diablo 3 had D2's intricate character build system 10x. I'm actually pretty lost in the skill tree, its absolutely insane. What is interesting about this game is that your builds mostly rely on your socketed gems, and armor drops are more than just Common-Unique, you want a good socket placement. I've read that you'll get a NPC later that can change socket arrangements which will save a lot of headache. You get skill gems that enhance your attacks, gives you spells, and other gems that support these attacks by enhancing them even further. And on top of all of that the gems are divided into 3 colors Green/Blue/Red and these grant Dexterity/Intelligence/Strength. The huge skill tree grants passive buffs and life/mana increases/regens. The interesting thing is how potions work. You get 5 potion slots. each slot can hold a vial for HP, MP, and a temp movement speed buff. These never run out but you can only use them 2-3 maybe 4 times until hey drain out and you have to let them recharge. Of course these have small-large sizes, and I got a drop for one that regenerates 50% faster. So I guess there must be rare vials you can get eventually. You can customize the set up in whatever way you want. You can have 5 HP potions, 5 MP potions, 4HP/1MP, 3/2, 5 speed potions? ETC you get the point. The game is F2P, so its def worth checking out on PC. You get a 10 arc story without having to pay a dime. I looked through their microtransaction tab and its 90% cosmetics and 10% storage upgrades. Without paying anything, you get a very generous 4 tab stash, and a pretty shitty personal inventory, thats on par with Diablo. You can't upgrade this from what I saw, you can just upgrade the stash, and I think you can get another stash that you can open anywhere in the game, but its not sharable between characters. I've been making it a long just fine with the basic. The only thing they do to tempt you into buying the personal stash is that the NPCs give you wisdom scrolls for selling them junk. These ID items, but also act as currency to buy things from vendors. So if you play like diablo and skip all the common drops, you'll never get a lot of wisdom scrolls. Selling blue and higher give you a different item altogether. So if you need some, you'll have to go around and pick up 5-9 items, use the WP or portal scroll to go back to town and sell and repeat.

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