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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/08/2019 in Posts

  1. 1 point

    Into the Badlands Season 3

    Ah the final season was going so good and then the end they tried to pack way to much into the finale and it ended up being as cheese as the street fighter movie at times. I'm not going to complain though, it still had some really awesome moments, it wouldn't have been so bad if they didn't do all the damn posing stances. The good news is they left the doors wide open for the series to continue. If I had to guess they really want to sell it for some money... probably to netflix who already streams the older eps. I really hope this happens and they ignore the last 10 seconds of the finale. There are so many more stories to tell that they didn't close out.
  2. 1 point
    Myk JL

    Sonic the Hedgehog

    If I ignore it, it will go away.... If I ignore it, it will go away.... If I ignore it, it will go away.... If I ignore it, it will go away.... I agree! Damn it! I didn't ignore it! And it won't go away! The Rule 34 for this fanbase is nightmare fuel enough. I can't believe Coolio made a bigger joke out of his own song than Weird Al did. I can only hope Jim Carry regrets being in this movie more than he did being in Kick Ass 2. Ah, the good old days. The days where a mustache being removed didn't require fancy computers.
  3. 1 point

    Sonic the Hedgehog

    They should have never even made it. Its funny how they're trying to market to kids.... why? Sonic hasn't been relevant for 20 years, and the average kid probably couldn't tell you who Sonic is. No good sonic games are going to come out after this. You should have just appealed to the actually fanbase of Gen X... you know the ones that were kids when Sonic was as big as he ever got. I'm not saying movies like this should be geared solely for adults. They should be balanced like Marvel films, but instead we get them geared more heavily for children. G.I. Joe is a prime example. Literally no one born after 1988 had any connection to GI Joe. But to try to sell toys the movies were cheeseball fests. If they ever get the new He-Man film off the ground they'd be wise not to do the same. They just better never remake this... its perfect how it was.

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