FF14 looks great and I'd love to try out the trial myself, but I'm so super casual now I doubt I'll ever play another MMO again. GW2 has been great for me because of solo content and no sub fee. The sub for FF14 does seem to provide for a better gameplay experience and with the company making consistent revenue they have a constant cash flow to keep bringing in more content. I love GW2, but with no expansions on the horizon I don't know where the game is going from here. Living world is good, but if they just keep making more endless maps it'll break the community up more by spreading the population around so much multiple maps will start emptying up. If GW2 had a sub, I'd have stopped paying for it a long time ago. Not because I don't love the game, but unless I can dedicate at least 5 hours a week to a game I'm paying a monthly fee for I can't justify paying for it. At that point I'd be one of those people with a gym membership that never goes there.