funny thing..fresh out of a shark game at the start i put on a full samurai armor and started swimming along the coast as soon as i saw the open sea. after 30 mins in, i realized jin cant drown lol..unless you drift far far away from land and it starts 30 sec countdown. those water tides and waves looked awesome from a cliff but i couldnt figure out how to work the damn camera so i didnt get any snapshots
beat the game yesterday but i ended up rushing it bc all the side missions are same and repetitive. basically you go to point a and b and kill all bandits and mongols..rinse & repeat. at first i was experimenting with all 4 fighting stances so it was fun, but enemies are scattered around the map and even at camps, it was hard to get them attention to attack me if they stood somewhat far away. i rarely used any ghost weapons bc it felt like cheating and towards the end i only stuck with a stone stance cause that was more challenging. it would have been great too if jin could learn to use mongol weapons like spear and shield. i liked the main story, especially fueding with straw hats and storming in to take back shimura castle but i just stopped caring about side characters like masako or warrior monk storylines and i didnt complete them all. despite that i had more than enough tech points so upgrading skill trees wasnt that hard. i also have made my mind about jins uncle early on so it wasnt a difficult choice when it came to make end decision
i was somewhat disapponted at its lack of monetary system (flowers? really?) and hunting was pretty much useless too. i know they were in war and game seems to only focused on fighting but even gold was used for mere sword and armor upgrade so it felt somewhat incomplete. it would also have been nice if they had taverns/inns so day and night actually meant something bc jin didnt eat nor sleep. overall i liked it, if i have time ill play again and not try to rush it. well worth the money