Way back in the day the voting booths I used in Ohio had curtains and when you walked in, you hit push buttons on a machine to indicate who you vote for, after you click push buttons for each category, I pulled a lever and it simultaneously imprinted a paper ballot with the vote and opened the curtain so I could walk out. I never liked that style because the paper vote was all inside the machine so you couldn't see it. All the voting I've done in NY has been the same for years, cheap cardboard privacy thing at a table with metal folding chairs. You get the ballot from one of the poll workers after you tell them who you are and they verify your address, then you sign for it. Take the ballot to a chair, sit down, fill in the circles for who you vote for like a multiple choice test in high school, then take the ballot to the machine and feed it into it. The machine sucks in the vote, says its casted and thats it.
Heres sample images:
I don't see a sample 2020 one so heres one from last time. I didn't take a pic of the ballot today because I think thats illegal.
Basically you just fill in one bubble for each column to cast a vote. Only takes a couple minutes.