As a massive fan of the original animation, this show was a let down. I didn't like the voice actors at all - didn't click on any level - sure they had a popular cast, but it was bleh. My list of things that didn't work are a lot.
Sledge, I think you expected this to be a reboot with an origins story but not all cartoons can be rebooted that way. We're so used to reboot after reboot of properties within 2/3 years of the previous movie/ show. Have you watched the massively under-rated 2001 He-Man reboot? S1 was amazing, but a few people didn't like it. I don't think you can please everyone, so I was okay with liking it more than whatever the reception/ fans/ reviewers were saying about that show. You'll get more of a backstory about the Castle, Sorceress, Skeletor or He-Man.