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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/20/2022 in Posts

  1. 1 point

    Overwatch 2

    This was a mess of a launch. My progress from OW1 didn't migrate over immediately and I had to wait a few days. I don't agree with how the F2P works as far as character locks. None of the OG characters should be locked... but they are... including D.Va who is by far the best tank in the game right now. I'd say buy the watchpoint pack if you try it out and really like it. A lot of current meta heroes are locked. Under the old 6v6 this would have been fine, but with 5v5 the game is faster paced and killfeed heavy. Kiriko is a monster, the best off healer in the game. She can two shot any non tank with head shots, and has Genji's and Hanzo's wall climb, plus a teleport. Each season the meta will change as they only do major balancing from season to season. The name of the game right now is high mobility. Thats Solider Sojourn, Tracer, Sombra, Winston, D.Va, Genji, Lucio, Moria, and Kiriko. Thoughts on gameplay? Its fun... a lot of people will like it over old OW. I personally liked OW1's style... slow, methodical, it was all about positioning. It was truly a team effort. Now you can solo carry, its much faster... hardly any crowd control. Sojourn is a beast... basically Soldier on steroids minus the self heal. Now that there can only be one tank per team, they really are TANKS and they are pure brawlers. They're not worth trying to kill unless you take down the healers first. D.Va is going to be nerfed.... She has access to her boosters way more now, so you can easily escape when your healers go down. Her damage is insane on top of that. I'm going to enjoy it while it lasts. As long as they don't tone down her damage, I think its more fair to increase her CDs instead. Healers have to be more aware and prepared to fend for themselves. I feel like this was in the planning stage pretty early when Baptiste came out. Luckily I have tons of experience of being aggressive with Lucio I can regularly place top 2 in eliminations. (I get a lot of endorsements when I Lucio XD) Moria is a fucking nightmare for squishies. Shes impossible to get away from for characters without a mobility skill, and her fade is even better than it was in OW1. Basically there is less reliance on keeping each other alive. Keep your tank up, provide what you can to your DPSs that aren't running off like morons... and prepare to fight.

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