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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/30/2023 in Posts

  1. 1 point
    Myk JL

    YT thread

    This won't save legacy media.
  2. 1 point

    Last of Us - HBO Series

    i finally caught up. binge watching on my day off. i'm just sad..they are going to kill off joel in the next season. i hope not but that's how the game rolls. this sucks. i really like joel and ellie now.
  3. 1 point

    Last of Us - HBO Series

    i'm watching it free thru those movie/tv reaction videos..but man..that "you are my kind of grizzly bear" scene had me laughing. the ellie girl seems to be growing on me. she's really believable and a good actress. toad and yoshi..oh no lol. taking a little jab at this last of us woke agenda though
  4. 1 point

    Last of Us - HBO Series

    "Very fast pacing for the show and I'm glad they're not dragging it out into some 5 season mess of extra characters and BS." That's what i like about it even though i only saw a glimpse of the first episode, bc i only could handle a 2nd season of the walking dead bc they were dragging and dragging to all its worth. but i'm scared what they'll do when they reach to the 2nd game of the storyline.

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