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Everything posted by Sledgstone

  1. lmao. I could imagine you pissing off a lot of people camping like that. Ah! i always wondered how some ppl could run past my bouncing betty and not die. btw, any idea what it means on the minimap when someone has 3 lines surrounding their arrow like a triangle? I've seen some teammates start off a match and their arrow looks noticeable different from everyone else. Is that some other perk? Or maybe they are running ghost and thats how their team mates know?
  2. Yep.. I remember the old Star Wars monopoly. But I'm thinking that with TWD's popularity I wouldn't be surprised if they branched out into more licensing like Star Wars. How long do you think it will be before a LEGO Walking Dead game is announced? Or a Walking Dead animated cartoon?
  3. When I heard the new controller would have a touch screen, I thought we'd see a merger of the PS Vita and a PS3 controller.. instead its a bulky ps3 controller.. http://kotaku.com/5984699/new-ps4-controller-image-raises-more-questions-about-whats-actually-in-the-controller And I just saw this article: http://kotaku.com/5984710/report-the-next-playstation-will-stream-ps3-games wtf. So instead of downloading and installing games like with the PSN / PS3, the games will stream instead? If thats the case, they must have some powerful servers running games for streaming. I can only assume this will be Sony's way of eliminating used game sales. Seeing as you'll never have a copy of the game or even a downloaded DLC, then there will be no copying or selling a used disk. But if this is only for PS3 games to be played on the PS4, then this could also be their way of making everyone have to re-buy all their old games to get them to play on the new system.
  4. http://blogs.battlefield.com/2013/02/bf3-end-game-highspeed-ctf/ BF3 Capture the Flag details revealed. Capture the flag sounds like it will be difficult. But its interesting that you don't need to kill an enemy to re-capture your own flag.
  5. You're a beast on this game. So Ghost and Scavenger are the best perks? I still haven't gotten Ghost unlock, but when i finally prestige I'll perm unlock that first considering the level needed to unlock it. I'm loving scavenger tho, that will definitely be my second unlock. I don't know why, but I just haven't been playing as much FPS games as much lately.. I have over 200 hours in on BF3 tho.. maybe I needed a break. btw, whats your stats for the CHICOM CQB? I've heard good things about that gun.
  6. I changed the link color to an off yellow for all links in posts. If you don't see it, hit ctrl-F5 to refresh your browser cache. If anyone thinks it should be a different color let me know. I just wanted to be able to noticeably distinguish links from regular text.
  7. I wouldn't be surprised if Sega still sues Gearbox for this. This game is a huge flop. That is a huge difference from the Demo to the final product. I remember seeing that demo and that was what looked amazing to me.. the light effects and overall graphics made it feel like you were in a new Aliens movie.. but compared to the final gameplay footage. Wow. Such a let down.
  8. Groupees has a new Be Mine Anniversary bundle. A bunch of games for $1 or all games for $5. Most of these games I've never heard of and a couple look like they could be worth the couple of bucks. http://groupees.com/bma
  9. I saw it had some bad reviews. It still looks like its a better movie than the recent Stallone and Schwarzenegger movies. Was the movie better than the last one.. 'Live Free or Die Hard'?
  10. If you have a computer with a decent graphics card go for a 1080p monitor.. if not your computer will lag trying to output 2 sources of video and you might be better off with a 720p. I have an old computer and it struggles to play netflix in low quality on a 1080i hdtv while I browse the internet on the primary monitor. Also, instead of getting a monitor you could buy a HDTV instead. As long as your computer can output to it with an HDMI cable and it'll be mostly used for videos then a HDTV would be a good alternative. As for gaming, Steam has a big picture mode that is supposed to work good with HDTVs that are hooked up as secondary monitors. I haven't tried it out yet myself tho.
  11. There will be 7... because American Dad has already made an episode about the plot for movie 7. This is a horrible clip of the episode: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a-nNfGgh6I8 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bE0ZVDzpK-M Dwayne Johnson's best action movie was probably 'Doom' or maybe 'Scorpion King' I refused to watch his tooth fairy movie.. but the best acting I've seen him do is in the movie 'Be Cool'.
  12. I need a day off. -_-

    1. Sledgstone


      Take a sick day! Don't you get sick days?

    2. Pchan


      I get 5 sick days but only if I'm sick. And only 10 regular days off. So I try to club the 5 with the 10 to give me 3 weeks, if I plan to go visit Mumbai.

    3. Sledgstone


      That sounds good. ^_^

    4. Show next comments  666 more
  13. I've never been a fan of the Fast & Furious movies, but when I saw this trailer I was very surprised with what I saw.... Click here to view the article
  14. Sledgstone

    Fast & Furious 6

    I've never been a fan of the Fast & Furious movies, but when I saw this trailer I was very surprised with what I saw....
  15. http://www.icv2.com/articles/news/25026.html Click the link above for a couple pics. Now that TWD will have its own Monopoly game, I'm assuming AMC will start licensing more things like the Star Wars franchise.
  16. http://kotaku.com/5984353/this-is-a-real-prototype-ps4-controller Real Prototype PS4 Controller revealed.. and it looks bulky to me. I'm sure they'll trim it down for ergonomics, but the giant light on it looks a bit annoying.
  17. Wow.. I'm glad I held off on pre-ordering this game. It has received some of the worst reviews ever. I even saw on twitter where people will fall through the map in the campaign. Horribly made game. http://kotaku.com/5984068/how-aliens-colonial-marines-fell-apart
  18. Very interesting behind the scenes look at God of War. The voice actors look nothing like their characters. lol.
  19. I wouldn't be surprised if instead of missile batteries, we have laser turrets. They could be placed anywhere inland with line of sight and upon detection of a target incoming missile there would be no need to calculate the time needed for an interceptor missile launch and all the variables involved. Instead, a laser designates the target, and sends a pulse of energy to blast it out of the sky. I say inland and not sky based, because I think many nations would raise some serious issues against the US if we had satellites in space equipped with high powered laser weapons floating over their countries.
  20. In this tutorial I will explain how the Auto Save works in the editor and how to change the wallpaper and secondary color of the entire site. First off, "Auto Saved Content" 1) Sometimes you'll be making a giant post and something happens.. you lost it. You closed the tab you were replyin in. But don't worry just yet. There is a good chance the editor has Auto Saved your post! Every couple minutes or so the editor will auto save your post for that specific topic. Lets say I typed the following and in another tab I'm looking up some info and then I accidentally closed the tab with my post in it. 2) To see if your post is still saved. Go back to that topic and load the editor at the bottom of the page. Do not start typing anything! First, check to see if you have "Auto Saved Content", if you do, then you should be ok. Click on the link that is circled in the image. 3) Once you click on the link, you'll see the content has been saved. Once you click "Restore Content" you will see your post has been restored and you can continue where you left off. Next, I will explain how to change your secondary color and wallpaper. The secondary color is mostly visible in the Light theme, but it does show some changes if used along with a partially transparent wallpaper. 1) Click the tools at the bottom right corner of the screen. 2) It will pop up the color and wallpaper selections. 3) If you click the top part with the hand you will get a color selector. Try some different colors or put in the hex code of the color you want. You can also select some different wallpaper tiles. 4) Lets say you uploaded a wallpaper to our "Random Wallpapers" gallery or you would like to use a wallpaper that has already been uploaded by someone else. Go to the image you want to use and right click on the image. As you will see in this pic, the default windows right click menu shows up, but so does our gallery right click menu. You will want to click on the gallery menu to see it. 5) You will now want to right click on "Direct link to this image file" and then click "Copy Link Location" 6) Now go back to your skin tool menu and right click and paste the link to the wallpaper into the custom background area and then click on "Change" 7) Now that you are done, click on the tools again to close the menu. 8) And thats it! Click here to view the article
  21. 2) To see if your post is still saved. Go back to that topic and load the editor at the bottom of the page. Do not start typing anything! First, check to see if you have "Auto Saved Content", if you do, then you should be ok. Click on the link that is circled in the image. 3) Once you click on the link, you'll see the content has been saved. Once you click "Restore Content" you will see your post has been restored and you can continue where you left off. Next, I will explain how to change your secondary color and wallpaper. The secondary color is mostly visible in the Light theme, but it does show some changes if used along with a partially transparent wallpaper. 1) Click the tools at the bottom right corner of the screen. 2) It will pop up the color and wallpaper selections. 3) If you click the top part with the hand you will get a color selector. Try some different colors or put in the hex code of the color you want. You can also select some different wallpaper tiles. 4) Lets say you uploaded a wallpaper to our "Random Wallpapers" gallery or you would like to use a wallpaper that has already been uploaded by someone else. Go to the image you want to use and right click on the image. As you will see in this pic, the default windows right click menu shows up, but so does our gallery right click menu. You will want to click on the gallery menu to see it. 5) You will now want to right click on "Direct link to this image file" and then click "Copy Link Location" 6) Now go back to your skin tool menu and right click and paste the link to the wallpaper into the custom background area and then click on "Change" 7) Now that you are done, click on the tools again to close the menu. 8) And thats it!
  22. Thank you both for letting me know. I updated the skin and this has been FIXED Now I just need to see about getting links changed to a different color.
  23. I'll try one. I didn't care much for the nacho cheese dorito taco. A spicy nacho dorito or even taco flavor dorito sound good too. I like the cool ranch ones, but the Doritos Cooler Ranch flavor was better. More cool ranch seasonings.
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