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Everything posted by Sledgstone

  1. I could see that controller working as long as the screen isn't too big or heavy. It better have a comfortable feel to it too. btw, if the PS4 is $500-$600 I will pass on it until a price drop. PS3 at the time for $600 made sense because it had blu-ray in it and it was some cutting edge tech at the time. I'd rather have a new console every 5 years instead of 7 with a lower price tag and more digitially released games that can move with the owner to the next system so we don't have to worry about backwards compatibly issues with hardware. Seeing as steam will keep all my games over the years through a variety of computers, I'd like to see the console makers have the digital games carry over too. There is no reason why they shouldn't be able to and its more of an incentive for game makers because it would stop a lot of pre-owned game sales.
  2. It reminds me of the Die Hard movies. 1 guy versus an organized group of terrorists.. except they are in the white house. Looks good.
  3. I don't think I'd trust him with my job.
  4. Aside from Dead Island, none of the Koch Media games even sound familiar to me.
  5. We should all prepare to move into Machu Picchu to escape the flood waters of the oceans.
  6. We should all buy jetskis, invest in bio tech companies so we can grow some gills, and prepare for Kevin Costner's vision of the future:
  7. Its 9 degrees outside. So f*cking cold. x_x

    1. Pchan


      It's pretty nice outside.

    2. Sledgstone


      Boooo! Its horrible out! It was 1 degree this morning! and now its about 5 out. So cold. :(

  8. No monthly fee sounds good. I'll most likely buy this game. I'd love to try out a beta on ps3 before I buy it tho. I'd get it for pc, but I doubt my laptop could handle it.
  9. Damn. PvP only beta. That sucks. I never cared for PvP for RTS games either.
  10. I wouldn't pay for it. If its online with commercials maybe. I dislike amazon prime's video service menus and navigation so much that I would probably skip watching it even if it was free. The one weekend I tried out amazon prime and their 'click here once to instantly buy this even tho you can watch it free with your prime membership' links all over the place quickly made me rethink ever using their streaming service again.
  11. It looks like the Zombieland series is being made after all... but it will be an Amazon original series. I'm guessing that means it will possibly be a free to watch series for their Amazon Prime subscribers, either that or it will cost everyone a few dollars an episode. I highly doubt Amazon would put the money into an original series and then stream it with commercials. My guess is this series fall into the $1.99 an episode category. http://www.comingsoon.net/news/movienews.php?id=99155 Would you pay to watch a Zombieland series? This post has been promoted to an article
  12. It looks like the Zombieland series is being made after all... but it will be an Amazon original series. I'm guessing that means it will possibly be a free to watch series for their Amazon Prime subscribers, either that or it will cost everyone a few dollars an episode. I highly doubt Amazon would put the money into an original series and then stream it with commercials. My guess is this series fall into the $1.99 an episode category. http://www.comingsoon.net/news/movienews.php?id=99155 Would you pay to watch a Zombieland series?
  13. Aside from this movie having a decent budget, it looks like it should be one of those made for tv movies. \
  14. That unicorn meat looks like poop shaped into a spam package with sprinkles.
  15. The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess was one of the best games I've ever played, and I remember when the trailer came out for it.. the game looked so different from all previous zelda games. Did you get into the beta?
  16. Yes, that is the first episode. The new ep is on right now on syfy. Stay awake!
  17. No other themes. I might try altering some of the colors of the light theme into a new version of the sand / Gaara theme we used to have. Either that or making it into a new theme that uses all the current light theme settings (most likely). Other than that, no other themes. *google searches that reference* lmao! I completely forgot about that old game.
  18. Years ago I saw this trailer for a Berserk game and I was so excited to play it on to find out it would only be released in Japan: And now that I'm current with the manga, I want to play that damn PS2 game even more. My favorite trailer right now is for StarCraft II: Heart of the Swarm: I'm about to pre-order this game. StarCraft is so addicting.
  19. That was a good video. Heres a link to some good pictures of the place that looks like it should be the World's most dangerous place, but only is really dangerous if you fall in.. The Gates of Hell: http://www.atlasobscura.com/places/the-gates-of-hell
  20. oh! I see it in the youtube video title now. I completely forgot.
  21. vBulletin has updated their vBulletin 5 Connect demo.. Heres a prime example of the horrible crap of vbulletin's sofware and one of the obvious reasons we stopped using their product. vBulletin custom page example: http://www.vbulletin.com/vb5demo/custom_page Yay, I could have put text on a page. Here is an example of a random test page that I made on ipb: http://www.ancientclan.com/test.html I have the ability to put anything from the database onto any page I want and in whatever format I want it to appear in. Huge difference. Sure vb allows custom blocks and html, but if it was anything as advanced as IPB, you would think they would have made a better example.
  22. I sent out a mass email to our entire memberlist to let everyone know about the relaunch of Ancient Clan. If you have already updated your profile, etc., then please ignore the email.
  23. I've never heard of "Xi: Continuum" is it a show or a novel or something else? lmao, I just realized my avast was updating when I took that screen shot.
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