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Everything posted by Sledgstone

  1. *begins my own rant* The show wants to badly emulate BSG, but it can't because its obviously being made to be yet another endless series. They probably figure that the show has enough initial hype to get it thru a first boring season in which minimal special effects are used and they try to showcase their acting talent. But I don't care for any of the actors because non of them are portraying their characters worth a sh*t to me... except that assholish black marine guy. I didn't like him at all in the first episode, but in the last couple episodes hes the only one that seems to take his military profession seriously and maintains his overall character while still expanding on it... hes the only character that got an actual emotion out of me, anger, but still emotional responses is what makes a character's worth. btw, all those characters praying in that room should be thrown out an airlock. They all seem to be worthless and talentless. Why in the hell were all these non-scientists, 1st year piss-ass military and politan's daughters doing on a remote planet doing a scientific-never-before-accomplished experiment? As the one commander said: "They're all the wrong people." Well, that was the problem in SGA. All the wrong people. They have a ship that has unlimited potential, is completely self-sustaining and so much scientific crap, but 'all the wrong people.' I have a feeling that this show will end up being nothing more than Survivor in space. If the ship is self-sustaining, then the show will focus only on all these idiots 'surviving' and if thats the case, then all the off-ship/world missions will be nothing more than the challenges. And they're only doing random religion scenes because the cylons had religion in BSG. This show needs to focus on its originality and its base origins in stargate. One thing I definitely like about this show over SGA is that there is no Sheperd idiot saying things like: "Jeez Teyla, I guess we should go save Atlantis from this infestation." *puts in more hair gell* But then again, we got a guy who reminices about a old priest, his catholic school boy days and his adultery. But other than that, we have no idea what his character is because whatever scene his not f*cking in or 'about to die' in, he has no lines that contribute to his character. And the guy that plays Rush, his acting seems good so far, but the writers don't utilize him like he should be (Daniel Jackson, Carter, Rodney).
  2. I watched the first and maybe the second season. But I dropped it after a while. Kevin Sorbo should have done a second or third season of Hercules and never bothered trying to do a scifi series.
  3. I remember that episode, that guy was pretty messed up. I don't think he was all there in the head. Me too!
  4. Wow. This Ghost Hunters Live is total BS. Jason and Grant are not even there. They pre-recorded answers to questions. The live episode is nothing but a repeat of the top 5 episodes voted on a syfy.com website poll. Its 1 hour and 20 minutes into the live investigation and the only thing live is the website cameras. I guess around 11pm-1pm they'll show the Steve and Tango live investigation? What a let down. Ghost Adventures live is far superior compared to the GH live episode. Ghost Adventures had no background music, they had some crazy ass contraption that could have killed someone by accident because it was a tesla coil practically shooting lightning bolts in a plexiglas cage. Overall it was entertaining even tho there was only 1 or possibly 2 actual paranormal occurrences. But Ghost Hunters live.. I can't even compare it because its still repeating episodes. I don't want to even give it ratings, but I'm hoping to see some kind of live investigations other than the animated gifs running on their 'live stream' cameras on their website. gah.
  5. They're banned if I remember... if I delete their accounts, then they might just re-register because I don't think we ip banned them. If theres any posts or whatnot that are publicly displayed by a banned member that should be deleted, pm me and I'll take care of it.
  6. That second one sounds like it could be interesting, except the quarantine thing which has been done to death in stargate. And I guess I'll just pass on those other two episodes all together. Maybe if they realize their ratings drop for crap episodes, they'll stop making crap episodes.
  7. Exactly. Its like they are trying to do BSG style drama, but once again, BSG had alot of action in it. So far with Universe we're getting no scifi, no action, just drama and military personnel that don't act like professionals.
  8. I just removed all accounts with "0 posts". I usually do this once a year, but I don't recall doing it last year, so a whopping 229 usernames were removed. If you have signed up recently but did not make a post yet, please register a new account.
  9. Damn, Ghost Adventures is on tonight instead of halloween. wth... Its not even that good.. Alot of huddling in a group listening to EVPs and an annoyingly large chat scroll at the the bottom of the screen.
  10. I have never seen a woman take so many shots to the mouth in a movie before. X'D
  11. You called that one. It was a pretty weak episode. I was hoping Rush would have explained some new interesting things about the Destiny, now that they have power and can access some of the systems. None of them have even asked: "Why does this ship keep going to FTL and why can't we change the course?"
  12. http://www.syfy.com/ghlive/ http://www.travelchannel.com/Ghost_Adventures_Live/ Is anyone else going to watch the ghost shows on halloween? Ghost Hunters starts at 7pm and Ghost Adventures starts at 8pm. I'll probably watch Ghost Adventures this year, because the last halloween I watched some of the Ghost Hunters live show only to be disappointed with random people cameos, interviews, other haunted location information, blah, blah. It felt like they were trying to turn it into a full blown special as opposed to an actual live investigation. And what I hated more than anything was the constant background music during the live investigation. Whenever anyone said: "oh, did you hear that!?" No I f*cking didn't because you have music playing. So I'll primarily watch Ghost Adventures live and see how they do things. I'd much rather watch a constant investigation with no background music or random crap that has nothing to do with the investigation. Of course, I'll switch back and forth on commercials tho. Hopefully, the GH team will finally drop the background music and guest wrestlers, etc.
  13. It was kind of a let down with what they did the Cabal even. Watch the eps and you'll see what I mean. btw, turns out the sanctuary had a small security force inside the santuary including what appeared to be a cave troll.. wtf.. why didn't they ever show these people in season 1.. and since that episode, they haven't shown them again.. wtf.
  14. Remember when they needed materials to fix their carbon scrubbers? And the ship stopped itself at a system with pre-existing stargates? Maybe there is another ship like the destiny years ahead on the same set course dropping stargates on planets? Maybe the shuttle that left the destiny will actually catch up with the destiny later by jumping thru a variety of stargates and then meet back up with the ship at set location?
  15. If you didn't like season 1, then don't even bother. So far this season isn't even close to being as good as season 1. I think the new girl is more attractive.
  16. I'm trying to think... was the shuttle that launched the busted one? Maybe it was released because the air hatch was finally closed? Maybe there was some other alien on board.
  17. Go Otto!!! Wow, for his age, he looks really healthy.
  18. Someone at my work had a baby last week... the week before that she got the swine flu shot. I'm hoping that baby turns out ok. ;
  19. That is just stupid. There should be no opt-out option. That would only work against the foundation of a public option. What if states opted out of medicare? Old people wouldn't retire and spend their money in those states, thats for certain.
  20. If Sylvester Stallone can still be Rambo... I could see Mel Gibson making a comeback. X'D
  21. Well, I guess I was wrong... but at the same time they didn't explain any kind of scientific garble as to how the ship operates or why it has a countdown timer. Maybe part of my theory is still correct. *waits for next episode*
  22. Anyone watching this series? I think this second season isn't going anywhere atm. It looks like the first couple episodes were used to write out a couple characters and bring in a couple new ones. Which was fine, but so far this season has not felt anything like the previous season. Heres my current beefs with this season so far: - I was also annoyed with the first episode of season 2.. there was a pointless car chase scene that was nothing more than constant camera shots of an in episode bmw commercial After the third time of showing the logo, it was just way too much. - The scene transitions they use now look horrible and comic book styled. - I'm glad they fixed Ashley's bangs, but then I noticed her forehead was huge... oh well, shes gone now. X'D - The organization's weapon x program seemed like a rip off from the recent wolverine movie and what they turned Deadpool into. - I know watch this on a HD television... and holy crap everything looks like blue screen. I know its made in a blue screen fashion, but on a SD television its much more impressive. What I like so far: - Ashley is dead. yay. Her character seemed all bubbly/blonde and out of place. - The new girl should fit in much better, imo. - The acting seems better. - Whatshisface's hair reminds me of anime hair. X'D
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