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Everything posted by Sledgstone

  1. Sledgstone

    The case

    I bet you could make a custom bumper sticker for that case. "Preparing for the NWO, DX style!"
  2. Sledgstone

    The goods

    Nice. Now you need to buy and ammo case.
  3. We've been using Canon for years now. And we have a Canon MP470 and it prints decently, but we still haven't tested out the scanner yet even tho we've owned it for about a year now. We got it on sale at a Circuit City before they closed up shop and only paid about $40-$60 for it. I think it was $40 tho. It was a good price. However, the next printer we buy will be a kodak. The initial cost of the printer is worth it because the ink cartridges are so much cheaper for the amount of prints you get out of each cartridge. And the test prints I've seen at stores show some good quality prints too. Companies always sold printers cheap as hell because ink is so damn expensive and has kept getting more and more expensive every year. But a kodak color ink cartridge that prints almost twice the amount of pictures than a canan one.. and only about $15 for the kodak compared to a canon one for $25-$40... yeah, I'll be getting a kodak next time.
  4. My mouth feels like shit. I'm on oxycodone for the pain. I think it took a little less than an hour, but I don't remember any of it. I remember them testing my blood pressure and setting it up to monitor my heart rate, then putting an oxygen tube on my nostrils, and then putting the needle in my arm. I started feeling slightly disoriented and then I remember an image of of a door and the blazer... and then I woke up in the blazer in the rite aid parking lot throwing up blood. Two of the gaping holes in my mouth stopped bleeding last night, but other one kept bleeding all night and it didn't stop until this morning when I put more gauze in my mouth and left it in there for 3 hours. I can't open my mouth any larger than a half inch and holy crap my mouth hurt yesterday. Even now it hurts like hell, but compared to yesterday this is nothing. *takes more oxys*
  5. Click on both of these links to read the news about them. WTF. If these cars can actually make that kind of mileage, then holy shit!
  6. [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lMChO0qNbkY]YouTube - Google Opt Out Feature Lets Users Protect Privacy By Moving To Remote Village[/ame] rotflmao! X'D
  7. http://www.icv2.com/articles/news/15596.html I have the feeling that this movie will be nothing but a lego-ized remake of Small Soldiers..
  8. vBulletin still hasn't released its newest 4.0 version yet, so we have another maintenance update to perform. This update should only take a few minutes once I start it, so don't expect much if any downtime.
  9. I didn't know they even made a 3rd cube movie. Was it any good?
  10. Wow, that sounds like that system is a pain in the ass. I went to the dentist today after work because I had a cavity filling scheduled for today. The dentist said they had some free time and asked me if I'd like to get them all done at once (I have 4 total cavities). So I said how about just the right side of my mouth.. Boom, 3 cavities filled today and 3 wisdom teeth to be removed tomorrow. *already has a sore mouth* x_x At least I don't have to go back to work until Tuesday of next week.
  11. Was there any PSAs at the end of the credits? X'D
  12. Yeah, the first Cube was the superior cube. We're almost done watching Justice League Unlimited. Only 2 dvds left. I wish they didn't cancel the series..
  13. Have you seen "Cube 2: Hypercube" yet?
  14. I don't play anything online as I have nothing but outdated games. I do play Guild Wars a couple times a month (or more if I dedicate the time to it). My S/N on that is "Sledge Stone"
  15. That would suck so bad! X'D Thanks! My back right wisdom teeth are mostly out, but they are still partially covered in gum tissue. One has a cavity and the other has to be removed along with the bottom one or it'll "drop", as in, grow downward because there will be room for it to grow now and then it'll have to be removed anyway.. and on my left, one wisdom tooth never came out at all and doesn't need to be cut out, but the bottom wisdom tooth on that side is just fine... but I'm having it removed so it won't become an issue later on and cost me more money.
  16. Holy crap. That judge must have been pissed off.
  17. *revives topic* I'm getting my wisdom teeth taken out on thursday. Wish me luck!
  18. I want to see this movie so bad now! ^__^ It looks so awesome tho!
  19. All three of those movies are awesome! We're watching Justice League Unlimited season 1 right now. We've been on a JL kick lately re-watching the entire series.
  20. Nah, a friend got his hands on a screener dvd. The audio was slightly out of sync on a couple scenes and it was mono, but the picture quality wasn't that bad at all for a screener. -p
  21. I watched this movie last night. I'm so glad I didn't pay to see this. This movie was so bad it made the first Transformers movie look amazing... and thats something, considering I didn't even care for the first Transformers movie.
  22. Ahha! Thanks! So if Smoker and Garp are both there... who did open the gates on this end for Luffy and the others?
  23. Wow. It must be a good movie if even he likes it.
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