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Everything posted by Sledgstone

  1. Just wait until Cloverfield 2 (unconfirmed) comes out. Now that'll be even cheesier.
  2. A couple thousand dollars? I still don't think the surgery is entirely safe yet. *shrugs* Congrats on your lenses! I hate glasses.
  3. I was going to post a topic about this, but you beat me to it. Heres another article: http://www.space.com/missionlaunches/080620-phoenix-ice.html Very interesting stuff. I keep waiting for them to eventually find surface fossils.
  4. http://www.space.com/scienceastronomy/080618-planet-x.html *remembers old show Exo-Squad* I wonder if Planet X is made of dark matter.
  5. Get that deer Precious! I originally posted this in the following topic: Throwing bread out for the birds (link removed)
  6. Congrats! ^__^ What a buzz kill.
  7. Well, at least the deer can get away from the dog. The ground hogs aren't so fortunate. *shovel flung 3 bodies into the woods 2 weeks ago* but then again, I did find Precious munching on a deer leg in the yard one day.
  8. Thanks for the heads up on this slippers! I haven't read InuYasha in a long time, but I have the majority of the manga downloaded except for the chapters released in the past year. Last part I read was where Kikyo died a couple years ago.
  9. My prediction of a possible dictator Bush: http://forums.ancientclan.com/blog.php?b=35
  10. Has anyone else seen this show? I honestly don't like the cast. Its like they took the most annoying people from the original show and shipped them overseas so they wouldn't keep bothering them to go on ghost hunts. The international casts its alot more squirmish and they jump to conclusions on audio and video to fast. Out of the 4 eps I watched before stopping I swear everything they found would have been disregarded or debunked by the current Ghost Hunters crew. Whats everyone else's opinion on this show compared to the Ghost Hunters?
  11. ROTFLMAO! X'D I thought The Ring was pretty good. I wrote a review for it a while ago, heres the link if you want to read it. It doesn't have spoilers btw. http://www.ancientclan.org/reviews/thering.php Ring 2 tried to explain everything about Samara's past and how she died, yada yada. It was ok, but not really scary. I haven't watch Ringu or the other two original movies but I probably will some day. I like The Grudge tho. I saw most of the Ju-On and I didn't really care for it. The special effects shadows were horrible and most of the dead/ghosts had noticeble makeup on. eh. Its probably like subs and dubs in anime for me. It would have probably helped my opnion on it if I watched the originals before the remakes.
  12. lol. I expected this movie to be crap before I watched it, which is probably why it impressed me. X'D
  13. They should do all their shows like Eureka. Take a big break in between seasons for production and then show the entire season straight thru. That show is on a tuesday timeslot for crying out load and its popular enough for a third season now. WTF can't they do that with BSG or Atlantis?
  14. Ah! I can't wait! btw, notice how they've hinted at Luffy using that spirit power a couple times now? The most recent one was when he knocked out the fake Sanji's moose monster thing by just looking at it?
  15. And here I thought it was a Mock Orange.
  16. *drooled on your leg last night* :drool:

  17. RAWR! *wookie dandruff attack*

  18. That car looks pretty stylish too. Nice.
  19. Bah! *uploads to youtube* XCR6lP_RzsA youtube quality...
  20. Oh, I bet you're right. I wonder what other abilities Tessai knows.
  21. I bet Sasuke only wants to take out the top tier to break up the command structure. But at least now Danzo has more of a purpose in the series due to the Uchiha story. Maybe he'll mobilize all the root anbu in a counter offensive. Ah, thats a good theory. But the latest chapter mentioned that the first hokage had a number of the monsters at his disposal. Which is probably why he was able to fight off Madara and the 9 tails in Madara's initial attack on the village.
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