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Everything posted by Sledgstone

  1. I have no idea. I'll try it later, I played campaign yesterday and forgot to do a couple rounds to try it out.
  2. Apparently, right after I beat this game, it was patched to fix one of those annoying light house issues and a couple other bugs. I always have great timing.
  3. I beat Contrast yesterday and I wasn't that impressed with it. I'm glad it was free because it was buggy. I got to the end of the game.. I'm at the lighthouse.. I had to use a spot light to move a box.. I accidentally knocked the box off a ledge because it slides for some reason. I jumped off a cliff to restart that area because I couldn't complete the area without that box. and the box didn't respawn. I was completely screwed. I tried jumping off a ledge again.. no box.. I restarted the light house area from the last save point and skipped the cinematics to save time. Turns out that caused another bug because I couldn't get past the first room because I couldn't refocus a light back onto a disco ball looking thing to complete a light circuit. I jumped off a ledge and tried again.. nope. It literally bounced the camera around and wouldn't work. So I restarted the light house again. Watch all the cut scenes again.. and everything worked without bugging out. So damn annoying. I felt like I should beat the game since I started it and I knew I must have been near the end. But these bugs on the last level really annoyed me.. That and the annoying jumps that took me more than 2 times to make and caused instant death if I missed. Overall I didn't like this game. I thought I would have but there are far better games out there. Its an interesting concept, jumping into shadows, but I think it could have been done better.
  4. I have the next 6 days off! :D

    1. Sledgstone


      I will beat KOTOR! I must! I keep putting it off. lol.

    2. DeathscytheX


      You still have Dust too XD

    3. Sledgstone


      Yep! and Borderlands 1 and Half-Life 2 I still haven't started.. ^_^;

    4. Show next comments  435 more
  5. Good points! He could very well be the new villain too.
  6. I think I figured out how to save a video off facebook and then upload it to youtube for posting. Rather annoying that the PS4's share option doesn't include youtube yet.. but oh well.. Here is a video of my first helicopter kill with the UCAV: *edit* and heres my C4 triple kill!
  7. I'd like to see another Kick Ass movie, but I wouldn't know what to expect at this point, unless there is some new villain that emerges. The Hit Girl versus Mother Russia fight and the van attack scene were the highlights of this movie to me.
  8. F*cking sinus infection is still kicking my ass. x_x

    1. Strider Hiryu

      Strider Hiryu

      Right there with ya Sledge x_x Finally starting to get over mine.

    2. Eppy


      What is this word "sick" you speak of...such a foreign word.

    3. Sledgstone


      Unlike my coworkers I used a sick day wednesday when it was at its worst.. but thursday and friday I spread some of my illness. XD If i wanted to be an ass, I'd have gone in on wednesday because we had a pot luck.. I could have coughed over all the food and infected everyone. :P

      *takes more antibiotic pills while kicking Eppy*

      Get better soon Strider!

    4. Show next comments  435 more
  9. The steam holiday sale started yesterday. Anyone looking forward to buying any more games? Or are you all done after the fall and black friday sales? As for me, I'm done. *looks at my game library* So many games.. so many games..
  10. Finally watched this tonight. It was a good movie, not as good as the first but still enjoyable. Pretty slow start to the movie, but it finished well. I was hoping there would be more action in it, but most of the fights were all at the end. Considering the scene at the end of the credits do you guys think there will be a third movie?
  11. I'm glad we were able to get into some rounds yesterday. Hopefully it'll keep working good tomorrow. That bomber seems pretty weak. I've only gotten hit markers with it and when we had all those explosions going off all around us in that one round, I'm pretty certain it was the bomber.. with all that noise and sh*t blowing up, we took no damage. Those are some weak ass bombs. And this is why the UCAV was nerfed: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4m3Y93qRywE Imagine being on the receiving end of a never ending surge of missiles.. and then imagine if 6 or more people were all doing it at once. I can see now why it was nerfed.. I didn't unlock it until after it was nerfed, but with how it is now with only one use and a minimum 90 second resupply, I don't see how you could kill a tank with it now. It takes 2 hits to kill a tank, by the time it resupplies the tanks health would be restored to 100%.
  12. I downloaded Borderlands 2 last saturday and tried out the first couple parts of it. I'll enjoy this game. I noticed that Dyad is now free for PS+ members but I doubt I'll play it.. It looks like a giant seizure waiting to happen. Oh.. and Pinball Arcade is now free for PS4 without a PS+ membership. I guess all the DLC for it will make up for the free base game. I'll try it out.
  13. Finally watched this movie and I didn't like it. I never cared for the childish behavior version of spider-man. He felt too immature to me, looked a bit too childish and Emma Stone's character looked noticeably older than him IMO for two people that were supposed to be about the same age. Spider-Man seemed to be much weaker than his incarnation in the Sam Raimi movies too. Overall I'm not impressed and I'm surprised its getting a sequel.
  14. Those illusions at the beginning are trippy.. that out of focus in the middle one felt like it was about to give me a seizure or something.
  15. Unless the game takes place solely in that one human encampment, he'll have to get some new outposts for night safety or some means of nighttime defense or every mission will end with running back to the safety of the base because the sun went down. I'm sure there will be more to the game than that tho, or it'd get repetitive too quick.
  16. Hmm.. It might be your internet. I didn't have any problems yesterday. I was playing from probably 5-10pm with no issues. Next time it happens use speedtest.net and check your ping. If you ping is ridiculously high then its your internet. My average ping is around 21 to 25. That UCAV assignment was probably one of the most annoying assignments ever. Getting 5 kills with a jet in one match is almost impossible for the average jet user. I had to switch my jet controls back to veteran buttons so I could control my turns faster. I thought I was decent at jets because I was able to unlock all jet bonuses before air superiority was even released. But dogfighting always annoyed me in BF3 and now again in BF4. The other team almost always has that one expert guy that instantly gets behind me to destroy me and we end up doing this constant cycle of looping in random turns to get behind each other until someone screws up. It gets so damn repetitive. Air Superiority matches need to be 500% tickets, because I've never been in a match that lasts longer than 5 minutes. I got my ribbons by getting on some conquest matches that had commanders in them. Commanders can spawn gun ships.. and those usually have 3 people in them. Don't bother with stealth jets and heat seekers. Use the slower fighter jets, their cannons are beasts. Two passes on a gunship and they're destroyed. I took down a couple and got my first ribbon. After that I couldn't find another match where I could destroy another gun ship... so I went after attack boats. One pass can kill an attack boat with those attack jets. Drop a couple of those guided missiles at them and unload the cannon. 2-3 kills for each boat. This is good to know because when I'm in an attack boat again, I'll keep my eye out for those jets. Stealth jet cannons only harass attack boats tho.. unless the later upgraded cannons do significantly more damage. Oh.. and once the storm starts up on Paracel storm, those high waves really save attack boats. My guided missiles kept hitting the waves and kept detonating prematurely. Also, I'm not even going to bother attacking helicopters while in jets anymore. Even with the more powerful cannon of the attack jet that can destroy an attack boat in a single pass.. helicopters can just take the damage and keep going. I can shoot the crap out of either helicopters and not kill them. wtf.. I've gotten as much as 80% damage to some, make another pass, do another 50 damage and they are still in the air regardless of someone repair torching. The maintenance on those helicopters and the weaker damage the jets cannons do to helis make them hard to take down. That and they are smaller targets to hit. Heat seekers are pointless too. They take forever to reload and never do more than 40 damage. They're only good for getting points for the jet, but not for kills unless something is already disabled or you're shooting them at a gunship. I spent probably 4-5 hours in matches yesterday just trying to get my last 2 jet fighter ribbons. Jets take so long to respawn its annoying.. Probably 2 minutes or more of sitting in the spawn menu. btw, did you see that server queues are back? Now I can join on a friend if the server is full and actually get in once someone quits or gets booted.
  17. The UCAV has been nerfed. I couldn't get it to reload so I looked into it.. looks like its a full 1:30 seconds of sitting on a resupply box to reload it. x_x New patch changes as of yesterday: I'll have to check to see if that UCAV actually reloads, maybe I wasn't waiting long enough on it.
  18. Call of Duty: Ghosts suffers 19% sales drop over Black Ops II http://www.psu.com/a022045/Call-of-Duty--Ghosts-suffers-19--sales-drop-over-Black-Ops-II Looks like people are starting to get tired of buying the same game.
  19. Sledgstone

    YT thread

    He was very pissed off. I just looked at his channel, he posted another video explaining the problem without yelling. Some of these people must make some decent money off youtube.
  20. Just about anything should be better than the BF3 campaign. btw, here is a good video explaining the bomber on china rising:
  21. I loved the FAMAS in BF3.. until they nerfed it in a patch and became mostly unusable. *waits for the FAMAS to be ruined again*
  22. That was a good interview. I really like the direction they're taking this game.
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