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Everything posted by Sledgstone

  1. We're going to lose the gif feature. :( I've been holding off on the latest IPB update because I was waiting on the theme guy to release his update (that happened last night), so I'll update this weekend.. but one thing in the patch notes from IPB:

    "Removed support for Gfycat embeds due to ongoing unaddressed security concerns on their end." The gifs were fun while they lasted. :(

    sad the empire strikes back GIF by Star Wars

  2. https://www.nvidia.com/en-us/geforce-now/ Geforce Now exited beta and is fully launched. I own a nvidia shield and have had access to the beta for over a year now. Last time I used it there were connection issues but when it worked, it worked damn good. Last time I used the beta was probably 7 or so months ago so I'm guessing they resolved all their issues since then. This service now makes google Stadia obsolete and I bet some youtubers will be making some videos on it soon. Unlike stadia, nvidia kept the product on beta for almost 2 years I think to fix the bugs. Also all your steam and epic game accounts can be linked to the service so you don't have to buy any new games. Link the account, tell the service to install the game on nvidia's servers and then start playing at pretty much max settings. Looks like the current price is $5 a month for a limited time with first 3 months free. After that I guess we'll see the full monthly price. But in comparison to stadia, it's drastically cheaper, more reliable and you can stream your games on almost any PC, phone, tablet or nvidia shield. On a side note my nvidia shield is connected over 5 ghtz wifi and from the comments I've read, if you are going to stream over wifi it needs to be 5 ghtz wifi. EDIT: I forgot to mention there is a free account also that has streaming services available for 1 hour sessions, but you'll probably be in a server queue when you go to login.
  3. I still haven't finished watching the series on netflix. Lol. I got a couple episodes in and got bored. XD I'll start watching it again since I didn't give it enough time to establish itself.
  4. I watched this yesterday and almost spit out my drink. They kept the honey bee scene with the cross dressing in the remake. This game looks amazing.
  5. SSL certificate is now up and running. We now have a secure connection. This will be permanent from here on out. All urls and bookmarks will be auto forced into a https connection now whenever the site is loaded.
  6. I finished reading The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King. I actually finished the book a month or two ago, and then started reading all the extra appendices at the end.. and that was alot of material. It was interesting to read about what happened after the movies ended and the eventual end of Aragorn's life all those years upon years later. And all the extra info about the origins of middle earth and the different ages. I didn't finish the entire appendix, I got burned out on it since most of it doesn't read like a full story. Once I got to a section where it was showing large time lines of events, mostly from the original trilogy I stopped. It was a good chunk of info.

    On a side note, the actual ending of LotR was in the shire with the hobbits raising a small hobbit army to defaut Saruman. lol. Who'd have ever seen that coming? XD That wasn't in the movie. XD 

    1. Sledgstone


      I was glad to see that Gimli went with Legolas all the way to the end with the other elves. Their friendship was great. 😀 i'l have to buy the Silmarillion at some point so I can read it. The appendices were great with more info about the rings that was never covered in the books so I'm glad all that extra info was included.

      I just remembered this comic from dorkly.




    2. Strider Hiryu

      Strider Hiryu


      I'll warn you it's a slog and a half when you do get around to reading it and pretty much every story is unfinished but it's probably one of the best reads out there for Middle-Earth knowledge. It covers the first two ages and goes into great detail about the Undying Lands (where the elves, Gandalf, and the other wizards are from), why the elves came to Middle Earth, Sauron and his master, the creation of the rings of power, the origins of Aragorn's family line and why he so long lived, and many many more things. Just talking about it is making me want to read it again.

    3. Sledgstone


      Now that sounds interesting to me. The appendices talked briefly about Sauron's master. And it got me wondering about that guy and wtf powers did he have. I'll definitely pick it up one of these days. It still boggles my mind that Aragorn's ancestors used to be elves but decided to become mortal. Ancestors made a bad choice and all those generations later they get wars because of it because of the resentment of not being immortal. Yeah, screw those ancestors. I'd rather have immortality. XD 

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  7. Sledgstone

    YT thread

    More of the carnivore diet.. these guys didn't seem to like it and interesting enough, the one guy started to only crap once every other day and had the same issue with farts as Joe Rogan. "Its not a fart, its never a fart. I learned that lesson."
  8. I watched that YongYea video on my lunch break. Most of that stuff I didn't know about, like remastered cut scenes, etc. I noticed in the starcraft remaster all the cut scenes are still the same old SD ones just cropped to widescreen monitors. All that legal stuff about mods and everything else mentioned was all news to me. It was a good video that explains more of the anger. As for me, none of that really affects my decision to buy it. lol. I've never used any custom maps, multiplayer, etc. and its always been about the campaign to me. I'll pick this up for a black friday sale again when its 50%+ off.
  9. Warcraft III: Reforged came out this week and it looks like the internet is angry like it always is. I never played multiplayer/competitve with the game so it doesn't bother me, but I can understand the frustration people can have especially since it completely screws up the original game's servers. https://kotaku.com/warcraft-3-reforged-isn-t-much-of-an-upgrade-1841325885 I bought the Starcraft 1 remaster a couple black fridays ago for $7 and started playing it this week. I was expecting a bigger HD improvement but when I look back at the old SD version, it really is an improvement. Looking at Warcraft 3: Reforged, it looks like a good HD upgrade and thats all I thought it was going to be. I think too many people thought this was going to be some giant completely new remake. They already did a remake before with Starcraft 1 and it looks pretty much just like the original game but all HD now. I'm planning on buying this and replaying WC3, but not at the current price tag. Maybe I'm being picky, but $30 for a game I already bought, played and beat years ago doesn't sound like a good price point to me.
  10. Its a good lineup, but I've owned the Bioshock collection for a couple years now and only played the 3rd one for about an hour and forgot to go back to it. Its in the backlog that I'll get to eventually. Lady plays the hell out of Sims 4 on her laptop, but she has most expansions.. but this might have us competing for time with the PS4 if she likes the controller interface. lol.
  11. Sledgstone

    YT thread

    LMAO! All the shitting. At least its working good for him so far. Its interesting because just meat and fat should be kicking in ketosis. It makes me wonder if theres other things going on when doing a huge dietary change like this. Like instead of ketosis some other kind of metabolic change takes place that just doesn't have a name yet because it hasn't been fully researched. I remember reading that Joe Rogan has a financial stake in a supplements company so I'm wondering if he'll keep up with taking supplements or if hes going full on meat only to see how his vitamin levels, potassium, etc. will all be affected. My genetics are whacky, I think everyone's are because we're all unique. I had a grandpa that couldn't eat any kind of mushroom because it would cause painful gout in his foot within minutes of eating them, I have a brother that is mostly lactose intolerant, I have a sister in law with a gluten allergy and another sister in law's sister that has crohn's disease and that is some serious dietary restrictions for her. As for me I can't handle butter. If I eat buffalo wings my ass will be on fire that night because that buffalo sauce is 50% butter and it shoots through me like exlax. x_x I prefer ground turkey over beef for almost all applications now except for hamburgers. I'll eat pork loin, chicken, beef and venison, especially cooked in the smoker during the summer. The longer I go without eating greasy fatty foods like bacon or fried foods like fries, the less I crave them. Maybe my body is telling me something. lol. I do get cravings for salad some times. I'll look at some salad mix or a pepper at a store and its like its calling to me to be eaten. I'd be tempted to try this carnivore diet but I bet it gets boring and expensive quick. And all that diarrhea Joe's having.. screw that.
  12. Well I messed up the SSL I'm setting up today. I think I know what I did wrong but I'll mess with it this weekend instead. Anyway, if the site looks messed up to you and the images are not loading, please clear your browser cache/history to fix the issue.
  13. Sledgstone

    YT thread

    Joe Rogan does alot of fitness stuff, exercise, dieting, etc. Its interesting about the carnivore diet. I'm really interested in seeing his blood work because I bet his cholesterol will go through the roof. I bet most people lose weight with the diet because all the fat acts like a natural laxative and they're all shitting so much the food doesn't get absorbed as much as a regular meal. Going all meat only doesn't make sense to me. It inspired me to check a few more videos: I think it works as well as it does for this guy because of his family's biology is all kinds of messed up. What works for some people might not work for everyone. In this case if this guy can get all benefits he can then good for him and his daughter. I don't think this diet is a cure all, but just like some people's bodies can't tolerate milk or have nut allergies, some people might have serious reactions to a much larger amount of foods than they might think. This is a long one, but I think the vegan comparison near the end of the video can apply to the carnivore diet as well. The elimination of all the refined carbs and sugars is probably the single most significant thing. Going from an average American diet of fast food to just meat is probably just as healthy as going full vegan just because its taking all the junk food out of the equation.
  14. I finished Shadow of the Tomb Raider last week. Ehh. The combat finally kicked in near the end but overall I wasn't impressed with this game. I've already said my complaints, but the games wasn't all bad. The tombs and exploration is where the game shined. That and the graphics.. the landscape, HDR, lighting effects, etc.. but not the character models. The characters all looked horrible, but damn if the location you were in didn't look stunning. And swimming was done amazingly well, aside from the first swimming location and running out of breath too easily until you get some holding your breath upgrades. Water, swimming and the use of water in tombs was all done exceptionally well. The extra challenge tombs that come with the complete edition didn't appeal to me as much as I thought they would. Mostly because they can be played with multiple players with matchmaking because they are designed to be either played solo or with an extra player. Theres also an online scoreboard for timed runs. Because of this design choice the extra challenge tombs aren't really exploration based and I didn't see any artifacts or anything like that to interact with. Overall it was an ok game, but my expectations were definitely way to high after playing the first two over the past couple years which caused my enjoyments issues. The first two games definitely excelled in combat, whereas this one focused more on puzzle solving with tombs. Just seemed so off putting to do such a drastic shift. Oh, and the ending sucked IMO.
  15. Imitation is one thing, but some of these scenes from this game were straight up plagiarism. Lol. I still love Stranger Things and I think its an amazing show. It is definitely its own thing... except for Eleven's character. I need to watch some videos for Beyond Two Souls to see the other endings. Even though its basically an interactive movie, your choices affect the entire game like a Telltale game except with actual real major changes. I read there is Eleven ( ) endings. I'm not interested in replaying the entire game though to see some of these. I think there is an apocalypse ending that I'd like to see because I think there was a chance to start it with specific choices if they were made throughout the game.
  16. We got this game free with PS+ membership a while back and I played it this last week. The game was originally released on PS3 back in 2013. 3 years later Stranger Things season 1 came out on netflix. I make that reference because Stranger Things is a blatant rip off of this game. The trailer shows Jodie and Aiden, the soul/entity attached to her.. and she has psychic powers. Based off the trailer alone it doesn't look anything like stranger things, but the game is all over the place in her timeline and you see her story from childhood to full adult. The more I played I thought to myself, wow that is so much like Eleven from Stranger Things.. but when exact scenes from stranger things started happening... repeatedly... I couldn't help but notice it can't be just a coincidence. Aside from exact scenes with different sets, the overall theme was the same. Government doing tests on a psychic kid, government running a secret facility to open a portal to another dimension, Jodie aka Eleven having to close said portal. When Jodie overexerts herself she gets a nosebleed and is weakened. But instead of a sheriff father figure its a scientist, still a strong father figure. The only thing stranger things did that was unique was throw a bunch of kids into this character's life so it wouldn't be nearly so dark and then made it cheery and funny, once again to not make the story so dark. I could go on, but I don't want to ruin the game, which by the way was great. It was like a full interactive movie mostly run with QTE inputs which sounds boring but its not. There is plenty of walking around, running, exploring and even combat. Using psychic powers to kill people was quite enjoyable as well. I'm sure there are some youtube videos showing all the comparisons. My guess is Netflix paid this game developer/publisher money for movie/tv rights under the table with a clause that the game wouldn't be referenced as source material. If not I don't see how in the hell the game company hasn't filed a lawsuit. Direct scenes happen, multiple times, like almost shot for shot that occurred 3 years later in stranger things. When I got to the end of the game and saw scenes that took place in season 2 of stranger things theres no doubt in my mind this was the source material. It really opens my eyes as to how unoriginal Stranger Things actually is and I'm sad this game didn't get nearly as much publicity for being as good as it was back during its release. If you got this free with PS+ or can get it cheap, I think its on PC now, I recommend playing it. If the next season of stranger things is a time skip and Eleven ended up joining the CIA.. well, play this game to find out what happens!
  17. https://www.ign.com/articles/star-wars-knights-of-the-old-republic-remake-rumored-to-be-in-development-at-ea A remake could be good if it's done right. But those games were so huge it'd be a bigger task than remaking Final Fantasy 7. Meanwhile I still haven't played the second KOTOR game.
  18. The only version of Morbius I remember was the villain in the old Spider-Man cartoon. I think he had to consume blood from his hands instead of using fangs even though he had them. It was an interesting take on a different kind of vampire, more like a mutant man-bat... man bat instead of bat man for obvious reasons, that and he literally looked more like a bat/man hybrid like at the end of the trailer. I'm wondering if Sony is trying to make their own Marvel universe with just their Spider-man license. They'll spin off every villain into its own movie and maybe have a big crossover movie? That would be interesting since they are going with more dark themes like Venom and Morbius.
  19. I have something to look forward to watching. Looks like it resumes where the series left off at. Since a good handful of these characters are in Star Wars Rebels and that takes place many years after the end of the clone wars I'm guessing some of those fights in the trailer will end in some kind of stalemate or something. Interesting that the clip leaded with a shot of Mandalore from space and high ranking mandalorian.. maybe the events in this series will cover some plot holes introduced or at least fill in some back story for the Mandalorian series.
  20. Looks like all embed functions are currently messed up and will give 403 errors. Youtube video links, reddit links, etc. will all mess up. I made a support ticket. I should hear something back in 24-48 hours.

    1. Sledgstone


      IPB thinks its a host issue. Now I have a ticket open with them. eh. -_-;

    2. Sledgstone


      Embedding is working again. I'm really liking this webhost. :D

    3. DeathscytheX
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  21. Oh my god that funeral was so f*cking sad. 😭 I just watched it and got tears in my eyes. When a show can get a reaction from the audience like that then it was amazing. The funeral was exceptionally well done. I hated Ivar and wanted to see him dead. I couldn't think of anything that would make me interested in him except his demise, but using him to introduce new characters has been very interesting.
  22. Ok.. I just realized that if you type a colon and start typing the letters of a smilie, the post will auto pop up a list of smilies you are typing.. ":astonished:"  😲

    It doesn't work for smilies that start with a letter like "XD"

    ":nosebleed:" :nosebleed:

    1. Sledgstone


      I don't know how long this has been a feature but I've never seen it happen before today. XD

    2. DeathscytheX


      It's been a feature for a while 🤣

      On a side note, XD was ripped from Trillian back when we all used instant messaging. Now trillian is a business messaging tool you have to pay for with different tiers of features. I was looking at it not too long ago just out of nostalgic interest.

    3. Sledgstone


      Omg. I completely forgot about trillian. XD Its been so long i thought that smilie was from AOL IM. XD

  23. Until we get solid info from Sony, theres only speculation so far about the final list of features, prices, etc. The latest rumor I just read was this: https://bgr.com/2020/01/13/ps5-release-date-price-announcement-and-preorder-details-leaked/ If true the price will be $499 and be available for preorder early February. And there will be full backwards compatibility with digitally owned games. And ps4 controllers will be forward compatible, which would explain that new extra back button attachment that was announced.
  24. Well I'm pleased so far with the new host. *knocks on wood* I just need to make another account and transfer my other sites to it and I can shut down the old server. The total bill for the server fees is almost nothing in comparison to the old VPS account I was on. VPS was complete overkill now especially since the price got jacked up on it. The new server is shared hosting so I'm not expecting 100% reliability and speed at all times like the old server, but now it'll cost me literally 1/10th of the price per month than the VPS. And I'll no longer have to spend time doing server maintenance. Once I get the other sites moved over, the time and money I spend on AC can now be spent keeping the forum and theme software current at all times. Another couple years from now though I'll probably have to do some major work on Death by Gundam, Windscar and ancientclan.org archive to keep them functioning because they currently require a different version of php to operate correctly. Ehh... I'll worry about that in a year or so. The newest version of PHP installed on servers straight up break those 2 sites because of outdated php functions I used on those pages. I'll have to convert every single page to basically old school html to ensure they'll keep working. ehhhhhhh. It make sense why people will retire a website when faced with having to manually update thousands of individual files.
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