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Everything posted by Sledgstone

  1. Part 2 of Doctor Who Season 7 will begin on Saturday, March 30. Finally! It will only have been 6 months since the last episode of this season (not counting the last Christmas special). http://www.bbcamerica.com/anglophenia/2013/01/bbc-america-to-premiere-adventure-in-space-and-time-for-doctor-who-50th/ "An Adventure in Space and Time" I'm really looking forward to this new Doctor Who special. The 50 year old premiere episode is very dated and a new HD retelling of the Doctor's origins is something all fans should enjoy.
  2. I haven't played any PC games in months. I think I'll start playing Worms Revolution or Portal 2.. or maybe go kill Sledge on borderlands. XD

    1. DeathscytheX


      You like that turret now, imagine being able to throw 2 of them, or throwing one that sets off a mini nuke before lighting people up? Thats what awaits you in BL2. ;)

    2. Sledgstone


      That sounds badass. :D

    3. Sledgstone


      I finally killed Sledge! :D and his shotgun sucks ass unless an enemy is directly in front of me and within punching distance.

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  3. I definitely was enjoying the show more than the original JL series. Excellent plot lines and a lot of sub plots to keep you wanting to come back to the show. Star Wars: The Clone Wars was canceled? *checks* hmmm.. It might not be yet. It could be that it is no longer being run on CN. Now that Disney owns Lucasfilms, it looks like the show will be transferred over to their DisneyXD channel, which is also the same channel as their Avengers cartoon. http://comicbook.com/blog/2013/01/28/star-wars-clone-wars-moving-to-disney-lego-yoda-specials-at-cartoon-network/
  4. Oh! I should get a headset for my ps3 just so I can keep it muted then. Dahaha. Thats a good idea.
  5. The map rotation and not having a permanent mute all players option are the two most annoying things I have seen in this game. I don't even mind the lag issues and crazy hit markers so much. But the map rotations are pure shit. And because I have to back out of the game lobby I'm in and join back into it just to get into a game faster it always puts me back into a existing game on a map I just played with 5 kids talking on their headsets about some random thing that has nothing to do with the game. x_x
  6. Yeah, the way they crapped all over Toonami's lineup was like the network crapped all over their fans. I get all my animation fix from Netflix now. I hope Young Justice gets put on there soon because I missed a few eps and I'd like to watch the series all over from the beginning.
  7. http://www.icv2.com/articles/news/24905.html It doesn't surprise me that Cartoon Network has canceled Green Lantern, it was a good show but it's overall CGI animation style was always lacking something for me. What does surprise me is that Cartoon Network has once again canceled a series that has huge potential and great plot lines. Young Justice is a great show. Unfortunately it is now being shelved along side other great series such as Justice League, Justice League Unlimited and Samurai Jack. I never cared much for Cartoon Network after they canceled Megas XLR years ago, but Young Justice brought me back to the network on a weekly basis. Its a shame that is going to be gone. Click here to view the article
  8. http://www.icv2.com/articles/news/24905.html It doesn't surprise me that Cartoon Network has canceled Green Lantern, it was a good show but it's overall CGI animation style was always lacking something for me. What does surprise me is that Cartoon Network has once again canceled a series that has huge potential and great plot lines. Young Justice is a great show. Unfortunately it is now being shelved along side other great series such as Justice League, Justice League Unlimited and Samurai Jack. I never cared much for Cartoon Network after they canceled Megas XLR years ago, but Young Justice brought me back to the network on a weekly basis. Its a shame that is going to be gone.
  9. This was a damn good mini series. If they turned this in a show, I would definitely watch it.
  10. I would rather pay an extra $10 for the game just so they would have dedicated servers. The map rotations suck whenever I play Kill Confirmed. I'm always stuck playing Slums, Plaza, Cargo and Standoff. I swear everyone quits out when its not one of these maps, them I'm stuck in the game lobby waiting for ppl to join until I get annoyed with waiting, quit back to the menu, go to join another game and instantly get placed right back in one of these 4 maps.
  11. Official Trailer #3. This movie looks like over the top ridiculous action. Just the kind of movie I look forward to. Click here to view the article
  12. Official Trailer #3. This movie looks like over the top ridiculous action. Just the kind of movie I look forward to.
  13. SSI is for long term assistance. Most people on SSI will never get off SSI and its understandable why for a majority of reasons. However, SSI pays crap and the program expects everyone on it to live in the projects on the ridiculously small income it provides. If you do qualify for different assistance programs, I recommend you get them. Also, if you have to start paying for your NYSEG, you could sign up for budget billing which is convenient for steady payments and knowing how much it will cost you every month as opposed to huge payments in winter when you have to heat your place. http://www.nyseg.com/YourAccount/payyourbill/budgetbilling.html However, being on SSI and paying for your own gas would also qualify you for a HEAP grant through the department of aging. Last I checked SSI people get it thru this department regardless of being elderly, but I think they may have changed it because it gives a new link at the bottom of the page for the HEAP application. http://www.nyc.gov/html/dfta/html/benefits/energy.shtml I said however above because if you do qualify for a HEAP grant you might be better off not being on the budget billing, because the HEAP grant would kick in around november/december and apply the credit to your NYSEG account. Also, I'm not pointing this next part at you because I don't know why you qualified for SSI, nor am I asking you to reveal that. I have known a few people that have cheated the SSI program by having something so simple as mild carpel tunnel syndrome. They end up getting a lawyer, get SSI and the government then pays all their medical bills for life and gives them a SSI check every month. You know its bull when you see the person on a bowling league.
  14. Sounds good. hmmm.. I'll change my video settings back to 1080 and try it again. I have a game called Worms Revolution that plays like absolute shit on the PS3, apparently if I have my video set to 720 it runs better. But after getting so frustrated with it, I bought the game on sale on steam to play on my laptop instead. I forgot to change my video setting back. Maybe thats whats screwing up my upload because its been hooked up with an hdmi. Maybe if COD ran its own fully dedicated servers, we wouldn't get upload errors or lag issues.
  15. The giant squid special is on right now on the Discovery channel. Its 2 hours tho.. I think I'll flip back and forth between this and other shows on tonight. I'm expecting all the footage to be shown in the last half hour of the show.
  16. What we need to have done is completely re-write the Earned Income Credit. Many people on assistance will often work a small part time job during the year, earn about $10,000. Lets say a person made $10,000 last year, has 3 qualifying children for the EIC, according to the IRS website, that individual is currently eligible to receive $4,510 back in taxes. Obviously the person making $10,000 is not paying almost 50% of their pay in taxes, which means these individuals are being paid by the government to have children. This big payday does not even include the child tax credit that they would also be eligible for which is $1000 per kid. $7,510 back in taxes for only working a part time job. Thats a 70% bonus from the government, not counting the amount of money welfare and food stamps costs. http://apps.irs.gov/app/eitc2012/CalculateAgiExpense.do While I am sure these programs were put into place to help individuals through tough times, there are too many people that take advantage of the system and live off of government assistance programs. I myself could not live like that, nor would I want others to. Some people don't want to work jobs tho. The other argument is because of the cost of day care and babysitters that its more financially sound to stay at home with the kids and live off the system than hand 80%+ of their paycheck over to a daycare. Instead of how the current earned income program is set up, it could be more useful to have a daycare credit instead. Of course some people will complain that the result is someone else raising their kids, which is understandable. Considering that so many ppl want new jobs in the US, the government should provide incentives for companies to create new telecommuter jobs so many more individuals can get online jobs. If more online jobs are available, many more stay at home mothers and fathers will have an opportunity for employment and there will be less people that need public assistance.
  17. That sucks. btw, do you get any errors when you render a video to youtube? I finally got around to editing a video but every time I try to render it to youtube I get an error over halfway thru and nothing gets uploaded. \
  18. I've seen that multiple assault shield thing once. Other than that I don't see many major differences that will affect game play. Looks like the FAL is getting a little nerfed with selective fire. The SCAR and MTAR getting more damage is nice. The Type 25 should've gotten increased damage.
  19. Here are a variety of links to stories that explain through studies how women who are denied abortions end up on public assistance. As far as I'm concerned it is much better for our overall economy for women to have access to birth control to prevent unwanted pregnancies. And even if there are unwanted pregnancies it is still more feasible economically for women to have access to abortions. http://www.usnews.com/news/articles/2012/11/20/study-shows-women-who-had-abortions-less-likely-to-suffer-poverty http://io9.com/5958187/what-happens-to-women-denied-abortions-this-is-the-first-scientific-study-to-find-out http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2012/11/14/abortion-poverty-study_n_2130890.html http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2006/05/04/AR2006050400820.html
  20. Thats a very good point. As it is, they system is set to keep the rich rich and the poor poor, but to remove hope is even more f*cked up.
  21. That sounds good. Instead of rebooting anything, they could base all new movies so far down the timeline they could create any plot lines they want with no worries about canon.
  22. *is butt-hurt* lmao. There is plenty of room for additional movies to take place in the overall timeline. It literally spans hundreds of years. Hell, if Abrams wanted to, he could make a trilogy of movies based on some obscure war ridden planet that some unknown jedis show up at and save the day. Then within a year, 5 new novels would already be written that connects these new movies into the existing novel canon.
  23. You have a point. I think the only reason they could justify this ban is because most lotteries are run the by the states. And because its state funds that are providing the welfare money, then that money shouldn't be used for state run programs I guess. Seems stupid and a waste of time to me. I don't see how they could enforce such a law anyway. If NC is like NY, then all lottery purchases are made in cash only and you don't have to show any kind of identification unless the seller thinks you are under 18. I can understand why food stamps cannot be used for beer and alcohol purchases, that money is allocated for food and not alcohol use. Many states run their food stamp systems through ebt cards that act like debit cards and the purchases made with them are on approved purchase lists like how FSA cards work. But money is money. If someone gets a money allotment of assistance with their welfare and they withdraw the money from their ebt card, then that is straight up cash they are using. Once it is cash, then no one can enforce any restrictions. The only thing I could see them possibly doing is putting a mark on welfare recipient's credit scores that could deny them new car loans, mortgages and possible cell phone contracts.
  24. I have to agree that Scotty was the best character in the new Star Trek. Seriously. Even the clone wars cartoon series on cartoon network references the already established canon that was created with the novels. Lucas was the first to screw over the novels. Even tho he sold the licenses and approved the continuity of time lines in the novels he screwed over the very plot lines he approved when he made the prequel movies that forced ret con fixes in later novels to fix his new changes in the established time line. I'm still hoping for a Thrawn series of movies based off the original three books by Timothy Zahn that launched the entire star wars novel establishment. That would of course mean recasting Luke, Han Solo, Leia, etc., but he should do it to get it done with. If not, they'll probably go for a clone wars era movie with a variety of jedi to choose from to make a new series of movies out of. While the action would be good, I'd rather see a continuation of Luke Skywalker's storyline. What would really piss me off is a reboot. I think Disney would get serious fan backlash if they attempted a reboot of the original 3 movies. They are so iconic its pointless to reboot them at this point. Everyone knows the plot line, trying to reboot those movies would be seen a money grab and a shitty way to recast the original group for further sequels.
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