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Everything posted by Sledgstone

  1. I'll check out the elite site and see some of my heat maps so I can get a better feeling for the maps. Raid... I think everyone's heat map would look like that. There is always so much action in the middle of that map.
  2. I'll probably get this at some point. Now I'm thinking I might wait for it to be out for a little while first to get some solid reviews on it for the co-op.
  3. I'm completely current on Falling Skies! I'm really looking forward to the new season. Season 1 was a bit slow but season 2 picked things up a bit.. and the cliff hanger was huge. Season 3 should be very good. What sucks is that its only 10 eps a year! I need more scifi! Its like I'm a junkie and I need a sci-fi fix. I watch crappy b-movies and reruns of Star Trek TNG just to settle my cravings sometimes.
  4. Music almost never makes me drive faster.. but slow boring music will make me sleepy. So I usually listen to news radio while I drive. *feels like an old man*
  5. Your first picture reminded me of "One Legged Hershel" from the walking dead. The pic looks nothing like him except for the missing leg. I like the first pic the best. btw, did you make the second and third pic in ms paint? the jagged lines scream ms paint at me.
  6. lmao! He was all robot form. Lavos was a pain in the ass at first. Did you ever play the new game + and get all eleven endings? I only got about 5 I think.
  7. Aliens: Colonial Marines
  8. I would like to own this game. That looks like it'll be pretty good. The co-op mode looks great.
  9. I'm thinking either would probably survive on their own. I'm actually more interested in the show than the game. Theres hardly any sci-fi series out any more. Eureka and Sanctuary both ended and I've been craving a good sci-fi show.
  10. That would require a huge cultural change for the entire world. I don't see it happening in our lifetimes. I would say that the internet has been good in terms of spreading a more global equality rights movement and a more openness to anti-violence, but at the same time most of the social networking sites out there are full of flaming assholes. I swear negativity and asshole commentary has spread throughout the entire internet. So many hatemongers and trolls. Every site has comments and replies or facebook pages for every thing they do and not a single moderator or admin to stop the aggressive assholes from ruining a story. Even most youtube videos I look at have asshole comments. Anyway, seeing as assholeism keeps spreading, then I could see how some people could come to a conclusion of regulating guns and ammunition. Mostly because its easier to make a law to try and restrict weapons than to try and actually improve society to the point where those weapons won't be needed for human on human violence. On a side note, I have a theory about the glorification of guns in American society. The US does not draft into the military. The main reason they don't do any drafting is because we have plenty of citizens that are willing to fight and die for our country and join the army, navy, marines, air force and coast guard and for that I am grateful. The problem we really have in the US is our education system. Our education system sucks. Its almost as if our education system is setup to purposefully fail for a large percentage of people. And don't get me wrong when I say this because I'm sure our armed forces have quite a few intelligent people, but there are a lot of people that join the army, etc, because of education, money and career problems. When I was going to high school, the army recruiter guy was there.. almost all the time. I could get in contact with an army recruiter easier than talking to a councilor. We could call this a government conspiracy, but it might be. As long as the higher ups keep a certain percentage of citizens in a lower class and lower educated state of mind, then they will have plenty of recruits for the army. There have been countless war movies, video games depicting war heroes, etc. Some could say that is also part of it. The game America's Army was made specifically to encourage our youth into joining the army. With our poor education and crappy career prospects, army recruiters in the high schools will tell you how you can get a larger private salary by getting your friends to enlist with you and how the army will pay for your college degree. With all of that in place, most US citizens have the right to bear arms trained into them from an early age. Even if you have never shown any interest in joining the army, many of us have been conditioned towards firearms in some way. I think its pretty ridiculous for our society to glorify guns and then want to restrict their ownership. I myself don't feel the need to own a gun. Even though I don't feel the need to own one for defense, I would like to own one anyway. I've been target shooting and its fun. I can understand why people would want a ban on assault rifles, but at the same time there are a crap ton of ex-army people that would love to own versions of the assault rifles they grew to love while serving our country. Putting all this gun violence off as a means to regulate and restrict firearms seems mostly political to me. There are so many guns out there now that restricting them at this point will not stop anyone that wants to get a gun and killing people from doing so. The only thing it will do is restrict the mass population just to try and stop the few psychos that are out there that do go on a killing spree. But those people are psychos regardless if they have guns or not. If not guns, they'll make a homebrew of mustard gas and throw a bunch of cannisters into a high school sporting event and lock the gymnasium doors. What would government do then, restrict bleach purchases? No.. the problem are the psychos. And honestly, if we had a better education system, maybe these people wouldn't turn into psychos, or if they were then maybe they could be identified at an early age for specialty classes to help them with any issues.
  11. lmao. That reminds me of all those Dan images from back in the day.
  12. Off Topic: The smilies should be working fine again. If they do not, then hit CTRL-F5 to force your browser to empty it's own cache for whatever page you think might be loading wrong. *eats an oreo*
  13. I could... but I doubt I will. Because its a hell of a lot better than the dark theme I was working on.
  14. *testing* yeah, I see the issue. Looks like a cache issue.
  15. That reminds me of RBI baseball for the NES. If you held down (or was it up?) while you pitched, the ball would hit the plate and would result in a strike every time. It was so cheap. Me and my brothers would get pissed at each other.
  16. Check the main page now that I have the article slider set up. Looks professional now.
  17. Sledgstone

    Jurassic Park

    Jurassic Park
  18. Sledgstone


  19. For those of you that do not know, Syfy has teamed up with Trion Worlds to create something truly unique. It is called Defiance. Defiance is a TV series and it is also a MMO shooter game. Events that happen in the tv series will affect the game and events in the game will affect the tv series. First lets look at the show: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4BJN2ssm8QgIt already has my interest. It looks good, has potential.. and now look at this quote from an announcement made back on 05/21/2012 with some info on the impressive group of people that are working on this project: http://community.defiance.com/en/2012/05/21/defiance-pilot-production-begins/ That sounds like a great combination of talent and now my expectations are pretty high. Now lets look at the game: It looks like a mix of Borderlands with Resident Evil's 3rd person perspective. Could be good. I'll have to sign up for the beta. Defiance is set to premiere Monday, April 15, 2013 at 9:00 p.m. on the Syfy channel. Defiance the game will be released April 2013 for the PC, PS3 and Xbox 360. Check the official site here: http://defiance.com/ Click here to view the article
  20. Sledgstone


    It already has my interest. It looks good, has potential.. and now look at this quote from an announcement made back on 05/21/2012 with some info on the impressive group of people that are working on this project: http://community.defiance.com/en/2012/05/21/defiance-pilot-production-begins/ That sounds like a great combination of talent and now my expectations are pretty high. Now lets look at the game: It looks like a mix of Borderlands with Resident Evil's 3rd person perspective. Could be good. I'll have to sign up for the beta. Defiance is set to premiere Monday, April 15, 2013 at 9:00 p.m. on the Syfy channel. Defiance the game will be released April 2013 for the PC, PS3 and Xbox 360. Check the official site here: http://defiance.com/
  21. The women need to unite and revolt! Down with men! *joins the side of the women*
  22. I never owned any Atari, but my uncle owned the 2600 and owned every game for it. Space Invaders was my favorite, second would be Pitfall, then Defender and Combat:
  23. Super Mario RPG was great. That final battle against the sword was hard.. but nothing compared to the final fantasy styled bonus boss you can find in the game. It was the equivalent of the Emerald weapon from FFVII. I could never beat it. Legend of Dragoon was an awesome game. The hardest boss battle for me was the very first boxer in the game "George Foreman's KO Boxing" So f*cking difficult. I rented this game for a weekend from blockbuster when I was a kid. It made me rage so bad. It felt so good to beat the first boxer. I could never beat the second guy. So damn hard. Sephiroth final battle of FFVII He transformed into a one winged angel:
  24. Nice classes. I think my first perm unlock will be ghost. I just need to get there. I usually play on saturday mornings. I'll spend a couple hours on black ops 2 and then switch to bf3.
  25. Holy crap that is some quick kills. btw, I'm really liking the M27. I told my brother I was using the Type 25 and he thought I was nuts. The M27 is a huge improvement for me.
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