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Everything posted by Sledgstone

  1. I can see w00t being a new spelling word for elementary students. Jimmy: "woot" Teacher: No Jimmy! Spell it with two zeros not 'o's Jimmy: But that d0esn't make any sense. Teacher: No Jimmy! You spelled "doesn't" wrong. Jimmy: X'D
  2. Those are some good points strider. and I'd have to say thats a pretty accurate assessment. I can only think of one way sega could pull off another console. Sega would have to merge with another game developer company. It would benefit them two-fold, get an influx of cash just to get back into console development/marketing/etc., and give them a large list of exclusive company owned titles made just for their new system. A few years from now and most of the hardware in the xbox 360 and the ps2 will drop in cost substantially, which is pretty obvious from the ps3's $600 to $400 price drop in just the past year and half or so. But even if sega didn't go into the full hardware war and went with something a little more slimed down (probably not as much as the wii), if they had a large variety of exclusive titles, I think they might have a chance again. Of course thats just a theory and I highly doubt anything like that would take place, and even if it did theres no guarantee that it would sell huge or not. Also, with the dreamcast, sega outsourced a chunk of that development to microsoft, which with their own system now (probably inspired partly by their dreamcast work), sega will need to get a whole new hardware development team. The only positive sega does have compared to the newer systems is their experience in online capabilities. The dreamcast came standard with a modem with an online community and online content before the ps2 ever came out or even offered a network adapter for their system. Overall tho, I don't see how sega could possibly pull any of this off.
  3. I hate ice storms. they look pretty cool on small trees, but too much and everything gets destroyed under the weight and roads are impossible to drive on.
  4. We had four feet of snow once and most offices didn't close. Well totoro, looks like we could get anywhere from 4-12+ inches today.. My guess is that it won't hit us that bad tho, but we'll find out more when the snow hits us around 3pm today.
  5. wow. Theres only seconds left to the fight and it looks like everyone is about to get smashed by Moria, sunk in the sea or toasted by sunlight!!! and all in the next couple seconds! *dies in anticipation waiting for next friday* x_x
  6. lmao. I'm going to watch it. X'D I hope they pull a trunk monkey commercial rip in the movie.
  7. Sledgstone


    *eats some tums* ahhh... 5eatyou5 *eats Kobe101*
  8. No no, I know its a rumor. I'm just saying, hypothetically speaking, could Sega actually pull off another console in today's market?
  9. http://www.gamespot.com/news/show_blog_entry.php?topic_id=26087196&sid=6183780&om_act=convert&om_clk=newstop&tag=newstop;title;5 With a system like the wii out and doing extremely well do you think Sega could possibly make another system at some point and possibly get back in the hardware business? they wouldn't have to spend nearly as much money on higher end hardware and take a cue from Nintendo's strategy. if Sega did make another system do you think there would be enough fan support for Sega from people to buy another system of their's considering the previous abrupt ends of the sega saturn and Dreamcast systems?
  10. http://movies.aol.com/movie/speed-racer-2008/28066/video/trailer-no-1/2033773 The race tracks remind me of the F-Zero games. X'D
  11. I never cared for GTA. It still doesn't seem at all interesting to me.
  12. Hopefully it'll be an interesting plot twist with Pain, if Jiyra survives long enough to say it out loud.
  13. yep. maybe the fights even over already. bam! just like that apollo is squished. eh.
  14. Sledgstone


    The last newb I ate gave me stomach cramps. \
  15. eh.. I just need to start stockpiling my sick days for blizzards.
  16. Sledgstone


    Welcome to AC.
  17. http://www.wtvh.com/news/local/12129476.html http://www.wtvh.com/news/local/12111511.html Both have videos about the winter snow.
  18. I liked it alot! I didn't really care for the "Grey Gale" thing, but I suppose they had to have some kind of homage to the original. But yes, very entertaining. But it almost seemed like it was missing an epilogue or something. eh, maybe I just wanted it to be longer.
  19. http://www.icv2.com/articles/news/11718.html I hope the new terminator movies will be good.
  20. http://www.nintendo.com/wii/what/accessories/zapper Nintendo ditched the single hand gun style for two handed weird looking gun/crossbow thing: Remember the old superscope? and all the eye strains you'd get if you closed your left eye while staring through the scope sight?
  21. Like everyone else, I'd recommend Starcraft, Warcraft 1-3, Diablo 1 & 2.
  22. Jiayra getting hot sex with the ever hot tsunade... yeah, that forshadowing right there proves hes gonna die. but maybe he won't, Jiayra has frog/hermit powers so maybe he can regenerate his lost arm and pull a win still.
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