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Everything posted by Sledgstone

  1. When I first watch this trailer I thought it said "Hitman". So the entire time I watched it, I kept thinking he was going to kill that guy and then start murdering a bunch of people. The concept looks interesting, but I wonder if the game is being presented as a 'pick your own story' kind of game where every action you choose will result in a change in the plot for the rest of the game like a telltale game, or if the game is all about a few scenes like this one where the android replays the same scene over and over again in their head until the optimal solution is reached.
  2. At least it should have a good writer. Thats promising.
  3. I never played the first one. The amount of swearing in this trailer caught me by surprise. The cut scenes look great, but no in game footage still leaves me confused as to what type of game this even is.
  4. Sledgstone


    Huh.. looks like Nintendo is trying to rip off playstation's LittleBigPlanet, but instead of Sackboy they're using yoshi.. and instead of copying the vast amount of in game mechanics from littlebigplanet, they instead have implemented very minuscule approach. This must be aimed towards little kids because it looks so straight forward that I don't see any potential challenge in even playing it.
  5. This Mario game looks genuinely fun. I loved Mario 64 and this play style is very reminiscent of that while having all the new hat powers, vendors and upgrades. Looks great.
  6. War mode looks like a bad attempt at battlefield's conquest and overwatch's payload. No CoD player would want to purposefully play that game mode for the objective and get killed endlessly. Instead they'll all sit back with sniper rifles and keep farming newbs. I could barely watch that second video. The endless talking game dialogue annoyed the hell out of me. x_x
  7. I didn't realize this until yesterday. The count down timer was close to running out in that video I posted so I looked up some more about it.. turns out the game is speed run only to win it. Heres another video of a perfect run on an emulator. Activision was brutal. To beat this game you have to perfect speed run it, not die once and even then you'd only have 7 seconds of time to spare. This video is at double speed so it looks a bit fast. No mistakes can be made. wtf.
  8. Pitfall was the only game i knew of that had an ending. Look how bad it was:
  9. I might selectively remember some games more fondly than others but I doubt anyone remembers playing E.T. with any enjoyment. I'll always remember the day I played it for the first time at my Uncle Tom's house. 5 minutes in and I didn't know if I died or if the game froze so I asked my uncle tom what I was supposed to do.. He said I must have beaten it and to move onto another game. He had at least five copies of that game.
  10. LoTR Fellowship of the Rings is such a slow book. The battle of five armies in The Hobbit was only around 40 pages. In Fellowship, I'm 80 pages in and Frodo is still in the process of leaving the shire.. wtf. I'm glad the movies skipped 90% of this. Nobody would watch the movie if 2 hours was dedicated to him attending his estate while waiting on Gandalf to finally show back up 15 years after telling Frodo to keep the ring safe. Roughly 15 years he was gone.. wtf. In the movies, its like he went and made a cell phone call and came right back all worried. In the book its a boring Hobbit's life with Frodo eventually taking care of his belongings, selling his house, getting his affairs in order, getting some breakfast with Sam, etc. x_x

    1. Sledgstone


      Thanks for the warning about the silmarillion. After reading the hobbit I was interested in getting more of his books but after reading the first 20 pages of notes, etc. that is the prologue of fellowship and then the first 80 pages of the book, Tolkien has almost burned me out in 100 pages. X_x All the hobbit lore in that prologue was all pointless details to me that add nothing to the plot. It completely lines up with what you said tho. It's all world building. This guy is more detail oriented in his writing than Peter Straub. However there is one part of the notes that really intrigued me. Tolkien, in response to critics saying his books was a metaphor for his experience in the war, gave an example of an alternate version of LoTR if it was. In the alternate version Sauron would have gotten the ring back and Saruman would have created his own ring of power and their two armies would have raged war against each other for control of middle earth. That would have been cool. Lol.

    2. Strider Hiryu

      Strider Hiryu

      Meh, that was mostly there for those who hadn't read The Hobbit before getting into LOTR (I know I hadn't read The Hobbit before I read LOTR, was a nice little intro into what happened before the events currently taking place).

      Don't get me wrong some of Tolkien's best work is in The Silmarillion (in fact it is my favorite book out of everything he's written) but like I said its a pain to read through all of it. I actually like that Tolkien took the time to actually set up his world and give us the details, it made it feel more alive). Too many books these days don't take the time to do that and just throw you into the fray without even a "Hey, this is whats kinda going on just so you know". Shit just wait until you get to the appendices in The Return of the King (if your copy has it, mine did). There is so much information on who's who, the elven language (which is actually a language, Tolkien was a Linguist), another few pages of story not mentioned in the book proper (like the Grey Havens scene from the movie, what happened after Sam and Frodo got back to the Shire, what Pippin and Merry were up to after everything, etc), and so much more (The Silmarillion has something similar but its not as bad).

      Reading Tolkien is a huge commitment and is something I learned the hard way back when I first started reading his work. If you can put up with the amount of information he throws at you the reward is well worth the boredom.

    3. Sledgstone


      Thanks. I'll keep that in mind as a slug through these boring bits. :P

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  11. Its probably a retro box with all their classics redone in HD. That would be cool. Or maybe this is all an elaborate move on their part to focus on the 2600, while the real reveal is actually this long awaited sequel that should have been released on the 2600 all those years ago: Years in the making indeed.. many years.
  12. I'm sure if I played Super Metroid again now it'd piss me off. *puts back on rose tinted glasses as I remember things the way I want to*
  13. They took alot inspiration from Last of Us and turned it into a God of War game. This will be awesome. Those visuals look amazing too.
  14. I still haven't played Skyrim and I have it installed and waiting too. What mods do you recommend? The first game I tried on max settings was StarCraft 2. My god.. I was playing it on my laptop at lowest settings and getting 8 frames per second in the second campaign whenever I had a zerg with Kerrigan. That game looks so beautiful on max settings compared to what I was playing it for years.
  15. Adam Sandler was in a drama movie!? I've never seen that. I'll have to check to see if its on netflix.
  16. Super Metroid was the last really fun Metroid game for me. I could handle the back tracking in it because it was fun, but in Metroid Prime it felt like a way for the dev to artificially inflate the game's completion time. Rise of the Tomb Raider had alot of back tracking in it, but it worked because of the active plot, new npcs to talk to and new upgrades that allowed access to new locations. But from what I remembered of metroid all I kept doing was double backing for 15 minutes to go blow up a wall, get an orb or something and then go all the way back to where I was before. Maybe I'm remembering it wrong but it felt boring.
  17. I had to rewatch the trailer to notice the female bikini bottoms. The main thighs burned my eyes so bad I didn't even notice what the female character was wearing. I'm used to seeing men sexualized in games with no shirts, biceps and shoulders bigger than an average person's head and of course they have 8-12 pack abs.. but for smaller sized characters I guess they have to start emphasizing the package down below more. lol. Before we know it we'll see dick bulges down there as a standard like in Conan Exiles.
  18. I never beat Metroid Prime 1. It burned me out with back tracking. lol. I was going to get back to it some day but it never happened. I think the biggest problem with Metroid is the sexualization of Samus with her zero suit. They took the first and strongest female video game character of all time and turned her from a bad ass in armor into spank material for young teenage boys.
  19. Sledgstone


    Now thats a game I would want to own for the Switch. Traditional side scroller with updated graphics with the potential for multiple players but not a requirement. If they made a new DK country game like this that would be amazing.
  20. This guy bought his pants from the same store.
  21. What a pointless video. The least they could have done was have The Count sing it.
  22. Interesting. I'll have to look into it some.
  23. So many memories of Sega Genesis. All these years later we get the equivilant of a huge DLC for a retro game. Looks fun.
  24. Isn't that an amazing feeling? I thought the same thing and after a year now I've just now started on Mass Effect 1... one game out of my 200+ steam games I have yet to play.
  25. I've seen this game mentioned plenty of times during the PS3 days as being amazing, but I never looked into it. I guess Shadow of the Colossus is actually a prequel to an old PS2 game called ICO and the sequel to that is the Last Guardian? I've never played any of them.
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