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Everything posted by Dubird

  1. Dubird

    every nerds dream

    ! That reminds me of a card I saw the other day. The outside said 'sorry I got you lingere for your birthday' and inside it said 'but i wanted something to unwrap too'
  2. I have an error I can't find and it's driving me nuts. Everything looks right, but it keeps saying I have a syntex error. Here's the code: $query = "INSERT INTO toys (name, cat, subcat, producer, license, location, year, size, price, paid, from, image, about) VALUES ('$name', '$cat', '$subcat', '$producer', '$license', '$location', '$year', '$size', '$price', '$paid', '$from', '$image', '$about')"; $result = @mysql_query($query) or die("<b>A fatal MySQL error occured</b>.\n<br />Query: " . $query . "<br />\nError: (" . mysql_errno() . ") " . mysql_error()); And here's the query it comes up with (which, the post is doing it's job and putting the right words in the right places) Query: INSERT INTO toys (name, cat, subcat, producer, license, location, year, size, price, paid, from, image, about) VALUES ('test2', 'calendar', '', 'fdasf', 'adsf', 'afds', '1234', 'fdasf', 'fdsadf', 'fdsaf', 'fdasfda', 'test2', 'fdsafa') And here's the error: Error: (1064) You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'from, image, about) VALUES ('test2', 'calendar', '', 'fdasf', 'adsf', 'afds', '1' at line 1 help? *great big puppy dog eyes*
  3. This one's worth paying for in the theater, really. At least once.
  4. Just got back from seeing it. Quite entertaining, with some good injokes. Basicly, it was made for the genre of people I hang out with. It was pretty much 'what if life events were like video games?'
  5. I am cautiously excited. A possible hooray!
  6. dankies all.......and no plans for today since i had to work....but BF is taking me to Six Flags on Sunday.......
  7. Problem with using a pony-tail holder while it's wet is that it can damage your hair as well. Wet hair is easier to damage than dry. If you want to put it up while it's wet, either braid it and use the holder only on the bottom, or pin it with a large barette or clip. Sledge: I honestly don't know, I've never tried it. It's probally ok if you just use to get your hair to damp instead of dry. Leave a little bit of moisture on your hair to be absorbed or evaporated naturally.
  8. if you are having trouble with frizzy, a 2-in-1 won't really help....you need actual conditioner....you might look into some one time use stuff or some cream conditioner to get your hair into shape, and the go with regular stuff.... also, don't know if you do this, but don't go to sleep with it pulled back, espically when wet....for some types of hair, it causes it to break easily, which increases frizzyness....^^
  9. Suave makes a good moistureizing shampoo and conditior (seperate ones). I've used that from time to time when hair gets dry, and it perks it up quickly. And, being Suave, it's nice and cheap.
  10. Bad Sledge!! Go. See. Iron. Man. 2. Granted, not quite as good as the first, but still totally worth watching.
  11. With your hair that dark, you'd have to bleach it before you dyed it. Won't turn it a funky color, just won't be noticable. *voice of experience* And I don't think long hair on a guy is girly, or even a ponytail. Just as long as they take care of it and wash it and stuff. Do you use anything besides shampoo on it?
  12. you guys are forgetting CG. if they can buff up Nick Cage for Ghost Rider, they can enhance this guy.
  13. yeah, that's one thing these lawmakers seem to forget....guns are easy to obtain illegally, so if you ban all guns, regular citizins won't have protection....i do agree with gun control, which does help keep guns out of the hands of SOME of the people that would abuse it, but it's still perfectly possible to get a gun of some kind for personal protection....if someone wants to use a gun to commit a crime, most of the criminals will opt for an illegal one that's harder to trace anyways.....
  14. Yay! They finally worked it out!! That was like the third time they had to deal with a cease-and-desist, but each time, the fans have been able to help convince the company to go ahead and let them do it! *happydance* I've actually played the demo, and it does look interesting. I'm just glad they got the OK to go for it.
  15. dawww! he's all like "screw you, i can walk now, i'm going to go where i want to!"
  16. This just in: did you know water was wet?? More at 11! Yeah, apparently scientists don't have enough to do, what with trying to cure cancer and find better alternitive energy sources. They have to make sure there's some hard data to support something most of us already knew. ><
  17. Hey, if you've not been taught any self-defense or are caught in a situation where it won't work, at least you'll get your revenge on the guy.
  18. I've been seeing a trend lately that's been bugging me a lot. Not just here, but lots of places. As some of you probably know, I am a religious person. I'm not the type to push it on anyone, and if you're not religious or don't follow an organized religion or don't believe in any kind of god, that's fine. It's your choice, and as long as it's one you've made for yourself because you've thought about it and not just because it was pushed on you or that's what your parents believe, then I have no problem with that. But what I'm seeing is not just people that don't believe, but people who hate those that do and want to spread that hatred. I'm not saying religion is perfect or for everyone. I'm certainly not saying that all religious people are awesome, because there are a lot of major assholes and douchebags in all religions, not just my own. There are people in all religions that spread hatred and ignorance with gay disregard for what it does to the world. But there are also people on the anti-religion side that do the exact same thing. Which is one of the things they condemn religion for doing. And that bothers me. See, I consider myself an intelligent person. Ok, so I can't spell very well, but last time I took an IQ score it was close to genius level (not quite there, but a respectable score). I got a 3.9 GPA in high school, and went to college for 6 years and have two college degrees under my belt. And I believe in God. Technically, I define myself as a Christian, but that's just because that's the path I chose for myself. That doesn't invalidate any other path, even ones that don't follow any organized religion. So it really bothers me when people I consider friends lump every religious person into a 'stupid' category. Like no matter what I do in my life, they think I'm an idiot just because I have religious beliefs. I know, I shouldn't care what other people think and all that, and for strangers, I don't. It just really bothers me when someone that I like and respect doesn't seem to respect me or my choice. Not everyone that has religious beliefs is an idiot. Not everyone with religious beliefs is a sheep. There are a lot of intelligent, nice people that believe in some kind of god, that do try and help people and don't use religion as a crutch or excuse. But you don't hear about those people because they don't make the news. What you see are the fanatics and idiots that display the worst of humanity. Yet there are plenty more that you don't hear about that aren't fanatics or idiots, just people who believe there's something out there that's greater than us, and through that, have gained friends and family. I guess what I'm trying to say here is that I'm tired of seeing everyone with religious beliefs lumped into one category. I'm tired of seeing other intelligent people spreading actual hatred and intolerance for a general belief system. After all, if spreading hatred and ignorance is one of the things you don't like about religion, why spread it yourself? I know people are going to respond, be it with questions or comments. If you want to talk about this calmly, even if you disagree, or just want to ask a question, I'm more than happy to respond. If you're just going to flame me or start making rude comments, you'll be ignored. I'm not trying to do this to start any kind of flame war, and I know religion is kinda a touchy subject, but I just had to get this off my chest.
  19. Dubird

    Yello Hello

    wow, another vetern comes back. 'ello!
  20. Student attacks Hells Angels with puppy I'm a little surprised the Hell's Angels aren't the ones that went after him.
  21. Yeah, if you're looking for a thoughtful, character development story, this ain't it. But if you just want an over-the-top summer action movie that's just entertaining as hell, definatly watch it. I haven't had that much fun watching a movie in a long time, nor laughed that much. And it wasn't slapstick comedy or lots of stand-up type comedy. Most of it was a "WTF was that?? It was awesome!" type of moments. Breaking Murdoch out? Best. Rescue. EVER.
  22. Unfortunatly, the people who make the laws are jsut about the only ones that don't realize there is a difference between spanking and abuse. Seriously. I got spanked a lot as a kid, and it didn't take long for us to learn that mom hanging dad's belt on the doorknob was our warning. Looking back, I can honestly say I wasn't abused. I earned every one of those spankings!
  23. welcome to the setting for Silent Hill....if i remember correctly, they don't have a way to actually put the fire out...
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