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AC Elite
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Everything posted by Dubird

  1. Wow, talk about getting a head in business! .................i'll be over here now. *ahem*
  2. Dubird

    help me please

    Awww....*patpat* You just came in late, that's all.
  3. Awwww. Poor P-kun. And you were so looking forward to having a Hentai Land somewhere in the world.
  4. Hmmm. I don't know what's causing your problem with FF3. I don't like the look of it as much as 2, which is why I went back at work, but I've done all the updates at home and I've not had any problems with it. o.@ But if I were you, I'd make sure and post it on their forums. Or check if anyone else is having the problem and chime in. One good thing about FF, they're much better about patching bugs than Microsoft is with IE.
  5. copays for regular doctor visits isn't a problem for me....i can see how it would be a problem for someone that needs constant supervision, but there should be a seperate coverage for that anyways.... and it's not plastic surgary that kicked off malpractice suits....that just aggrivated it....some people will do anything to avoid going to work and look for ways to sue anyone just so they can get 'free' money....and when you throw in all these lawyers that are experts in finding loopholes to allow people to file these stupid and frivolous suits, that just makes it eaiser....i'm not saying there's no bad doctors, but most just want to help people, and it's not their fault that they can't fix everything.....yet with so many people finding excuses to sue everyone around them, they have to protect themselves.....malpractice suits do have their place, but like most things in our justice system, it's been abused so much that everyone else has to pay for it....
  6. Ok, as someone living in Texas and having to fight fire ants a lot, that's slightly creepy. No wonder I would occasionally wake up at the house and hear *brraaaaaiinnnnnsss* outside in little tiny barely-audible voices....o.@
  7. i went back to firefox 2 at work, though 3 hasn't given me any trouble at home, even with the update.....
  8. i'm not either party, but I do hope for some kind of government sponsered health care, even if it's just help for emergency coverage. That's all I really need, something to help me get fixed up if some accident happens. One thing I am worried about is how it's going to impact my job, because where I work is already struggling to make all the ends meet, which is why pay is so low. I really don't want to have to find a new job, espically right now. >< GG: pretty much all of the health care system in the us is a scam. Prices keep rising to cover costs that the hospitials charge to hire enough nurses or other employies to meet federal regulations for things, not to mention that all doctors are required to have malpractice insurance, which keeps climbing in cost due to everyone trying to sue everyone else for the stupidist things. I'm not saying that doctors don't make good money, they make excellent money. With such a specilized field, I have no problem with that. What bothers me is that people that need insurance or medical help can't get it because insurance rates keep going up to cover rising health costs and someone's getting rich off of people's suffering. Basic health needs and emergency care should be accessable and affordable and if a doctor wants to make a lot of money, they should go into very specialized fields or become plastic surgons and move to Hollywood, where there will ALWAYS be a market for that!
  9. A national health care would be great, but one of the main problems is that specialists tend to move to countries where they can get paid more. Which is why a lot of Canadians end up in the US for special surgerys. Granted, I can't see most of them leaving the US, but it will be interesting to see how this gets handled. AP news release
  10. The solution in the book was better, I thought. In one of the books, he reprogrammed the computer so that the Klingons recognized his name (THE Captain Kirk?), and then proceed to apologize for firing on his ship and helped with the rescue of the Kabyashi Maru. I thought that was a bit more of a clever bit of reprogramming instead of just making it so he could blow up the Klingons.
  11. Thought I'd post this in case anyone would be interested. Discover magazine posted an article about some of the science and psudoscience present in the movie. Be warned it does have spoilers, so don't click it if you haven't seen it yet. But I thought the scientific explinations would be interesting to some of you. http://blogs.discovermagazine.com/badastronomy/2009/05/08/ba-review-star-trek/
  12. He was a great Scotty...he did play him a little different, but i really liked him... you do have to suspend scientific belief more than you'd think for it though...read some lj review where this guy was complaning about all the bad science....i didn't respond, but come one...it's Star Trek....which basicly invented technobabble....you're watching a movie about aliens and ships that can travel past the speed of light and you want scientific accuracy?
  13. I think they did a great job. When I first starting thinking about it, I figured if I could convince myself that it's Alternate Universe, it'd be ok. Yeah, it actually is AU, and that really helped out. The only actor I wasn't too happy with was the girl playing Uhura. The first parts with her were good, but she didn't really carry it through very well. But everyone else did a good job, I thought, and it's well worth seeing. Finally, a Star Trek something comes out after Gene Roddenberry's passing that I think he'd be proud of as carrying forth the spirit of the original. Not only that, the guy playing Scotty was awesome and hilarious. And the guy playing McCoy was spot on. Hearing him mutter "green-blooded hobgoblin" under his breath at one point was great!
  14. Dubird


    I reinstalled Myst 4 last week and I've been off and on playing it. I'm at the most FRUSTRATING puzzle in the game (damn monkeys), but I've been practicing so I should be able to get it. And it got me thinking about the crappy game of Myst 5, where they really screwed up the story. You start out in Myst where you learn about Atrius and his family, and get to decide which of his sons is responsible for imprisioning him. And if you get the wrong person, it sucks but you backtrack to a previous save and fix it. The second game, you help Atrius save his wife. The third game, you go and visit him and his wife, see his baby daughter, and then end up helping him resucue an important Age because he's been injured. And the fourth one, you save Yeesha, his daughter. There's a very clear connection to his family through all four of those games. And yeah, I know, they're just computer game characters, but they did a wonderful job making them full characters and you kinda get attached to them. Not in 5. You get one rather depressing letter from Atrius, written just before he dies, and have occasional contact with a grown up and bitter Yeesha. That's it. There's some plot with the D'ni, but it's not really memoriable. Hell, I didn't even finish the game, that's how disappointed I was with it. And it got me thinking what would've made a good storyline for it. Say, you go to visit but Atrius is missing and you have to help Yeesha find him (maybe she had a fight with him, overprotective father and all, but still, he is her father). You lose contact with her at some point so you have to search several Ages for various clues and puzzles, yadda yadda, and at the end, you meet with Yeesha in the Age where he is. You find him only to have the bad guy turn on you, and Atrius ends up saving your life (for a change), only he ends up dying in the process, but not before he and Yeesha make up. I would probally have been bawling at that point, but that connection would've been there and would've made the puzzle solving worth-while. And of course, it would've been a logical ending to the series because Atrius is dead. He was your connection through all 5 games, so it would've made sense to stop there. Anyhoo, just random thoughts. I should really reinstall Uru someday and see how that goes. It was an interesting concept, and I'd like to see just what the purpose of it is. I never played it long enough to really get what exactly you're supposed to do, beyond getting into D'ni.
  15. i can try and convert the Trigun theme if you want....^^..;.
  16. i still like the Trigun one....the full picture backgrounds with large icons bug my eyes......
  17. It's more than tolerate, he actually likes it. I mean, I used to run and play in the rain as a kid, so I can understand it, but prefering rain and snow over sunshine?
  18. P-kun, i'm going to rebuild my Sims 2 AC house, and you're going to end up living on the top floor with no roof.
  19. I sense a Jerry Springer episode!
  20. That's what I mean, they shouldn't have made them brothers. That just creates a disjunction between the AU timeline they themselves created. I honestly didn't think it was that bad. May not have been canon, but as I never got to read the comics growing up, I wasn't that put off by it. Not the best movie, but it did it's job of keeping me entertained for a couple hours, so I have no major beef with it.
  21. what was missing is the reason Sabertooth didn't go after Woverine and tell him who he really is....i mean, brothers and he made a big deal about them looking after each other....yet when they met again in the first movie, he never mentioned it....
  22. mine is long and baby fine, but there's so much of it....it doesn't hold a style without huge amounts of time and product, so i just leave it long and keep it clean....go through a lot of shampoo, but at least i don't have to spend an hour on it in the morning....i do wish i could cut it off, but i wouldn't have the money to get it trimmed every other week since it grows so fast...><...
  23. Of course, he'd have to get at least two, maybe three. One to use, one for backup, and one to keep with emergency supplies.
  24. I think if he works on making the story good instead of looking for marketing options and catering to the PC crowd, it would be well worth it. But unfortunatly, the Star Wars franchise is one that spends more time on being popular vs. being good or true to the story, so I'm rather ambivilant about the whole thing.
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