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Everything posted by Kite

  1. Kite

    spawnavatar copy

    From the album: Kites Stuff

  2. I started at server launch it is a serious time sink met a good few ppl. but after 5 years i was the only person out of all my irl friends still on, i miss wow, but dont have the time or energy to play
  3. sorta the ship on the plant was there's, he played with it and sent a beacon or something, they probed his mind and decided they wanted destiny. why they abducted Chloe or how they found them, or why the communication stones swapped minds with an alien not earth was never explained
  4. probably find out he was like the top guy who stepped down and the old man resumed the title but no one spoke of it
  5. least i know why it is SyFy not Sci-Fi Communication stones do that and no sci fi explanation why isnt anything explained at an intellectual level, even made up teams like they use in star trek would do, and wtf is up with this personal politic shit aliens almost wiped them out and all they do is bitch for control of the ship that they cant even use you can see there trying to recreate the BSG human behaviour that were all selfish pigs even in the face of our annihilation, but just isn't working on such an isolated ship
  6. do what they did in two and a half men, buy them an xbox and not let them have it
  7. surprised Sarah Palin isnt campaigning for this guy
  8. i havnt seen a 3d film yet, so ill still go to see it just for that
  9. i liked wow but i have a 2 year old and cant put the hours into it it is like a full time job to stay on top of it raiding 3 nights a week and raid prep, basic instancing, rep and gold farming
  10. not that i agree with the officers actions, but the media generally blow thing out of proportion, bet she was like 8 weeks preg and not showing
  11. From the file of things so cool we wish they were real: That sleeping bag in the shape of a Tauntaun from The Empire Strikes Back, which ThinkGeek.com posted as an April Fool's joke this year. (Such cunning details, like the lightsaber zipper, meant to evoke Han's evisceration of the poor creature.) Well, we weren't alone in wanting one, of course, and the site was compelled to post this note: Due to an overwhelming tsunami of requests from YOU THE PEOPLE, we have decided to TRY and bring this to life. We have no clue if the suits at Lucasfilms will grant little ThinkGeek a license, nor do we know how much it would ultimately retail for. But if you are interested in ever owning one of these, click the link below and we'll try! Now comes news from the LA Weekly that ThinkGeek has been working with Lucasfilm to get an actual license to produce the thing, which will likely be modified from the design in the spoof (and also likely cost a bit more than the $39 on the fake ad). Here's what ThinkGeek's PR guy, Shane Peterman, told the weekly newspaper: We are definitely trying to make it into an actual item to be sold on our site. As of right now, it's still an "if," but it's turning into more of a "when." Things are looking pretty good, we just don't want to get too far ahead of ourselves. There's certainly been enough of a demand, both from customers and from those of us that work here. Right now, we're aiming to have it available for the holidays or, at the latest, the 30th anniversary of The Empire Strikes Back next spring. Have you gotten the go-ahead from Lucas? We're still working with Lucas to get approval for a final design. Again, it's looking good, we just can't say too much right now since it's still in the works. Of course, if history is our guide, it's always possible that Lucasfilm will go ahead and copy the thing and just sell it themselves. original link http://scifiwire.com/2009/07/tauntaun-sleeping-bag-inc.php related, the same guys made a lost alarm clock c0MX6oqJBno
  12. Kite

    Final Fantasy XIII

    i couldn't finish ff12 personally FFX2 was so shit i dont think it was ment to be taken serious, but ff12 wasnt bad, just i felt it was trying to be an offline mmo. which is long and boring. i couldnt finish ffx2,12 13 is way better then them, but i think FF team rely on their brand to sell look at what was good about the previous games and imprive on that as opposed to changing directions
  13. wind farms ftw who cares if they ruin the scenery, paint them or dedicate them to people by engraving names of ppl on them
  14. Kite

    SGU Alien Ship

    http://scifiwire.com/2010/04/sneak-peek-at-the-new-sta.php this should have happened in episode 2 or 3 not his far along
  15. is this along the lines of your disgusted death glare zcW0QLKE-A8
  16. Kite

    Final Fantasy XIII

    Unlike other ff titles, i'm finding I have to make time to play it, and often don't i want to finish it, but just don't feel motivated
  17. Kite


    hmm, these arnt really words for this tbh
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