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Everything posted by Kite

  1. unless they make it a movie aimed at adults, it will suck excuse to use the new smiles
  2. well i think it is fair to say that is probably the only film ill be paying to see in 2009
  3. well obama is really making a lot of work for himself, i really hope he can do it
  4. i think we will see a new side to rock lee in terms of happyness to find he gets to fight tough guys after a tough mission
  5. http://www.sonypictures.com/homevideo/residentevildegeneration/ on axxo torrents if ppl want it... looks ok ;p might watch it this week
  6. shadow clones to the rescure for naruto ;p
  7. cant be worse then DB movie.................... or can it
  8. some stains just cant be washed away easy
  9. poor guy who died, humans are worse then animals at times
  10. someone will save konohamaru he is part of a 3 man cell after all, so pain will probably take time if interogating him, as kono will probably let slip he and naruto are friends, and it will be the delay needed for a jonin to show up PS: lol naruto will probably go from genin -> senin, in your face sakura ;p also still no word on kakashi, i still dont think the writer would kill of a key char like kakashi, as naruto will need guidance, with J gone, there needs to be a cool adult figure
  11. http://www.kontraband.com/videos/14883/Star-Wars-vs-Star-Trek/#show
  12. you know the amount of time you spent waiting for the website, you could have found enough pennies around the house to buy the drink ;p
  13. well i wont be d/l that movie no more
  14. Kite

    No caption

    considering he has kicked pretty much every new alien species ass and selpt with the hottest women that race had to offer, i think he has a right to be awsome ;p
  15. Kite

    No caption

    hmm, assumeing that pic isnt photoshoped, why would he throw a cross into space ;p
  16. Kite

    dark knight parady

    not sure if this has been posted, but eith the dvd release, made me think of this http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=w2yv8aT0UFc&feature=related
  17. wth, 2 weeks and we dont even know what happened, you know he isnt dead now, because he will have a talk with his dad, his dad will tell him he has students and a village that still need him, he will return with more powerful attack then ever... my theory ps, finally a glimpse of the 9-tails, and looks like he might actually confront it soon, due to it preventing sage mode with the frog
  18. remake: clash of the titans ^
  19. well if he isnt the captain, and the captian is rendered out of commission, or killed kirk takes command ^^
  20. well killing pff the 3 sannins means sasuke naruto and sakura take their places ;p
  21. looks action packed --> was that what gene rodenbury would have wanted?
  22. naruto wasnt even wounded, and the sword didnt even cut him 4 tails would have ate him if it went on ;p
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