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Myk JL

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Everything posted by Myk JL

  1. I remember watching it on CN... I find it annoying they never finish showing it.
  2. jiwaKJHXno8 Another great parody from ItsJustSomeRandomGuy
  3. Only reason to see that will be to hear someone yell "You sunk my battleship!" ... But how much of a movie can you have with just one joke?...
  4. *Hopes the girls have the "see through" armor!*
  5. I remember back when they played them on G4. Though I'm more of a Dr. Tran fan when it comes to that channel. FO0kRE5OTZI
  6. Most likely not here in NY State. Can't even have Umbrella Swords, Sword Belts, Cane Swords, basically can't have concealed weapons. And you can't even have a Savannah Cat... If it isn't a gun, but considered dangerous you can't have it here... Maybe can't even have Assault Weapons...
  7. [ame=http://xbox360.ign.com/dor/objects/14233938/marvel-ultimate-alliance-2/videos/marvel2_trl_deadpool_51509.html]IGN Video: Marvel: Ultimate Alliance 2 Xbox 360 Trailer - Deadpool Trailer@@AMEPARAM@@flashvars='object_ID=14233938&downloadURL=http://xbox360movies.ign.com/xbox360/video/article/983/983718/marvel2_trl_deadpool_51509_flvlowwide.flv&allownetworking=@@AMEPARAM@@object@@AMEPARAM@@14233938@@AMEPARAM@@xbox360movies@@AMEPARAM@@xbox360@@AMEPARAM@@983/983718@@AMEPARAM@@marvel2_trl_deadpool_51509_flvlowwide[/ame] It looks like they really watered down Deadpool's outfit despite it looking graphically amazing...
  8. The ultimate twist to this whole story... Walt Disney is alive & the Ruler of China... It's a small world afterall...
  9. http://marvelultimatealliance.marvel.com/#/Characters/ http://marvel.com/universe/Civil_War Now that Deadpool has been confirmed to be in this game I'm looking forward to it. Still I think it's a downer that they once again put in the corn ball team, The Fantastic Four. Not to mention Thor who wasn't a part of The Civil War, but instead a clone of him. There are so many others that I'd prefer playable in this game. Must Haves Cable Nick Fury Punisher Wolfsbane Beast Bishop Blade Black Cat Black Widow Bullseye Lady Deathstrike Morbius She-Hulk Tigra Venom Maybes Coldblood Jack Flag Winter Soldier Mach-IV Phantom Rider (And Hopefully Ghost Rider) Radioactive Man Taskmaster U.S. Agent
  10. Glad I stick to IE8... Last time I tried FF I went straight back to IE7.
  11. Poor box... Then again those have to be the best made Wolverine Claws I've seen. Others either try to look like they're coming out of your hand or look like brass knuckles with daggers attached.
  12. Myk JL

    H1N1 (swine flu)

    Now that's some pig... http://roosterteeth.com/comics/strip.php?id=692
  13. Because no one posted them yet... G1R5PhReY5k rxfTPOpXh_8
  14. To this day it still confuses me how someone who looks poorer than me could be leaning toward being obese... I have my days where it looks like my stomach caved in... My daily diet cost around $30... And yet these people tend to burn most of there money on food that I would only consider snacking on once a week.
  15. My how Duke has fallen... I can't believe there was a time in my life I wondered whether Duke Nukem or Deadpool had a bigger impact or who had the first... Duke is not even in my top 5 favorite bad asses anymore... & as that list grows he won't even be in my top ten.
  16. I saw the secret ending with Baraka Pool from here. http://www.deadpoolbugle.com/2009/05/spoiler-see-deadpool-secret-ending-from.html I'll just copy what I wrote on YouTube from this vid. knins1huonU
  17. Not upgrading this one anymore/might build one/might buy one. I thought I heard that Windows 7 was coming out this or next year so I might do something then. 3 or 6 years from now, well, if I don't get a new PC before cloud computing takes over gaming maybe I never will.I got some specs from an episode of X-Play back in 2007 & felt like building that; Price $3,125.00. However sometime early this year I read there is (was) a "2009 Tax Return Time Gaming System Special" at a local store & I thought if it didn't run on XP or Vista I might want one; Price $1,299.95.
  18. It would?!... Dang... But I'm just not going to go out & get a new Mother Board because then I might need a new power supply, new case, & maybe new RAM after I just bought RAM for this PC. By the time I was done I'd almost have enough parts to build my current PC. I'm just going to wait until I hopefully here good new on Microsoft's next OS. That way I can either start by scratch or buy a PC that was built for gaming.
  19. Dang it's been awhile since I've followed anything Ron Paul related. Great to hear he's making progress.
  20. Luckily, I never bought this PC. It was a part of a bribe to make sure I didn't do anything really crazy after I was done with my GED in High School.
  21. Dang... I hope I can return it. PC gaming will just have to wait until XP has a proper sucessor...
  22. No, this is my first time upgrading my store bought PC... I don't know where to get the specs on the Mother Board. All I really know is when I showed the RAM & Processor I needed upgraded that these are the RAM & Processor I was recommended.
  23. Now if I could just find more nonbelievers in my area.
  24. I use to prefer rain & snow over sunshine back when I lived a couple of miles outside of a small village. Sunshine just meant a greater chance of bug bites.
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