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Myk JL

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Everything posted by Myk JL

  1. Apparently you didn't read that article carefully enough or just refuse to believe it.Leaning towards agreeing with sexist doesn't help. Only cowards with (illegal) guns in gun free zones cause most crimes. So when such zones don't exist I feel safe. Easy, based on that article the one with a gun free zone and a not well enough armed police force.
  2. The thinking that if the public doesn't have guns the police don't need them. This kind of thing is similar to what lead to the North Hollywood Shootout. The public didn't have them and they didn't want the police to have powerful weapons. This lead to 2 bank robbers with illegal fire arms taking on the entire police force. Things didn't change for the better until the SWAT Team came in.The 2nd amendment is a freedom we have a right to in the US. Just because your country lacks a freedom doesn't mean ours should too.
  3. Guns don't cause giant explosions that wipe out cities. The only thing you got right was people cause crimes. Not to mention your last statement on light sabers ignores the idea of light saber crimes.
  4. I had a dumb ass thought after the ending of how funny it would be If the alien had been replaced by The Dramatic Stare Gopher causing that Russian to explode!... Too South Park...
  5. In an article I read titled 'Guntown USA' no one there has died via gunshot. It was made mandatory there that the head of a household have a gun.And apparently criminals only target people in areas where guns are banned. Who would think criminals would break laws about gun restricted zones?... I mean... wouldn't they magically not break that law despite breaking all the others? http://www.worldnetdaily.com/news/article.asp?ARTICLE_ID=55288
  6. I think they're mostly the same people who voted for John Kerry.
  7. Isn't that just stating the obvious.
  8. I would reenact that scene from Family Guy after Brian got a free handgun then accidentally shot down Super Satan & his glass jar of marmalade...
  9. Well it was better than I thought & my DH4 annalogy is way off. I was under the impression it was going to be an old dude keeping a nerd out of his daughter's pants. Sadly to say or gladly... I forgot my broken glasses so I couldn't tell how bad the graphics were...
  10. "It's nice to see robots from Detroit doing some good for a change." Watch out for articles about "White Robots Going On A Rampage In Detroit"...
  11. I remember seeing this on the Colbert Report. I wonder though... If only water comes out the other end, and I put milk into it can it make cheese?
  12. My thoughts on this movie are I want to see it. I don't care for who makes the most over the Summer.
  13. Based on the first vid I'd like to say if you look up previous post not only have I talked about Ron Paul the most... I had also had the first post about Ron Paul... Not counting the one on Harry Potter... Point being I might have a brain... I just need more time to find it... Hopefully not 100 years... Base on the 3rd vid in a perfect world the Republican vs Democratic Presidential Candidates would be Ron Paul vs Mike Gravel; Kucinich maybe VP Democratic Candidate...
  14. So them trying to Copy the casting formula to Live Free Or Die Hard didn't work? I did however hear about how bad the effects were Wednesday on G4TV. Now I want to see it if it's worse than Dragon Wars or as Good as Speed Racer...
  15. http://www.escapistmagazine.com/articles/view/editorials/zeropunctuation/3083-Zero-Punctuation-Army-of-Two
  16. Preview: MadWorld: The Wii's Biggest Bloodbath It does look like a bunch of rip offs, but I'm wanting this to be as good as No More Heroes!
  17. http://www.escapistmagazine.com/articles/view/editorials/zeropunctuation/4902-Zero-Punctuation-Grand-Theft-Auto-IV
  18. But that takes all the fun out of it...
  19. I'll probably rent it if I want.
  20. He who smelt it dealt it. And I smelt it!
  21. The PS3 can't take the lead right now. Its still over priced & still lacking in major 1st party games. What is ridiculous is it taking the lead once this console war is already over. A PhD in predictions makes as much sense as Miss Cleo. If I were Microsoft I'd try to fix the problems the company has with hardware. Saying they'll never be anything else is fanboyish. So instead of the few who can afford (to make) a good PC it'll become the few who can afford a Big Plasma TV? And yeah my TV works fine enough. That's why it makes no sense for me to find HD that big of a deal. Most people who can't afford them don't need a Xbox 360 or PS3 for detail they can't see.
  22. Predictions are always fanboyism. Back in the last console war I would have been grateful if the ones about Nintendo dying had been true but that never happened and they were all over the Internet. And a 60 inch plasma TV cost over 1000. Add the PS3 at current price it would make a little more sense just to buy PC parts. I highly doubt Microsoft will see a blue ray player for its console(s) anytime soon. So if Microsoft is really serious about competing with Sony they'll have to become a hardware business as well. The PS3 is a watered down PC. Intriguing if you want a blue ray player, but currently no solid ground beyond that. Maybe it'll be worth the buy with God Of War 3. But with 3rd parties eventually porting their exclusives they don't seem to be a solid reason to get a console that badly. Not knowing & taking an "educated" guess are 2 different things. But making wild predictions years into the future is just fanboyish.
  23. Currently the only console actually in the format war is PS3. Microsoft barely touched the format war issue with that add on. But its not imposible for the next console war after this one to have another format war.And saying the Wii isn't a next gen console because its a GameCube with a funny controller might as well right now be Microsoft saying they're 1st if you ignore that weird console ahead of them.
  24. Beside the fact of a supposed 10 year lifespan. It is assumed that because a console has the best graphics of it's generation it will take 1st when all is said & done. The article can pass as Sony fanboyism based on that alone. But if you look at Sony's past wins they had the least amazing hardware for graphics (With the exception of Sega who had the worst). Only in "Bizarro World" did N64 beat PS1 & Xbox beat PS2. Well now that PS3 is for the graphic nuts & is in third. What are PS3 owners to do but pretend that they will dominate the future? I can only guess they'll act like they live in Bizarro World. And to assume that Blue-Ray is the final winner in all to come Format Wars & hold at least say Microsoft back is ridiculous. *Edit And to base winning on region (like Japan) is also meaningless. The only number that matters in the end comes from world sales. *2nd Edit I forgot to mention that currently Wii is 1st in world sales & has been inching it's way to a near a neck & neck tie with Xbox 360 in America. All of this despite Xbox 360 year start. To say its all because of 360's early start is a poor excuse to run by.
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