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Myk JL

AC Elite
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Everything posted by Myk JL

  1. Myk JL

    YT thread

    As far as I can tell all of their clothing doesn't interest me. I'm just more suited to looking like I'm into Metal music.
  2. Is everyone suppose to get a $1200 check? Because I swear I didn't do any paper work for this. I'm a little worried I might end up with over $2000 or I'm going to have to go on spending sprees.
  3. Myk JL

    YT thread

    I have a habit of blocking most of YouTube's recommendations. Some of them I feel uncertain about blocking. Like this one.
  4. He-Man can't be a Cuck! Especially since Kevin Smith is a Vegan. Therefore He-Man will be a Soy-Boy.
  5. Astroturfing Wars: A Corporate Desperate
  6. Myk JL


    Elder Scrolls 6: Duke Nukem Forever Reborn!
  7. I started hoard shopping for meat on Pi Day. Only meat I usually ate that is out of stock is Tilapia. I'm thinking about switching to Salmon when it comes to fish. But Salmon cost more & has fewer serving per bag.
  8. I didn't play the last one so I haven't been paying attention to the issues following it's sequel. All I know is that it isn't The Stanley Parable.
  9. Myk JL

    YT thread

    I preferred her when she was that furry chick on Storm Hawks....
  10. Myk JL

    2020s Predictions?

    I really wanted to joke about a New Yorxit (like Brexit) situation, but it seems really practical with how the federal government is failing. New York is the biggest donor to the federal government according to this website.
  11. Before today's Jimquisition Today's Jimquisition
  12. I don't know if I'm asymptomatic to COVID-19. But I dreamt that I was too close to a woman who's Velcro straps were attached to me. And If I moved away she would hear me leaving.
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