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Myk JL

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Everything posted by Myk JL

  1. The Crimson Comedian. The Regeneratin' Degenerate. The Merc With A Mouth... Some inacuracey was OK with the X-Men costumes. But when they changed directors with X-Men 3, well that movie was just bad. The only thing this movie has going for it is "Wolverine is in it"... Which is kind of the same thing X-Men 3 had going for it. Basically If they were serious about this movie they would have used The Director from X-Men 1 & 2.
  2. These pics have Epic Fail written all over them.http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_0LhEeWdzFN8/SbEsVxcZZmI/AAAAAAAAA2s/GRLJ7fZXli4/s1600-h/Screenshot4.jpg http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_0LhEeWdzFN8/SbEsWP5pvUI/AAAAAAAAA20/Pr-DuY4podY/s1600-h/Screenshot3.jpg http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_0LhEeWdzFN8/SbEsWUbLgLI/AAAAAAAAA28/BSmN8fWTIak/s1600-h/Screenshot2.jpg http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_0LhEeWdzFN8/SbEsWl8w2gI/AAAAAAAAA3E/Vlw5WpR99F4/s1600-h/Screenshot1.jpg
  3. If it were true it would give you another reason to carry a gun...
  4. I wouldn't mind repeatedly turning the director into Swiss Cheese! Changing Sabertooth's actor. Mixing up Sabertooth with a minor character so all of the sudden he's Logan's brother. Adding in Cyclops. And turning Deadpool into Baracka from Mortal Kombat. Not to mention how corny every one of these commercials sound. It's near impossible for this movie not to be a flop.
  5. I'd get one if it didn't have 2 screens.
  6. Myk JL

    All Men are Bastards

    Not a large enough target...
  7. Myk JL

    All Men are Bastards

    I feel the need to paint it... Into someone that looks like the evil version of Spider-Man... AKA... Deadpool!
  8. Myk JL

    Mental Unbalance

    The funny thing is out of my 3 previous close friends only one out of all of us I'd say was mentally balanced... That one person wasn't me.
  9. Hm... Interesting point. Anyway my views are mine. I never claimed to be a know it all. My own view does not change how well any of the gaming devices sell. And IF any of us could build a gaming device chances are we wouldn't be hear to begin with. This thread was never intended to be about handhelds. This thread is about whether or not Wii deserves to be called the Winner of this console war. That's the only topic that is on topic.
  10. You asked for personal preference I gave you personal preference. I could have said an iPod Touch with actual gaming controls. You're just offended because I think the DS sucks. You want to call me ignorant for not knowing specs. Maybe I could do the same by stating the Game.Com had a Touch Screen back in the 90s so its nothing new.Two screens walk into a bar. One wants to be felt up. And the other wants to be on top. Meh... Almost as bad of a joke as the DS. Yes I do like pause menus. They give me a breather when I'm in fast paced action. Two screens isn't just way too much; its just goofy. Gamecube graphics are OK. Nintendo taking a step backwards graphic wise is what I was referring to. Congrats on wanting whats basically a touch screen universal remote control. And I didn't have anything against playing hand held games on their tv. Gamecube had basically this with the Gameboy. What I found dumb was a game that needed somehow 3 screens in order to play. Do I dare say your view on the touch screen is only your opinion because you hate Motion Controls. Yes please do get back on topic to the thread I made & not some goofy dream of the DS.
  11. I prefer to look at one screen & only one screen.What I'd have in mind is something along the lines of a PSP, but instead of discs it uses cartridges. Behold a DS that hooks up to a TV! Three screens to look at! And graphics worse than the Game Cube! It sounds like one of the worst jokes I've ever heard.
  12. If Nintendo had focused on the DS as the entire gaming package I would have been still staying away from Nintendo. That Dual Screen thing is too irritating. They should have made a 3D Gameboy instead of that thing.
  13. The only game I'm looking forward to for the Wii right now is MadWorld. Plenty of the other Wii M Rated Games coming out this year have either sucked or are Rail Shooters I've lost interest in. PS3 wise I'm looking forward to LoW, UFC09, & GoW3. Still want to get Afro Samurai, KillZone 2, & SvR09 (Own it for the Wii, but you can port this roster over to LoW). PS3 isn't doing that bad. If all consoles started selling on the same day you'd see that PS3 would be in 2nd right now. I can only hope that the next Wii is as powerful as Xbox 360. I don't think either Microsoft or Nintendo are planning to change DVD formats so the PS4 probably has the ultimate jump start when talking about next gen consoles.
  14. How violent would a Family Guy Quote War be?... Eh... I just like the quotes. Current phone message. Francis: Watch that kind of talk or you'll get your heathen head smacked! Brian: Oh that's very Christian. Believe what I say or I'll hurt you. Francis: Now you're getting it! *SMACK!*
  15. I thought it was OK. Didn't really care for that dead cop's family. Some time after seeing this movie in theaters I made my own version of Jigsaw in SvR09.
  16. I just watch(ed) the Oscar results on The Colbert Report. I use to watch MTV's Movie Awards for the skits, but I don't even watch those anymore. Last time I watched Napoleon Dynamite was Batman.
  17. You just made me wonder if an actual Gynecologist has ever said the word "bragina" while performing their job...
  18. ... I was sober when I typed mine...
  19. I can admit I don't watch Fringe... I just generally avoid any channel that may contain the news. I've had a couple of Family Guy phrases on my answering machine within a month. Mainly from Mort. "Ladies I'm a very desperate man! My name is Mort & I live with my Mudder. And I have very low standards. *Sneeze* OH GOD THERES BLOOD IN MY MUCUS!" "Please don't spit in my eggs! Please don't spit in my eggs! Please don't spit in my eggs! Thank you for the eggs! God I hope he didn't spit in my eggs." *bzz* Hey Doug I just spit in that guys eggs! *bzz* Our armies are ready. Soon it will be time to leave the sewers & strike back at the humans in the over world! Sooner or later "Oh God she farted & it went down my throat!" That one with the "ScareJew"... Sorry I don't remember the exact phrase. But it was pretty damn funny.
  20. I use to celebrate any day I could find a reason to celebrate about. Then I started to spend my money on other stuff. Basically the holiday season is almost every holiday from Halloween till Easter. If it wasn't for the commercialism I say it is to distract you from how depressing it may look outside. I do my best to avoid about half of the holiday season nowadays.
  21. It's not extreme enough... Where's the death penalty in that?
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