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Myk JL

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Everything posted by Myk JL

  1. http://www.escapistmagazine.com/videos/view/zero-punctuation/8642-Top-5-Games-of-2013
  2. I got myself intrigued by X-Man until I realized it had nothing to do with Nate Gray. They also have Rampage, but it isn't the arcade version.
  3. Base on how old the consoles they're showing off are it sounds like a lot of Abandonware Pre-NES Generation.... Not that's there's anything wrong with Abandonware, but this is just too old for my taste.
  4. I can't tell if this was inspired by the the 80s or Saints Row 3&4 which have been inspired by the 80s...
  5. Happy Belated B-Day, Sledge!
  6. They already had Rhino in the video game sequel that took place after the reboot movie. Too bad it didn't prevent them from putting Rhino in the movie sequel. http://www.escapistmagazine.com/videos/view/unskippable/7099-The-Amazing-Spider-Man-Part-One http://www.escapistmagazine.com/videos/view/unskippable/7123-The-Amazing-Spider-Man-Part-Two
  7. I think they already revealed the villain for the 3rd movie.
  8. Base on Hit Girl alone I hope so. Otherwise her story has this awkward ending. By then I'd expect her to be at least 18 years old. Based on the scene after the credits I expect he'll have a smaller roll....
  9. I blame children for that reason. One reason as to why I trust rated R super hero movies over everything that can get by on PG-13 whether its good or bad. Because if a rated R Super Hero movie sucks chances are we wouldn't see a sequel.
  10. Hopefully they're making it so you can't wait till morning. Keep your guard up during the night Then maybe you sleep during the morning when it would be safest to do so. Or have a way to defend yourself all night. Then if you do a morning mission you're kind of exhausted already & need to get the mission done before you pass out in the afternoon.
  11. Do all the missions take place near nightfall? Or are they expecting the game play to look more dramatic if that's all they show?
  12. Release Date For Mac & PC announced as 4/4/14.
  13. Sounds less exciting than Pacific Rim when you put it that way. I hate Oscar Bait so if it was I'd skip it for that reason alone. As for Godzilla looking like Godzilla, I'll wait until they show how he moves. Because if he ends up looking like a guy in a costume I might as well skip & watch old episodes of The Power Rangers.
  14. Too much emphasis on humans. Has the same flaw as the 1998 version for having the military as the answer to defeating Godzilla.
  15. "How it is at the moment, is that you can't die, but you can lose everything…There is no saved game. Your game will be saved, your progress is saved all the time as you go along, but if your ship is destroyed then you go back to a life pod and you've lost that ship, and that is your everything." So in other words if they add in a Free Roam option similar to GTA Online expect Trolls to blast beginners out of existence.... I think I'll pass until its free with PS Plus anyway.
  16. If only Brock Samson, Ash Williams, The Heavy, etc could show up if you owned Poker Night At The Inventory 1 & 2.... Then again everyone else except maybe GLaDOS & of course Clap Trap would stand out too much....
  17. Looks interesting. That crashed space ship in the ice reminded me of one of my favorite episodes of RvB. On the other hand couldn't they have come up with a name that didn't sound related to VeeMee's crappy cover based shooter, No Man's Land? *Edit* Here's that episode.
  18. If there are no negative side effects or a cure I'm probably going to become a werewolf. Hypocritically on the other hand though if I were forcefully turned into a vampire then there better be a cure.
  19. http://wolfchildrenmovie.com/ It grabbed my interest at first. From what I can tell they don't stick to the generic kemonomimi (Animal Ears). However it started to lose my interest based on the commercial having what feels like a major spoiler about the mother becoming a single parent. And it doesn't help that how they summed up the mother's story like she was destined to be stuck in the house cooking & cleaning. I'm confused on how long she was pregnant for each child. Since the way they state it would be about 3 months. And it probably doesn't help that I don't feel immune to the complaints from children.... Even if they are more interesting as wolves. I won't be watching it anytime soon though since if I do it'll probably be through Digital Distribution.
  20. Myk JL

    PS Plus Games

    Just to keep better track of Games available through PS Plus when discussing them. December of this month. http://blog.us.playstation.com/2013/11/28/playstation-plus-december-preview/ Kind of a Downer there isn't even 1 free PS4 game, but hopefully there will be enough outcry for Sony to reconsider that. Being Released tomorrow for PS Plus. http://blog.us.playstation.com/2013/12/02/ps-plus-grid-2-free-for-ps-plus-members/ I've never played Grid before & to a certain extent I wish they were giving Midnight Club LA.
  21. Myk JL


    I purchase my PS3 Games on my PS3. So as far as I can tell from looking at the list from the PSN store on PS3 I own Uncharted 3. Since you did it on Sony's Site you might be having similar problems like I did with Resogun for PS4. According to the PSN Store on PS3 there are 20 games available; 12 PS3 Games & 8 PS Vita Games. I wish I was more into XCom but I got overwhelmed by its RTS mechanics. I got lost in Shadow Of The Colossus & couldn't figure out where to go. I eventually got use to the Horse controls though.
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