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pretty foxy

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Everything posted by pretty foxy

  1. pretty foxy


    I`m glad if I`m welcomed here and if not.....well......I`ll live with the ideea Whatever it will be I` m happy to be here.....
  2. I like sess` mom.she es cute.in a strange way......I` m glad Rin lives after all....does sessomaru love her like his child or what?
  3. Sessomaru is the best.he so sexy...bad nd dangerous..but in the same time he can be gentle........
  4. I`m Miroku???? But.....onestly....I...a....
  5. My mystery date is Kouga!!!!!!!! well.......he runs very fast...I hope he woud`n run from me.....
  6. what? that`s weird.........hm......very....dramatic...
  7. pretty foxy


    I`m new on this forum....I`m a anime-fan and I want to talk with others like me...
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