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Everything posted by Zepling

  1. You scored as a Batman, the Dark Knight As the Dark Knight of Gotham, Batman is a vigilante who deals out his own brand of justice to the criminals and corrupt of the city. He follows his own code and is often misunderstood. He has few friends or allies, but finds comfort in his cause. Batman, the Dark Knight 75% Neo, the "One" 71% Lara Croft 63% Captain Jack Sparrow 58% Indiana Jones 58% The Amazing Spider-Man 58% El Zorro 58% James Bond, Agent 007 54% Maximus 42% The Terminator 38% William Wallace
  2. That's great news! Ever since Yellowstone was established, the friggen wolf population has dwindled. Damn irresponsible hunters! I am personally against hunting but gawd, if you must hunt, do it responsibly!
  3. I've had the exact same argument with a Bible thumper in one of my history classes. It didn't work out so well though. Thankfully, we began the discussion near the end of the semester and it was online. That made it easier to just give them my sources and drop it. That lady was always spouting her mouth off at others in that class, I was glad to shut her up.
  4. If Obama shared 100% of Ron Paul's views, he would not have gotten (is that a word???) this far. I don't trust Obama. But if he had the same views as Ron Paul, I wouldn't trust him even more. Had the primaries resulted in a Billary nomination, I would have considered skipping out to live in England. I also can't stand how McCain has become more and more conservative since 2000. This election season sucks hardcore. Both candidates can be bought and sold just like candidates in the past. . . I give a thumbs down to this election.
  5. Zepling


    The only people NAFTA benefits are American multinational corporations and Canadian farmers. Mexican farmers and workers are getting screwed up the ass, as well as Mexicans living in Southern Mexico (outside of Mexico City) because most of the promised jobs that NAFTA supposedly provided are in the upper portion of Mexico. Not that anyone would want those jobs since the workers have no rights and are paid horribly. And child labor is a norm. Americans get screwed as well because American grown crops are being outsourced to Mexico (even though Mexicans aren't benefiting from it) and the regulations regarding the quality of the food and the pollution put out by the maquiladoras and American factories down there are an atrocity (corporations claim that they don't need to abide by strict U.S. regulations because it would then cost too much money to operate). Canada on the other hand has enjoyed the benefits of an astonishingly increase in exports, bringing in a lot of money for them.
  6. Zepling


    Kind of off topic but...the last time I got a flu shot, I fainted. But that's just because I hate needles...
  7. "White House insisted the changes were made because of reservations raised by White House advisers about the accuracy of the science." If only they had been this careful about faulty intelligence before invading Iraq. We all know that dang-ole' science CAN'T be trusted!!
  8. Ballsy: yes Correct: I believe so. Israel has the second largest army in the world (and have lots o' weapons) and is much more capable of holding it's own than the U.S. gives them credit for. They have more capabilities to displace others around them and instigate fights since the people they are always fighting with are much poorer and have fewer resources than them. EX: http://www.ccun.org/News/2007/September/15%20n/10%20million%20Palestinians,%207%20millions%20of%20them%20%20refugees,%20450,000%20internally%20displaced,%20a%20new%20Badil%20report.htm Question: Why is it a big deal Iran to be SUSPECTED of having either uranium enrichment or nukes when Israel messes with more countries more often and it is okay and encouraged by the U.S. for them (Israel) to own them? Iran talks about fucking up Israel but it has never acted on it (that I know of). Israel on the other hand, messes with other countries but it's okay for them to have anywhere from 75-200 nuclear warheads...WHAT? And what about when Israel attacked Syria because they suspected that they had a nuclear reactor site????? The way the U.S. portrays Israeli vs. Palistinian vs. Lebanese conflict is extremely biased and omits any side of the story that isn't favorable to Israelis. WTF? A lot of people would look at what I wrote and call me anti-semitic...but I'm not in reality. I just don't think our portrayal of that situation is fair. America is hyper-sensitive about offending Israel. EX: http://electronicintifada.net/v2/article962.shtml But Israel submitted "Beaufort" instead -- and made the final five for this past Oscar ceremony...HUH? How come Palestine could not submit in 2002, but Israel was allowed to submit a movie in 2007. . .In 2005, Palestine's movie Paradise Now was nominated but again, why no love in 2002? Could it be because it was only a year after 2001 and we didn't want to "deal with them thar Arabs????" Hmmm.
  9. Wtf? http://www.aetv.com/the-two-coreys/corey-vs-corey-game/index.jsp
  10. Zepling

    so hot...

    At school this morning it was about 105F. Right now in town its... 92.5F. High: 98F Low: 60F Humidity: 22%
  11. I hope the US will look at this and take a cue from Spain.
  12. The melting of the North Pole sucks hardcore for polar bears (we need to be doing more to help the poor guys out). But in relation to humans, the melting of the North Pole doesn't have specific consequences. This is because the ice at the North Pole is floating, not glacial. Greenland's glacial ice is melting. . . that has a negative effect on sea levels. When Greenland's glacial ice melts 100%; 60% of the state of Florida, most of Louisiana, and parts of Texas (such as Houston) will be underwater. I ain't no scientist, so I could be completely wrong. I'm just repeating what we discussed in class this morning. . . . But I'm pretty sure about how the North Pole will not raise sea levels when it melts. My teacher said you can prove it by filling a glass with water, measure the height of the water in inches or centimeters. Put an ice cube (I don't think the number of cubes matters) in the glass of water. Wait for the ice to melt and when it completely melts, measure the water again. The melted ice adds no height or volume to the already existing water and the measurement does not change. Therefore, floating ice doesn't raise sea levels. It's actually a pretty cool experiment to do when you're bored. But the melting of the North Pole and other polar ice shouldn't be taken lightly. Besides the devastating effects it will have on the already short-numbered polar bear population, it symbolizes just how badly we've fucked up this planet. SAVE THE POLAR BEARS!!!!! Well, and the rest of the planet.
  13. yeah our air quality sucks right now. Today is a spare the air and power conservation day. My geography teacher gave us the heads up that the next three days will most likely be spare the air days. Bracing for the upcoming heat wave! Today's spare the air day has renewed my faith in humanity. The traffic was unusually light this morning.
  14. I'm a little bummed that they didn't save a life and adopt a needy child. But most 'normal' people would rather have children of their 'own' too so I guess I can't fault them for not adopting. As for caesarean, it really isn't fair to call it 'unnatural.' If it has to be done, then it must be done. In this case, it had to be done. I was born through c-section and so were all of my brothers as well as my mother and her sister. C-sections have been performed around the world for hundreds of years (that we know of) and for various reasons; including elective. Does the method of birth really matter? Congratulations to the happy couple. I'm sure they'll be great parents.
  15. I was speaking in terms of the 2000 election, but in general I couldn't agree with you more. I'm tired of party on party crime. . .especially when both of the primary parties are more alike than they let on.
  16. Well I do believe that Al Gore won the election over Bush. Desenfrichisement of black voters, fucked up chad from the elderly and vision impared, corrupt hand counts, weak democrats not willing to fight the Republicans hard, shady Republican antics, the fight over intent to vote (impression in punch card). . .the list goes on and on. However, I do believe that the Democrats look to Nader as a scape goat for why Gore did not walk away President. They bad mouth and point the finger when they really should be looking at themselves in the mirror (and of course be angry with the Republicans for their shady tactics. Katherine Harris, especially.). But instead, some Democrats would rather blame the third party candidate. Funny, I thought that in America, we could be free to vote for whoever we want and that whoever wanted to be president could run as long as they're US born and 35 years old. The ravings of an Independent Party member.
  17. American Society should be held accountable for mistakes that the government makes. With all of the money and resources floating around in this country, we should be held accountable for some things (voting, protesting, writing our Congress people). Take the 2000 election for instance. Most of America blames Nader for spoiling the election and handing over the presidency to George Bush. These pissed off Democrats also wholeheartedly claim that Nader is was a major contributor to the war in Iraq? Why? Because, as they claim, Gore wouldn't have started a war with Iraq. There is absolutely no evidence to back that up. It's just speculation. It is not Nader's fault that Gore lost. Gore lost because 1) disenfranchisement of black voters in Florida and 2) many liberal democrats and undecideds just plain didn't like him. That's Gore's fault, the fault of his supporters and campaign, and the fault of the voters. I believe that political correctness has it's place. Such as in references to history. History is always being changed and we should try our best to stay current and accurate. For example, we now know that Christopher Colombus did not discover America, was possibly Jewish, was a total greedy, racist dick-weed that was in debt up to his eye balls. It would be inaccurate to say otherwise. It would be offensive, politically incorrect, and racist to say that Natives were a primitive people and Colombus was just observing how dumb (and fit) they were when he wrote that they would "make good slaves." He took advantage of their differences, like many men after him. Do I say mailPERSON instead of mailMAN, yes. Do I say Police Officer instead of policeMAN, you bet your ass I do. I just like to be accurate, I don't really consider semantics like that an annoyance. I'm on the fence about Affirmative Action. I want to most qualified candidate to get the job, but I also think there are things may only be considered due to Affirmative Action. Things aren't black and white, nor should they be. I believe that we shouldn't tax Native American casinos because that money (supposedly) goes to Native American governments. Our nation does not have the right to tax government money of a sovereign nation. Even if the casinos are corrupt, it isn't our problem. Their governments need to step up. But with such poor, unhappy citizens with no power, why would Native Americans want to vote? Nothing changes much for them. They do not have the resources that we have. I believe that the Red Cross needs to step up and try to get donations for them as well as offshore nations. Their living conditions are so bad, it's awful. Anyway, I agree on what was said about this generation being in "stand by." So to speak. [/end rant]
  18. Poor girl. I'm glad she was permitted to have an abortion, no rape victim should have to deal with the resulting pregnancy, child bearing, and so on if they don't want to.
  19. Tim Russert was a fantastic journalist. He accomplished so much and died way too young. What will Meet the Press do without a moderator? Ugh, I was hoping that he was also going to moderate the GE debates. . .
  20. Well, my candidate was John Edwards but he had to drop out before he got to my state. Socialism? I don't think that's a bad word. Just look at Europe. Democratic-Socialism has it's problems but every government has problems, sooo... I don't think McCain is very in touch with the American people or the world. Because of his speaking mistakes, I think he will need to have someone (literally or figuratively) whispering in his ear when he speaks publicly, or during everyday briefings, operations, and meetings in the white house. As for Hillary; I get it, she's experienced. However, she shouldn't throw stones at Obama for having no foreign policy experience. She doesn't have much either. And Obama was actually near the bottom of my list for worthy candidates. (Edwards, Richardson, Kusinich, Obama, Gravel, Clinton). I don't agree with all of his opinions but he's what the Democrats have so we've got to work with him. If Hillary had come out first, I would vote for her doing the GE just as I will Obama. Also, I don't believe Hillary should just be given the VP slot because she ran a good campaign. I don't see her working well with others. I think she would be a great cabinet member though. I hope those 27% of Hillary supporters that plan to vote for McCain just abstain from voting. If they do that, then they have absolutely no right to call Nader a "spoiler" anymore. Just leave the poor man alone.
  21. My dad has been playing the guitar for 30 years and he sucks at Guitar Hero so far. We got it yesterday so maybe he'll improve.
  22. Wow, I wonder what Hugo Chavez has to say.
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