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Everything posted by Ladywriter

  1. voters are boned this time around Mc Cain will be an older version of the Bushes, Palin is a fucking cunt I wouldn't want judging a dog show let alone becoming prez if/when the old bastard strokes out in the oval office. I don't have any faith in the dem party either. A world tour vacation doesn't mean you have the skills neeeded to deal with forien policy. The dems shoulda played it smart and consolidated all the votes on an Obama Hillary ticket. I've paused several times and wondered if they even really want to win or if this whole election has become a dog and pony show fronted by big (oil) business.
  2. A long-time Wasilla resident who has known Palin for 16 years shares her own views on the Vice Presidential candidate. The Sarah Palin I Know 8 More Stories About Palin the Public Needs to Know A Telling Palin Scandal: Her Environmental Record
  3. u come over when its done. we'll do a bonfire
  4. bitch calls the ariel hunting of wolves for sport "safari" she's anti-environment and thus can fuck off. she's in big oil's back pocket. fuck off and die bitch. as far as her knocked up kid goes, prego teen=ignorant skank. Where the fuck was mom's guidance? hmmm guess there was none. So if McSame were to drop dead in office we get the bitch that can't even keep her own family out of trouble.... no no no picking her was just a ploy to take the Clinton female voters from Obama and big suprise its working. the dems made a big mistake by not vp~ing Hillary. 18 million votes ae now split between dem/rep and Ron Paul. Some ppl will vote rep just to be bastards cuz they're pissed. Don't blame them. Because of in party fighting the dems have given up what could have been an easy sweeping victory in November and I just can't feel sorry for them. If they lose its their own godamn ignorant petty ass bullshit fault.
  5. It started with taking care of the hollyhock/lemon balm mess along the house. I moved the 4 lavender and all the mini rose I could find in the lupine patch to the front and accented with maiden fern which will tolerate the amount of sun it gets there. hosta had to be moved and I stuck the hydrangea and chives in there as well. Everything in its place should do well there. extended the shade garden toward the front of the house. dug out lily that did shitty this year and put in myrtle, lambs ear, foxglove to handle the shade better. re-laid the steps going out to the trash can/recycling bin and threw mulch down. no more muddy shoes. Containers with vinca and annuals that were being buried by bigger plants out back. Arch under construction. purple butterfly bush and red sweet william on the left; dark pink morning glorey and annual snapdragons. purple clematis on the right with room for the white butterfly bush when I get there Started w/ lambs ear and scotch broom, vinca slips and marigold to mark room for annuals. then added 2 purple salvia and coreopsis plantings, 2 kinds of roses, 2 kinds of veronica, more vinca, russian sage, and echenacia moved 2 blueberries yesterday and started moving piones.... more pics later
  6. Ladywriter

    had to share

    been diggin around lookin at different stuff trying to find a song for tb and ran across this X'D Ppmz0mZFEZQ
  7. I'm not so sure Kuma is a "good" guy. Look at the Shikibukai we've seen.... Don Flamingo slave trades the pirates (and whoever else) he finds. Mihawk destroys fleets killing hundreds at a time. Crocodile was building an army and looking for Pluton to take over the Grand Line. Geko Moria was also building an army of zombies to become pirate king. Blackbeard wants to be king badly enough to kill a nakama. In general he acts like a dick to the townspeople wherever he goes. Kuma admits he does what he wants unless its something specific the WG is askin for.
  8. They have to be in a place where they can get back to Sunny. The old man is fighting atm but he will get Sunny done for them probably within the 3 days.
  9. study hard everybody yayyyyyyyyyyyy school
  10. yeah I was hoping that chick was dead but no dice. Its not like these fucks he's been traveling with for such a short time are his nakama or anything. One or two of em coulda been killed off to keep it interesting
  11. same shit different chapter *yawn*
  12. Luffyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy!
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