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Everything posted by Ladywriter

  1. BP brings in big box to deal with oil
  2. [ame=http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/26315908/vp/36976802#36976802]Rachel Maddow Show[/ame] [ame=http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/26315908/vp/36977282#36977282]Rachel Maddow Show[/ame] [ame=http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/21134540/vp/36974288#36974288]msnbc.com Video Player[/ame]
  3. BP's Oil Disaster: The Numbers Will Shock You Tell Sarah Palin: Donate your millions in "Drill, baby, drill" profits to Gulf Coast relief efforts
  4. Ladywriter

    defenders ad

    From the album: Stuff

  5. Ladywriter

    defenders ad

    From the album: Stuff

  6. yeah Id say thats about right
  7. this is not the kind of project you hand over to a hack and say 'here make a script'
  8. Ladywriter

    spill baby spill

    From the album: Stuff

  9. Ladywriter

    Garden Toad 01

    I was planting some annuals when toady surprised me
  10. At least 19 people were killed in thunderstorms and possible tornadoes worried about climate change yet?
  11. Oil spill is the ‘bad one’ experts feared
  12. my concerns are that the story will be toned down too much (ex:The Drawing of the Three gunfight Eddie is naked; any of the demon speaking circle scenes, Roland slaughters an entire town etc etc) From page 1 of The Gunslinger Roland is one mean motherfucker. His ka tet changes him somewhat but he is who he is to his core. I'll be fucking pissed if they fuck up Jake Chambers. If they try to turn him into an angsty teen I'll fuckin puke. Week by week may work in terms of giving the audience the plot correctly but the DT isn't suitable for network tv. If they try to make it like that piece of shit Lost, well again I'll be puking. It might work on HBO but not on CBS. I'm used to King books being turned into half assed or downright shitty movies which is why I've been grateful there has been no DT movie(s). The actors I would have chosen for the characters have all aged out, now they're too old to be Roland or Eddie. This is why I have been hoping for YEARS that the DT series could be done in all cg. I was convinced after FFAC and further convinced by Avatar that it could be done. If we get actors based on their popularity instead of how they fit the role = pissed. If they take the plot and fuck it in the ear = pissed If they distort story or characters to make bucks off the flick or series = pissed. I would rather have NO Dark Tower movies/series then a shitty one. So far the DT has been kept safe ~probably has something to do with rabid fans~ and now we gotta worry about crappy writers and actors, commercialization.... imagine cutting to a beer commercial in the middle of fighting a guardian of the beam. fuckin weak.
  13. Weighing oil spill's impact April 30: Environmental lawyer Mike Papantonio, whose firm has filed class action lawsuits in three states on behalf of shrimpers, fisheries, oystermen, and business owners, joins the Ed Show. [ame=http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/3096434/vp/36879861#36879861]msnbc tv- msnbc.com[/ame]
  14. it would only work as a horror flick
  15. I'd be flaming pissed and kick somebody's fuckin ass. Duders best not jerk Tower Junkies around. After the success dances with smurfs had I was still hoping for an all cg DT movie series. it will suck the big one if they try to make it a tv show. it is not that kind of material. it is not for the mass market. it is a complicated story pulling in other pieces and worlds. Lord of the Rings would have been a shitty weekly series. So would The Dark Tower.
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