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Everything posted by Ladywriter

  1. killer hair? sweeeeeeeeeet
  2. this kind of crap has got to stop
  3. rice in the frige for weeks? I'm w Dubie on the antibacterial soap thing too. We need some exposure to germs. Not salmonella but the more garden variety crap that we build up immunity to.
  4. the very idea that he can influence people keeps me up at night tbh I'm concerned the right wing nuttery going on faux news and what not is going to perpetuate another Oklahoma City type of "attack on the govt" I remember watching that shit on tv too yo. A week to the day before I had my daughter.
  5. By Mark Pittman I can see what the concern is but we have a right to know where that money went and who was reckless enough to need that kind of cash to begin with. We should be allowed to make informed decisions about where and with who we do business.
  6. I have 2 kids in school. I have and do listen to what the generation currently in school says. I also look at their progress reports and report cards. I ask what they do in class and what up with homework. I listen to an even younger generation then someone 5 years out of high school and no I'm not being sarcastic because I actually do talk to my kids and their friends. Nobody I know liked school, personally I hated every fuckin day of it. Everybody was a fuckin stuck up snob and I got stuck with the occasional asshole teacher. Hating school doesn't have to = hating learning and the bottom line is that is what school is for. We aren't sending kids to school to torture them. We don't send them to school because we're a bunch of meanies and we want them to be miserable. We send them for an education to prepare them for the future. I do believe reducing the pace would reduce the stress. Hell just adding 10 minutes to the school day to give more time between classes to hit your locker or get where ya gotta go can ease a burden esp if yer carrying a lotta books like my daughter does (cuz she's got no time to go to her locker )
  7. No child left behind is exactly what it sounds like. No matter how little the kid learned they're passed on to the next grade to get them out of school as quickly as possible. My kid failed 5th 6th 7th and 8th grade, the school passed him on anyway throwing a host of excuses at me when the bottom line is my kid was negatively effecting their test scores. NCLB should be tossed. Repetition is how most ppl learn and there has to be more time allotted for that in the classrooms. Rushing through chapters to stay on schedule is not helping. We need more days then we currently have to teach everyone. More and more we're seeing kids with learning disabilities, ADD/ADHD, forms of autism etc in public schools. These kids need more time to absorb the material. Kids in large school buildings also need more time to get from 1 classroom to the next. Extending the amount of time kids spend in school would take care of some of the rush stress cycle. The U.S. ranks 134th for government commitment to education Sorry but who really gives a fuck what children think about it. It's for their own benefit and the benefit of our society as a whole. Schools puking out dumb Billies is not helping!!!
  8. [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cMwZ76QB7uk]YouTube - Fox News shows murder and blames it on the godless[/ame]That this kid died is nothing less than a fucking tragedy. I did watch the vid and it about made me puke. I know kids like this, kids who think force is the way to go. They jump and beat the crap out of each other, pull weapons etc. All it takes is one slip for someone to end up dead. Beck the Mormon and moron overlooks the real problems of poverty, gangs and social groups etc in favor of this happened because *insert retarded belief* . It's easier to blame things on the invisible then to try and solve real problems. Fuck you Glenn and that tiny withered black thing you call your heart and I call your brain.
  9. Download the song at www.timeforclimatejustice.org and become a climate ally. Music and movie stars come together in a new campaign for climate change. [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aBTZOg6l6cA]YouTube - Beds Are Burning - tck, tck, tck campaign[/ame]
  10. A story of two protests in the United States, six weeks apart. August, 2009, in Portsmouth New Hampshire, an armed protester threatens to "water the tree of liberty" with the blood of tyrants and patriots. September, 2009, in Pittsburgh, unarmed protesters challenge the G-20 leaders to stop destroying the earth, and exploiting its people. For whom did the batons, gas, sound weapons, National Guard and curfews get deployed? Who got arrested? Who got endless news coverage and who got almost none? Whose free speech was protected and who was criminalized? Outraged by the police/military repression of protest at the G-20 in Pittsburg? Sign this letter to be delivered Friday October 2, and ask your friends to sign it. http://www.worldcantwait.net/index.php/home-mainmenu-289/5879-stand-with-the-g-20-protesters
  11. Part of the problem w/ education is the pace teachers must move at to cover the required curriculum. Retention of information can be difficult for kids flying through chapters thus little Billy isn't really learning jack shit. Teachers move on before everyone in class gets it right, they have to, they have a time limit. A rushed education is a poor quality education. Lotsa dumb Billies have made their way through school thanks to the schedule and no child left behind. Dumb Billies aren't going to help our economy or environment. Dumb Billies are fodder for the military and corporations. I'm all for pushing the start and finish of the school day back a few hours too. This coming from a mom w 2 in hs. Not only was I schooled via public education my kids are too.
  12. President, education chief want to lengthen days, keep schools open later yay school
  13. Bipartisan effort aims to get peek into secretive U.S. central bank 295 co-sponsors [ame]http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/21134540/vp/33002561#33002561[/ame]
  14. Draft version calls for 20 percent cut in greenhouse gases by 2020 I have really mixed feelings about cap and trade as it allows pollution to continue why the fuck wait 3 years? We don't have 3 years we need this legislation to go into effect yesterday
  15. Some dogs and cats reaching 15 years or more, veterinarians say muttly's life exp was about 9 years and she lived to be 11. Ammy the cat was 21 when she passed.
  16. Tsunami kills scores in Samoa islands scary
  17. SIGN this letter of outrage, to be sent to federal and PA authorities. Deadline 10-1-2009
  18. Cops in Fatigues Throw Protester into Unmarked Car at G-20 Protests and Drive off wtf is this horse shit?! [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G8CNa_viKg0]YouTube - Arrest at G20 Demonstrations, September 24, 2009[/ame]
  19. POLICE USE PAINFUL NEW WEAPON ON G20 PROTESTERS By Allison Kilkenny, True/Slant This technology has been deployed in Iraq as an "anti-insurgent weapon" -- it could easily be used as a torture tool. http://www.alternet.org/story/142921/police_use_painful_new_weapon_on_g20_protesters As you'll see, the students were (a) not numerous, and ( not really doing much of anything, but sort of hanging out. And yet the cops were suited up for heavy combat (in some galaxy far, far away), and came down hard on.... nothing. They lobbed gas grenades, dragged people off, etc., as if there were a riot going on. But the only figures breaking any laws on that calm campus were the cops themselves. [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2RlVKgIfqsk]YouTube - G20 Police State 12 - SHOCKING! G20 2009 Police Attack Students at University of Pittsburgh[/ame] [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bJxEmUl8Qh4]YouTube - Pittsburgh Police Use Nazi StyleTactics Wearechange 09-24-09[/ame]
  20. [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JY1pcoBWp3Q]YouTube - Michael Moore on Good Morning America[/ame]
  21. This video is from the university of Calgary. It shows how mercury kills brain neurons. Using live brain cultures, the mercury is introduced and the video shows how autism occurs.. Autism is mercury poisoning. [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IHqVDMr9ivo]YouTube - Brain Neuron Degeneration via Mercury[/ame] *passes on the shot*
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