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Everything posted by Ladywriter

  1. show looks interesting enough to give it some episodes
  2. .....uuuuhhhh no no, just no, nuh uh no way get outta here
  3. I watched this when it aired, my reaction wasn't as kind as the panels http://youtu.be/CElOFx16Xlw
  4. Ladywriter

    Daryl Dixon

    If Daryl dies we riot!
  5. Ladywriter


    wallpaper it is
  6. Ladywriter


    Battlestar Galactica
  7. Ladywriter

    The Walking Dead

    From the album: Sigs by Lady

    The Walking Dead
  8. Ladywriter

    The Walking Dead

    From the album: Sigs by Lady

    The Walking Dead
  9. I know bad drivers of both genders. My dude friends are the ones who taught me to drive. A little of their crazy rubbed off on me, but not any of the road rage stuff. Off topic psychobabble tip of the day: and this one http://youtu.be/rahtBTYUmOU
  10. Equality is not about putting one side down, its about providing all sides with the same rights and opportunities. Ending patriarchy doesn't mean drag men down, I think it means just the opposite. There are entire countries that regulate half of their population cannot go out in public unattended let alone contribute to the world. If these primitive dickbags educated every child equally they might not be living in mud houses in seismically active zones derp. A human brain is a fantastic resource and we as a species need to utilize our ingenuity and creativity and cognitive reasoning abilities to deal with the problems the climate destabilization is causing. It's not just a sea level rise problem, its water, food, temperature, and the challenges of creating a grid a tornado or blizzard can't fuck over. We need everybody's mind on the job not just dudes. A hundred percent of the population adding to and implementing global knowledge is a good thing for everyone; that's why it will happen. In the process patriarchy is lashing out violently in its death throws. What we need is for women and men both to denounce violence, inequality and an inherited sense of superiority.
  11. the song comes on, the volume goes up, the pedal goes down.... http://youtu.be/D4aob4zlhIk
  12. A lot of folks scream 2nd amendment when it comes to the gun issue and technically speaking a private citizen could have whatever the military had so ppl could unite and have a chance at overthrowing a tyrannical govt. At the time it was possible, now it is not. Period. All the daydreaming and posturing aside, if the US military turned on its people we would be totally screwed. Our military can kill millions of us without ever putting boots on the ground. This cold hard fact gives rise to fear which leads to nutty shit, think conspiracy theory, all of them. Throw in all the religious end times garbage on top of that. Presto, you have a frightened population and this is where the brain takes over. Fight or flight has been with us perpetually as we've evolved and is present in many species on this planet. A sane fight response to the reality that our military could fucking end us could be something like paying attention to our military budget, weaponry, what they're doing for our troops. A person who protests the militarization of our police force is reacting with a fight response. A fight response by someone more extreme could be anything from hoarding weapons and ammo to blowing up govt buildings. Flight response doesn't mean they pack their shit and move to Canada eh. It means they put the responsibility for their protection in somebody else's hands. They leave keeping them safe from all the scary in the big world up to the (usually awful) politicians they elect. Extremism in politics/relgion rising with advances in technology and equal social integration is not a coincidence, its psychology. Flight response to death manifests itself in religion. The person leaves their salvation, ie the protection of their eternal consciousness/soul up to their clergy, prophet or deity. For some the need to flee reality is so great that they believe they will not die they will be raptured up cuz the end is now. They are so terrified of death they convince themselves it ins't going to happen to them. That's nutbag shit, but they believe it. Oh, and they vote republican in large numbers. These things need to be taken into consideration when we are discussing the mental health of the country. We also need to stop dancing around the subject and call this bullshit out for what it is. We are riding a wave of very public male pattern violence in this country and I don't think we've crested yet. Some neighborhoods are akin to the wild wild west. Dudes start shooting each other at two in the afternoon in Syracuse. I believe we are living through a paradigm shift that will lead to equal human rights and civil protections to every person on the planet. Some cultures will handle this better then other. Patriarchy does not want equality they want control and when they see the loss of control their fight or flight response kicks in. We have primitive humans murdering women to satisfy some twisted delusion of honor they hold on to. We have men in power that actively work to legislate women's bodies, marriage, the definition of rape for crying out loud. The same sore losers that won't sign on to the violence against women act. When half of the population believes that not only are they superior to the other half but they deserve to lord over the other half, we have a fucking problem. I'm not optimistic enough to think this kind of bullshittery is going to disappear, but it is going to have to be reigned in and put in the back seat in a childproof car seat if we want to make it as a fucking species. We can start by not indoctrinating children.
  13. The Dukes of Hazzard were illegal booze smugglers Shaggy was most definitely constantly high and some kind of super dog whisperer Prince Adam had masculinity issues corrected by a 'magic sword' By the power of viagra! I have a hard on! Toxic waste mutated flushable animals into intelligent bad ass sentient beings Boy George ftw!
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