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Strider Hiryu

AC Elite
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Everything posted by Strider Hiryu

  1. I just got back from it and I thought it was a good movie, then again I went for entertainment reasons because I'm not an X-Men fan. My only beef was with Gambit, he just didn't seem like Gambit to me.
  2. Damn, it's already that time again? Happy Birthday AC! Sigh, then I know what that means tomorrow. Time to change the MP3 player music
  3. *pokes* the ever elusive Duo makes and appearance. Welcome back and sup?
  4. I tend to keep my hair short because, like Myk, my hair gets curly the longer it gets and I hate when it gets like that (and if it gets long enough I get this freaky afro thing going that just looks wrong (especially since I have red hair)). Generally its similar to a military style cut but with minor differences. I leave just enough to style if I need to (like hitting the bar or pending what I feel like before work) but 90% of the time I leave it as is (my hair grows fast so I generally have short hair for two weeks and then for the next I have to spend time geling and combing it so I looks somewhat presentable to work) since I wear a cap.
  5. Strider Hiryu

    Gundam 00

    Yea it's over GG, has been for awhile
  6. He's not kidding. I've actually seen them for $300 and I don't even think the game is that great, fun but not that great.
  7. Strider Hiryu


    No idea really, I just started with it. My female character didn't get a weapon off the start but my god she is like uber strong. I'm still trying to figure out the kinks in the game
  8. Strider Hiryu


    http://unhalloweddeceit.mybrute.com Just cause I need something to entertain me
  9. Thats really the only reason I watch them is for the eye candy (really the only reason I liked Watchmen, god she was hot in that suit). Outside of that they just don't interest me (I mean the only real hero I ever liked growing up was Batman because lets face it he's fucking awesome).
  10. Aye, roommate and I found one the other day that was still open. Confused the crap out of me since I remembered them going out of business but we asked and they gave us the same response GG said.
  11. Considering I make it a point not to see Superhero movies (I'm not a big superhero fan, something about the whole concept of men/women running around in spandex saving the world just doesn't do it for me) I'm somewhat limited in my choice. Out of what I saw Batman Begins so far takes the cake (Dark Knight was good and all and I love it if not for Heath Ledger's portrayal of Joker (was awesome in my opinion) but story wise the movie just wasn't that good). Watchmen would be my next in line.
  12. Just look down, there should be some in your pants. Oh wait, you meant the drink X'D Moving on (god I love bad Bawls jokes).
  13. A company that knew a bad string of jokes would spawn just from the name. Seriously though I like a good bottle of Bawls when I'm feeling down (hey I had to do it). Man I wish I could find it down here, haven't seen it since I moved. Just to make GRX happy: "Dude, you were gone?"
  14. Meh, I get to work today so Easter can go and *enter string of bad words here* itself. I just hope we're not busy, yesterday sucked since everyone had to do last minute Easter food shopping Can the day be over please?
  15. A friend of mine and I tried getting their attention once by using those specific words in text messages and phone calls. Sadly we ended up not being important enough to get noticed.
  16. G-Savior, the pathetic attempt to take Gundam live-action. Watch that and you'll see just how terrible the FMP movie will turn out. Gah, seriously Hollywood needs to get some originality again. /sigh
  17. Strider Hiryu

    Well hello

    Welcome to the clan!
  18. I took advantage of it on the 19th (it took me that long to find one in the Phoenix area that was doing the sale). Sadly the two I found doing it had a shitty selection of anime to choose from. I ended up picking up the first season of Shakugan no Shana, The Melancholy of Suzumiya Haruhi, and the Collector's Edition of Toki wo Kakeru Shoujo (The Girl Who Leapt Through Time). I also picked up the Collector's Edition of Serenity (only reason I mention it is I don't know what I got each for). All that together was roughly $87. What really pissed me off was I was hoping to pick up for Red Garden collections but neither store had them (and thats what I was really hoping for). All in all though I'm happy with my purchases and I can now clean up some room on Himeko-chan (my anime external).
  19. It's good, nice effects, as Lady pointed out he's a bit pixelated but as she pointed out could be the format you saved in or it could be the file. I'd say enter it, never know you might just win.
  20. Strider Hiryu

    Gundam 00

    Don't get to over excited about the movie, will most likely just be a compilation of the first series (as are 90% of the Gundam movies in existence (aka most are compilations of series)). Sigh, really wish Nyoro~n would hurry up and sub 25 so I can watch it
  21. Again my statement from before is meh. I won't get worked up about this till I see some gameplay footage for the campaign (I already know the multiplayer will mirror COD4). Looks like, by the teaser and my opinion, that terrorism is going to play a key role in this one (as in anti-terrorist forces being the main heroes, something akin to Counter-Strike but with a story). Again though I'll wait till I see gameplay footage until I decide whether or not it's worth getting hyped up about.
  22. Sadly I thought that was horrible. Good effects and everything but wow. BTW the movie got horrible reviews to begin with. ANN reviewed it and all I have to say is I've never actually seen them give a review like that before.
  23. Though a nice idea I don't exactly like it. I mean if it was watch any episode of Gundam on demand then hell yes, sign me the fuck up (I'd buy a PS3 in an instant) but just viewing scenes and stuff just isn't that great. When (and if) it's implemented we'll have to see how it takes off in Japan (though still big in Japan Gundam has been seeing a decline in the last decade (anime wise, model lines are still booming)).
  24. Strider Hiryu


    Hey I remember you, welcome back! I'll switch courses with you, you can have my class regiment for Game Design. I have 6+ hours of homework a night and don't get me started on some of the final projects I've had to do. Gah, design degrees are a pain in the ass to get.
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