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Strider Hiryu

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Everything posted by Strider Hiryu

  1. So, my main question for you DX, is Ben Affleck a good Batman? I've heard he's does a great job and I've heard he sucks so I want your honest opinion. I'll watch it eventually but I really want to know if he was a good choice (I mean Micheal Keaton is my favorite Batman so that's setting the bar pretty high (Bale did a good job but I feel he could of been better)). Plus I hear Wonder Woman pretty much stole the show so I'm interested in seeing her in it as well.
  2. Problem is that thinking also makes you miss out on some stuff with anime based on manga. While most anime filler or original episodes aren't that great you still miss out on stuff some of which might improve the original story (it's rare, I know but that type of thinking also makes you miss things) but that's neither here nor there I just wanted to point that out. Now for spoilers again.
  3. I finally got around to seeing the movie (don't ask but I'm sure you know how). I want to start this off before I go into spoilers that I did like the movie. It was extremely entertaining and had quite a few awesome moments. However, this is not the Star Wars movie I feel we all deserved for what they threw away just to make it (20-30 years of extended lore was not worth this). I'm going to just call this an AU movie and consider all the original lore as canon because that will make me happy and prevent me from wanting to wish bodily harm on JJ and the heads of Disney.
  4. Meh, I've been reading up on it since VG247 has been reporting on it a lot lately. Considering my laptop would probably fry itself playing this game and it'll be a few weeks before I start buying parts for my new computer I'm going to pass on it. Not only does it not sound like much fun I've got my hands full with patch 3.2 for FFXIV and The Division is out on Tuesday so I'll probably be playing that non-stop next weekend (when I'm not mindlessy grinding currency for new gear in FFXIV).
  5. Rightstuff has Ronin Warriors on sale and I'm debating whether I should buy it or not. Gah, get a piece of my childhood back or let it slip by? X.x

    1. Sledgstone


      I bought my old Ronin Warriors DVD boxset over 5 years ago and never regretted it. The set I got was dual sided dvds. One side was the original japanese subbed version and the flipped side was the english dub edited version. That english version was my childhood. Its hard watching the japanese subbed since the character I always new as Anubis was actually the name of one of the other enemies. x_x

    2. Strider Hiryu

      Strider Hiryu

      Sadly this is the sub only release which is why I'm debating buying it or not as I've only seen the dub version (which is what I have fond memories of).

    3. Sledgstone


      Oh, damn. That dub version is the main reason I jumped on the boxset I have now. Its so heavily edited, it needed to be on its own dvds. Even the commercial breakaway clip in the dub is different.

  6. I'm quite happy with the gameplay in The Division. Really good cover based shooter but I will say this, NPC marksmen need to be nerfed. If you're not watching you're ass they can one shot you X.x

    1. DeathscytheX


      I like the marksman variant of the Scar. The MP7 melts things like crazy, buy I like the Vector's stability.

    2. DeathscytheX
    3. Strider Hiryu

      Strider Hiryu

      That would explain the random Cleaner patrols I ran into while I was solo hunting rogues in the DZ today. Meh, I'd get more into it but I'm bored with it now and have no one to really run DZ with (plus I need to start getting ready for the FF patch on Tuesday).

    4. Show next comments  81 more
  7. Well Gamestop officially fucked me, no Division beta access for me (even though it was guaranteed with pre-order). Sigh, guess I'll have to watch all the videos about it :(

    1. Strider Hiryu

      Strider Hiryu

      XD You're missing out on that awesome orange hazmat gear, it's all the rage these days. Can't be in a societal breakdown without your orange hazmat gear.
    2. Sledgstone


      Wouldn't orange hazmat gear give away your position easier? Wouldn't a better pre-order bonus be something like a pitch black tactical suit? XD

    3. DeathscytheX


      LMGs need to be toned down on muzzle rise... They are almost unusable. Either that or they need a damage buff. X_x

    4. Show next comments  81 more
  8. I believe my account name is UnhallowedDeceit (not sure, I'd have to look it up) and my characters are Aylanis (Destroyer) and Aikoko (Assassin). I didn't look how to add friends while I was on for a bit tonight, will have to do so on Wednesday when I get back on (tomorrow is raid day in FFXIV so I won't be getting on). I got Aikoko to level 10 on Saturday and in that short amount of time I fell in love with the Assassin. Not only is the class built to hit like a truck it's quick as well. Plus, unlike Aylanis, she crits constantly which is nice when you can 2 shot an enemy that might take most people 4-5 hits to kill. I'll have to give a full break down once I get her higher in level (I'm focusing on Aylanis right now as she just hit 17 tonight and I plan on getting her to max level first). The combat is almost a carbon copy of Tera like I said before but it has it's unique features. However, Tera combos are a lot longer then B&S so I'm not feeling as powerful on my Destroyer as I did on my Berserker in Tera (my skill combo at 17 in Tera was roughly 6 skills with situationals depending on status of the enemy. I'll tell you this much my Reaper in Tera has a 9-10 skill combo that's freaking ridiculous and awesome to behold and that's her base combo). The weapon evolution system is a lot different though. In Tera you build what they call an Artifact weapon every 10 levels or so that can be upgraded 9 times by picking up fragments of, what I believe, was once a powerful weapon. Once you get enough pieces you can build the weapon and then upgrade it with any uncommon or above weapons/armor/accessories or with more fragments you might pick up (plus a special crafting item that you pick up loads of throughout leveling). I like the weapon refinement system in this game more as you get 12 levels of refinement (I think or was it 11) and then you get another weapon and use it to evolve it to its next form (yea I'm skipping the Breakthrough step but its added in to that 12 levels) with various other weapons/stones (or accessories for you other items). Still waiting to get my Blight Axe so I can evolve my Hongmoon Axe but I'm not high enough level wise to do the required dungeon I honestly don't find this game that difficult. I mean I did solo two daily dungeons tonight and while the boss was a chore it's easily doable as long as you use your class effectively. Tera is more difficult in my opinion as base monsters can wipe the floor with you if you don't understand how your class mitigates damage (Berserker's did it by using their axe to block my right-clicking, Warriors dodged attacks by right clicking, Reapers counter-attack when you right click, etc). I never did do dungeons in Tera so I can't comment on their difficulty. The Wheel of Fate is a nice little touch to the game. I got the outfits on the first one you encountered on both my characters the first time I used it and the full soul shield for both as well. I also like how it's a nice way to get enough weapons to fully upgrade your weapon well before I'm sure you're supposed too.
  9. I guess it depends on the game really. In FFXIV I constantly watch side chat all the time because I'm generally that guy who will run and help anyone who needs it plus side chat in FF is freaking hilarious sometimes (my server is full of nutjobs I swear). Plus side chat isn't spammed in FF, it's whispers you gotta watch out for (and you can fix that by placing your status as busy, however this prevents anyone else who may need to whisper you from doing so as you don't receive whispers when busy). Games like this that are new I generally always ignore side chat till I've at least gotten to a point where I understand the combat and the strengths/weaknesses of the current class I'm playing (especially in the case of a game that has this control set-up, it took me 30 some odd levels to master Tera's battle system so I generally ignored side chat). Hell I still ignore side chat in STO and I have 1 max level character and 3 high lvl characters (unless I'm not busy, I'll peruse the chat because it's interesting and I learn more about Star Trek everyday I do so). I even ignore side chat in TOR, mostly because the game was set-up for solo play and the only reason to pay attention to chat is when you're actually looking to do heroic quests. Plus I've never played an MMO that has events like GW2 (until I played GW2). Events like that are pretty much non-existent in every other MMO currently on the market (FATE's in FF have a similar feeling but they're honestly not as epic as the ones you guys face (though some are a bitch to complete with a group of randoms trying to do their own thing)) and is one thing I actually found interesting and fun in my little stint on the game (yea I need to get back to playing it again but my time is pretty much being eaten up by R6S (the game is fucking addicting and it gets my adrenaline pumping), TOR (trying to level all classes to 50 so I can get Legendary status), FF (when I decide to get on for raids), and STO again due to the 6th anniversary event starting on Tuesday). Blade and Soul has been a nice little distraction to allow me a short break from all of that (well not R6S, I play the hell out of that on my weekends) and I might keep it up because after trying out the Assassin today I finally found something to love about this game (my god is it fun, this games controls were practically made for this class).
  10. It depends on the game really. Some launch with about the same amount of currency spam and some don't, it all really depends on the game and in this case how long the game has been out (you know most of those spammers are Korean players who migrated over from the Korean version). When you're porting/localizing a foreign MMO you're bound to have a crap ton of spam like this (I know Perfect World was bad back in closed beta (a Chinese MMO), I haven't played since it's official release over here so I don't know if it's improved or not) because all the farmers are looking to expand their markets. I don't even look at chat while I'm playing since you can't read shit (then again I rarely, if ever, look at chat in MMO's) so I honestly haven't noticed how bad the spam is.
  11. I wouldn't say the voice acting is meh, I'd go more with dull as fuck. Learned one thing though, playing this game for long stretches of time gives me a killer headache.
  12. Meh, so I decided to dl it and try it since the game is getting overly hyped by a lot of youtubers and Twitch streamers. Honestly the game is alright but I just can't help too think that NCSoft looked at Tera (another Korean MMO) and just copied the combat system (there are differences but they're small), sprinkled in somewhat different classes (Destroyers are freaking Berserkers (Tera's equivalent) with somewhat different abilities), and took out the healing classes. Hell the weapon evolution/refinement systems is damn near a copy as is the difficulty ratings for classes. None of this is a bad thing though since I liked it in Tera and it works well for this game it's just I can't shake the feeling that NCSoft just took En Masse/Blue Hole's idea and tried to run in a different direction with it. Only thing I think Tera does better is their attack strings/combos are a hell of a lot longer and strung together better. Still though this game is fun and I just blew 2 1/2 hours without even realizing it. I'm on Old Man Cho as well and will probably continue playing it throughout the weekend to check out the Assassin class (rolled one just haven't started playing her).
  13. Could be he had some points in the healing tree, I know they said we could mix and match skills. That or everyone could have a small base heal that they can use. Who know. I think developers are too lazy to implement scaling in their games these days. I remember it back in D2 and I know of only a handful of other games that do it. It's sad really since it's an awesome way to ramp up the difficulty when you have a few friends to play with but also give you the option of soloing it by dropping difficulty down (yea it's a cheap way of making things more difficult but it's a nice feature in games that push the single player aspect but allow for co-op play). From what little I've seen of the Pre-Sequel (some twitch players I follow used to play it) it looked like an awful game that wasn't well thought out. You could tell it was a last minute push to make money off of the old generation consoles by catering to those who were too cheap or just outright refused to buy the new generation. I've been debating buying BL 1 and 2 for awhile now because my old roommate loved the game to death and tried to get me to buy it when we still lived together (sadly I couldn't afford it being a poor college student and what have you) and I'll admit the game was quite humorous. I just can't get over the cel-shaded graphics though (I played ZOE2 even though it had cel-shaded graphics but that was mostly because I loved the ZOE series so I sucked it up and it was actually a really good game).
  14. It's mostly newer games breaking it now. FFXIV still requires the Holy Trinity for new content (aka Heavensward content (3.0 and up)) but you can zerg the hell out of old content with three dps and a healer or three dps and a tank if the tank is smart and doesn't pull the whole dungeon (good god I've run with to many tanks who thought they could do it and died so many times because of it). Then again all content in FFXIV is designed with the Holy Trinity in mind (Light Parties always require a Tank, Healer, and two dps. Full Parties require 2 tanks, 2 healers, and 4 dps (this can be played with accordingly). Raids are currently 3 tanks, 6 healers, and 15 dps) where as games like GW2 were designed not to rely on the Holy Trinity to start out with (something a lot of people liked which is why GW2 has such a huge player base). Plus GW2 allows for self healing abilities whereas only healers/monks/warriors can do that with base abilities and no cross class abilities in FFXIV (potions are not reliable since they're on a 1 minute cool down and at max only heal for 1000 hp if your lucky (I have 14411 hp on my Ninja (http://na.finalfantasyxiv.com/lodestone/character/5065472/, you can take a look if you want that's her lodestone page) and she's damn near max item level (she is max level but our dungeon requirements are based entirely on average item levels)) and that's barely any hp at my current content level where one hit can take nearly 3k health off non-crit). Oh I loved ME3 but it's just funny that a lot of people hated it. I have my reservations about Andromeda (more so since some high level staff working on it left Bioware recently) but I'm still looking forward to it. The Pre-Sequel is the one that was getting a lot of hate on the Borderlands side, at least by what I've seen. I heard good things about the first two but I never got invested in them because the whole Cel-Shaded art style hurts my eyes and imo sucks to look at (and I'm usually the guy who preaches graphics don't make the game but in this case I had to agree that they do). I'm assuming a lot of the low level missions will be short and sweet but more or less because you won't be taking on enemies that are that powerful and higher based missions will be longer. Who knows the difficulty might ramp up based on the number of people you play with (that missions could be that long and hard based solely on the fact that they were playing as a full squad), which is a feature I wish they pushed more in games these days. We really won't be able to tell till we get our hands on the beta (due to all the blackout restrictions youtubers have on what they can show). I didn't watch the whole video, just bits and pieces, but was he healer specced? If he was his heals were probably skill based but if he wasn't I'm sure his heals were most likely consumables. We really won't know again until we get beta access.
  15. What do you expect from an MMO based game? This isn't along the lines of WoW, GW, FFXIV, and what not when it comes to missions/main quest lines. 15 main missions is pretty sizable imo considering the games premise and type (this is what the second MMORPG based shooter we've been given, Destiny is really the only other one I can think of). It's been said that there's plenty of side missions to play and Ubisoft is pretty good at releasing DLC (both paid and free) and at a good rate (if there's more then one DLC planned). The thought of paying for more content is something I really don't like (then again I pre-ordered the Gold Edition so I have the season pass) but it's the way games are going and if the production values and gameplay are solid in the base game I'm more then willing to throw the extra money down (well I already did but meh, I have higher hopes for this game then I did for Destiny). Plus who says this next ME is going to be any good? Depending on who you ask most fans will say ME3 completely sucked (but we've covered this already in the ME3 topic from long ago) and I know more then a few people who were disappointed with the last couple Borderlands games (and Gearbox's track record as of late hasn't exactly been stellar). With the way healing works one person in a squad is always going to have to go Medic (luckily we can change on the fly which is really nice). No running with all DPS and zerging the enemy (which I like, a lot of MMO's are breaking the holy trinity and I really don't like it. Every group makeup should always consist of a healer and tank or a healer and three very well geared DPS).
  16. XBone users get it a day early so it starts on the 29th for PS4 and PC.
  17. So yea, based on these impressions I'm pretty much sold on the game. With the beta taking place in two weeks I'll make my final judgement once I play it but I honestly think this game will be what we expected Destiny to be (gameplay wise). I can honestly say I'm hyped for a game for once.
  18. First we lose Lemmy, then we loose David Bowie, and now we just lost Alan Rickman. Fuck this month, I'm done with it. RIP guys

    1. Sledgstone


      Its been a bad month. :\ RIP.

  19. Dude, shit gets real in this game. My friend snowmac that I met during the Siege beta did the same thing as him just on the defending side. The attacking team wiped us all out and left him alone to defend the target. He aced that shit with barely 6 shots left in his primary and like 5 health left. Shit was intense as all hell (and he did it as a recruit not a special operator). That's the reason why I like this game so much. It actually requires you to think, check you're corners, aim for headshots, learn spawn locations (as a defender), and learn how to enter objectives/buildings. This is honestly the best shooter that came out last year hands down. Mad props to that guy though. Handled it like a pro, sadly if he was smart he would of used Kapkan's Tripmine gadget to make things a lot easier on him (can be placed in doors and windows and will kill anyone who enters through if they don't look around).
  20. Heh, I wish I could last forever in a hero ship. Last time I flew the Slave 1 I was killed by a suicidal X-Wing with back up from the Falcon. Fighter Squadron isn't for everyone, I learned that back when the game first released. While I like it and I can dominate in it I will admit that there are quite a few problems that do need to be fixed (random spawn locations (spawning from the same place all the time makes it easy for others to camp), less powerful hero ships (at least nerf the Falcon, the ship is OP), and for fucks sake add in a VOIP system (the mode would be so much more fun if you had the ability to talk to your fellow pilots and coordinate attack plans)). Meh, I guess I've never really had trouble spawning in as a hero on an enemy's spawn point. Then again I usually only pick up hero tokens as an Imp because Boba Fett is by far the best hero in the game and being surrounded with him is like locking a kid in a candy store, free kills (homing missile plus flamethrower is a deadly combo when surrounded). I honestly think this game would be a 100 times better if they removed heroes from the game completely. Go back to old school Battlefront when it was just grunts troops against grunt troops (we're talking the first game). That was fun as all hell (even if it didn't have multiplayer functionality back then (only on the PC/Mac version)) and it only had a conquest style game mode. Then again heroes sell so it's not surprise they're in this shitty game with awesome graphics.
  21. The Ion Torpedo also locks onto air vehicles if you have it unlocked. It does massive damage and if they're hurt already will most likely kill them. It's usually what I run in my anti-vehicle star card hand. The DL-44 was already nerfed but apparently it wasn't a big enough nerf. I know they dropped it's damage a bit but the last time I was on the thing still hits like a truck at any range (don't let the description fool you that weapon is fucking powerful at long-range, I don't care what DICE says). Spawn points is the main reason I quit playing the game. Once you learn where troops are likely to spawn it's to fucking easy to spawn kill it's not funny. Plus vehicles always spawn in the same place (between 2-3 spawn points depending on the map) so once you memorize where they spawn it's simple to spawn camp them as well. Since I don't get to play with anyone else who owns the game (seriously hit me up if you get on to play, with the new addition of making friends/party members green it makes it easier to track people you're playing with. Plus the only way I'll get on this damn game now is if I have someone to play with. Soloing it sucks) I don't give two shits about the partner system. Half the time I'm partnered up with either a try-hard who fails and dies half the time, a complete noob who has no idea what they're doing, or a spawn camper who doesn't play objectives. Honestly I'll go back to playing COD if I want that kind of shit. Fighter squadron is a blast once you get used to the air vehicles. Don't get me wrong I get killed more often then not by people spawn camping, ramming me, or getting that luck torpedo/missile hit but it's really fun if you just give it a chance. Learn how to use maneuvers correctly, learn just how fast the vehicle you're in is (remember Tie Fighters/Interceptors can use a speed boost that will allow you to out run missiles/torpedoes and are generally faster then the X-Wing (A-Wing and the Interceptor fly at roughly the same speed)), and remember when firing at an enemy to slow you're craft down because the slower you go the harder your blasters hit. Also pick your opponents well. Be a vulture and pick off severely damaged enemies, don't engage full health targets unless you're confident enough to do so. If none of that works stay on the outskirts of the battle and play the objective (attack transports and what not). Also remember that air vehicle control is like piloting a remote controlled model with the accelerator always on, you can control direction and speed but you cannot break or stop and you will always fly in the direction you're pointed in until you change it. Once you realize that you're honestly not controlling the craft the easier it is to actually get the hang of it (if took me 6 matches in Beta before I finally realized this and since then I'm a force to be reckoned with when I get an air vehicle in Walker Assault/Supremacy (if I'm not being spawn camped) or when I play Fighter Squadron). Thinking you actually have control of the craft is what gets people into trouble because where in BF you have full control over you're vehicle (speed, heading, etc) you don't get all of that here. I'm shelving the game until they fix a lot of the problems you listed. Until then I'll be playing Rainbow Six Siege (I decided to buy it and I'll be picking it up this weekend) and if they're not fixed before The Division comes out I'll be playing that until they do.
  22. From videos I've been watching on youtube about the Division it seems Dark Zones are going to be a whole separate entity from the single player/co-op aspect. Apparently (this is second hand info from a guy who has spoken to people who played the Alpha on the XBone) there's a whole separate leveling system for the DZ's, meaning you have you're main level and a DZ level (what the difference is he didn't know but I'm assuming that your SP level means diddly shit in a DZ and vice versa). Also it seems Ubisoft plans to punish us for killing other people in DZ's by taking money and experience from us if we chose to go this route (with our only rewards being the weapons and armor the other PC's drop). I honestly don't know how much truth is in it but if that's the case I don't really see balancing becoming an extremely bad problem like it is for games like Destiny and COD. Honestly I don't think there's any reason to go into the Dark Zones (apparently NPC enemies are very sparse and the only reason DZ's exist is for the PVP aspect of this game). Apparently gear given to you from quests and pick-ups in the SP aspect are damn good, not as good as what you get in a DZ but honestly why risk going into a DZ and loosing everything you might pick-up for that one chance at getting a Yellow/Orange quality weapon or armor. Quite frankly I figure playing the story with friends, establishing a base, and otherwise sticking to safe zones is all it's about (pending on what we decide if we do the whole squad up aspect like in Destiny). DZ's seems to be for those who a willing to take the XP and Money loss for the chance at being a douche and running around with awesome weapons they didn't earn. Sadly I don't think FPS games will be anything like they were around COD4's release. Battlefield will always be a great FPS because DICE knows how to listen to us but they have a major problem of releasing buggy ass games that require so much work they don't get to where they're playable until a year in (but lets face it DICE is the only developer that fully supports it's old games as well, BF4 still has a massive player base and I recently just found out that BF3 is still kicking as well). I gave up on COD with Black Ops because I didn't like the MP at all and I'm really glad I've managed to continually talk myself out of buying any of the new ones.
  23. That's how it is with new movies, especially ones like this that are so hyped like this one. Hell I specifically went out of my way to look for a spoiler filled review because I don't want to see it in theaters (and I gotta say I'm quite surprised with a few of the things Abrams decided to do). Sadly this is exactly what happened with Book 6 in the Harry Potter series for me (yes I've read the books, don't judge me). The ending was ruined for me before I even read the book (I got my book the day it was ruined for me). People just don't know how to keep shit secret until the majority of fans have seen it (then again knowing how the movie ends and what happens won't ruin this movie for me, what will ruin it is if Abrams and Disney shit completely on the entirety of the franchise (which I hear the movie was good even for those that actually didn't like the movie or hated the thrashing of the Extended Universe)).
  24. Consoles won't die out but they will evolve with the times. VR is the next big thing Sony and Microsoft are adopting and they'll start pushing it once the tech gets cost affordable for the masses (expect the new console line to be fully or mostly VR compatible if the VR for this generation takes off) . The only other way to game is PC (mobile games aren't games imo, they're just money sinks and distractions that can be fun when you're bored but don't want to turn on the PS4/XBone/PC). What it comes down to is people aren't willing to blow the kind of money it takes to be a PC gamer and that will never change. Yes I know making an affordable gaming computer is not that expensive anymore, especially if you're willing to settle for mid to low tier parts and are willing to deal with not so great graphics and minor processing lag. However the need to upgrade components every 2-3 years to stay current with new PC games and tech is just not something most gamers are willing to do. With a console you spend an initial price and the console is good for 5+ years (yea the time between new console releases is getting shorter now so PC gaming might become the norm now) and the games evolve constantly on consoles as developers learn the hardware and what it's capable of. Honestly handhelds will always exist due to them, as I stated in another topic, being aimed at children. Handhelds will never go anywhere even with evolving mobile tech. I don't know many parents who are going to give their 6 year old child a phone just so they can play games (I know I never would and I'm all about kids having access to technology). That same parent would be more then willing to hand over a DS because they're not that expensive and since they're a Nintendo product they're durable as all hell. Handhelds are the new babysitter, much like TV was for our generation so they'll never disappear. They only real thing I see happening in the near future is Nintendo finally stepping out of the console market, a market they built from the ground up, due to their inability to evolve with the times. Don't get me wrong I like their willingness to take risks and bring new innovation into the market (as much as I hate it the Wii-mote was fucking genius and is the only motion tech that actually works as intended) but the last few years have not been kind to them and I see them cutting their losses (something I'd hate to see, I mean Nintendo pretty much created the industry with Atari and the few others that dared to dream). Outside of Nintendo I don't see Microsoft or Sony pulling out of consoles anytime soon, unless both fuck up with the next generation of consoles.
  25. That's exactly the type of information I was looking for. Well I won't see it in theaters but once Netflix gets a hold of it I'll give it a watch (yea I'm one of those engrossed EU people).
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