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Everything posted by Eppy

  1. Eppy

    Some questions

    \ but the theory of Naruto actually being the 4ths body isnt false either due to the way the jutsu he used is used...if you watch and listen to what the 3rd says about it when he uses it on Orochimaru
  2. Eppy

    Some questions

    you are in no way even close with that...the 4th sealed the Kyuubi into Naruto...i believe naruto speculation wise is probably the 4ths body cause the Jutsu he used basically uses his own soul as the price and seals the soul of the target into his own body...and seeing as how he turns into a baby you can theorize as that the power of the nine tails itself just degressed the body back to that of an infant after the sealing
  3. yeah Lordi is pretty awesome...Devil is a Loser is the best song =D...if you want to compare them to a group that is similar then it would probably be GWAR since ythey are somewhat the same with costume ideas too
  4. that laugh was my friend -p i didnt speak while i danced
  5. too bad they arent that far in the series...still filler...this is for the real fans of the series -P *kick*...Hinata looks cute now 3 years later she is still amdly in love with him still too
  6. Eppy


    here is a simple way to maybe fix the echo...see if your mic is on -p
  7. Eppy

    Naruto Music Vid

    ...honestly...its a crappy AMV....really crappy...it just...took no effort the amv looks like...its jsut a piece up of the battle...with an overplayed song...not really a good AMV at all...any talentless hack that can figure out how to use movie maker could make that
  8. Eppy

    Dub Piece

    the fact htat the DVDs wont even be uncut make me sick -p
  9. Eppy

    Naruto Movie 2

    yeah it was a decent enough movie is suppose...didnt have much impact for me cause of the dissappointing that the filler is doing to me
  10. also...are you insane? i dont even thing 128mb of ram is even the min for XP anymore isnt it 256?
  11. its called marketing -P all it is is the same 2 disc set but alter a word here and their to make is sound like you can only get it there and your sales go up
  12. *sigh* so silly -p...service providers are the devil no matter who it is -p
  13. Eppy

    Who are you?

    You are KAKASHI! Mature. Balanced. Quirky. You're not what people would call a "black sheep" but at the same time, you aren't quite normal. With a subtle sense of humor and a slightly less than subtle way of teaching people a lesson, one thing is for sure: no one can wait to see your whole face.
  14. Eppy

    Long time no see?

    meh cobwebs cobwebs cobwebs
  15. USB2 is faster then normal firewire...the new firewire is faster though its not really that big a difference
  16. bullshit it was an instore item they jsut found...500GB hds havent even been out for like 6 months yet
  17. ....you know thats fucking impossible on 2 counts...1...best buy doesnt have an external HDD for that fucking cheap and 2...500 GB HDs go for $300 OEM...so you either read it as 599.99 or you need to lay off the narcotics.
  18. Eppy

    .mkv help

    running XP on a P3 with 128 ram is murder...seeing as min for XP to run normal at all is 256 mb of ram
  19. *cough* http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.asp?Item=N82E16817145162 best external case ever
  20. i havent watched an ep of naruto since ep 161...fillers need to fscking END
  21. im still using the holloween Ren from MacHall as my backround
  22. Eppy


  23. yeah Nero is the most popular legal wise...Daemon tools is good to crack and emulate new cd safeguards and such like Safedisc *cough*
  24. well thats a good way to fry a microwave now -P
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