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Everything posted by DeathscytheX

  1. Yeah, I'm not looking for this game for another 2-3 years. I'm fine with that. Its realistic, because the ink is still fresh on the deal with Sony. I'll be curious if this is going to be his new flagship series, or will he do many different projects? He's a great universe builder. the world of MGS is so vast, I remember the huge database that came out with MGS4, you could read it for hours. Norman Reedus is really doing it all for his career. Movies, TV, and now Video Games... he's build himself a nice resume in case one industry becomes stingy will roll availability.
  2. I played defense on Volskaya Industries with everyone being Bastion. XD OMG we dominated so hard the whole other team left the lobby after the match. XD

    1. DeathscytheX


      Only one guy was Genji, no Widowmakers, they had a Zenyatta, soldier 76, reaper, and Roadhog. There might have been dupes because those are the only heroes I saw on the other team. It only worked because it was on Volskaya. That B point is too advantageous to bunker down in.

    2. Sledgstone


      I read that ppl are getting a bit burned out on the limited map rotation. Are you feeling any map fatigue yet?

    3. DeathscytheX


      Not yet because I have been able to play much, my vertigo subsided for me to play again. I give it a while after it goes away before I try to play. 

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  3. Someone said he had magnum rounds. That was a feature in BFBC2 where your damage was in creased at the cost of mag size. With the one shots he's pulling off tho, I'd say a 5 round mag is a worthy sacrifice.
  4. I think premium will still be a thing. Whether maps are included are a different story... but I think it will. They might just wait a few months like they did with BF3.
  5. Interesting https://www.vg247.com/2016/06/15/death-stranding-did-norman-reedus-character-travel-through-a-black-hole/
  6. I remember buying limbo on XBLA because I was bored and it was a blast. probably the best indy game purchase I made next to N+.
  7. I liked all the COD campaigns except for the last mission of black ops 3. the MW1-3 were my favorite (I guess im just a sucker for a conclusion of the Price/Soap story) But they're all a good 7-8 hours and done. I disagree they have nothing to lose by not selling it stand alone... they'd actually make a lot more money if they did so, they just don't want it to outsell their shitty new game, and they want to claim success for IW by tying in the last 10 maps with the DLC of the new game... so I guess in a way you're right, because if MW1 did as well or better than IW, it would show failure development-wise. I was excited for MW1, and as much as it saddens me, I'll put my foot down and not buy this one, even if all my friends get it. Black Ops 3 was the final straw for me... while it was fun with friends for a bit, the first wave of P2W weapons trashed the game before the first map pack even came out. The level of frustration getting gunned down by the same weapon with MW2 TTK while you have shitty Black Ops TTK had me stop playing immediately and I've never picked up the game since. In essence, Infinite Warfare could be absolutely amazing, and be better than MW1... but it wouldn't matter, because they'll fuck it up with COD points and supply drops within the first 4 months the game is out. They've just marked down Blops 3 on PS4 significantly. Even if they don't sell it separately, they'll probably do the same next year for IW. I'll have no problem paying for Premium.... I normally wait for the premium bundle, but I didn't want to miss out on early enlister in case that was a one time opportunity. I'll throw down another $60 on BF1 no problem. DICE has proven to me the quality of their post launch content, dating back to BF2 when DLC was called expansion packs and came on discs XD. Plus they gave us what we want by going back in time. I just hope they never tie in an unlock for finishing top 3 on Gun Master ever again... that BF3 assignment still gives me nightmares... and I'm sure I lost a few years off my life span when I completed it my heart was racing so fast.
  8. Aggressive recon with the lever action... holy shit, this has my name all over it!
  9. They aren't pulling an MGS2... you'll be Kratos the whole game. http://kotaku.com/the-new-god-of-war-has-a-button-dedicated-to-your-kid-1781999404 I'm gonna miss this epic style music
  10. This looks better than FFXV. This looks really bad ass actually... can't wait to see more. The dystopian anime style really grabs at me.
  11. I hope the NX is amazing so I can justify buying one. I hate that his franchise is locked into a platform of a company that has been complacent about its fanbase for 15+ years. Its basically the only good thing Nintendo has had going for it for 20 years outside of Metriod Prime 1 and 2.
  12. Using Reedus at the high of his popularity is genius... even women that never play games will probably buy this. I'm looking forward to seeing more. His first trailers are always super cryptic... but this is likely a cut scene found in the game.
  13. This game looks really good. The menus are sharp, it seems to be open world sandbox, and the visuals are stunning. Its good to see more than just gun shooting games come out this year. As much as I love em, my game buying has slimmed down tremendously because of the lack of variety in genre.
  14. They'll sell it stand alone next year around this time. I'm just gonna wait it out. I'll pay $70 for it and all its maps that got lobbed in with the DLC. With Titanfall doing all map packs free, and DICE giving out free DLC for BF1, COD wont be able to justify their shit season pass schemes and COD point P2W bs. There has yet to be a season pass announced for BF1 which is surpising. If they got the free map route, it will def be a marketing ploy against COD. They'd make their money similar to Overwatch via battlepack skins.
  15. Its been out for a few years I want to say, on PC. Looking it up, it came out in 2012.
  16. LOL at whoever uploaded it as E2 trailer.
  17. I watched it again, since I was semi-watching it the first time between Barbarian's Rising. Its def a sequel and not a reboot. He has all his old scars gained from previous games. I also like the small detail of the game's old Omega symbol in the form of a serpent that holds his axe.
  18. L2P The first game's last boss fight was pretty tough. The second one was pretty easy, the 3rd one's MK 2D part was pretty bullshit... but the rest of it was standard to me. As for the gore, that's was the best part of the game. They have to keep the running joke alive of the head crushing overkill death.
  19. Never really got into any super hero games... but I am a huge fan of Insomniac.
  20. Kojima's first game will feature naked Norman Reedus.
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