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Everything posted by DeathscytheX

  1. I would say it's the best wild west game ever made, and it is, but there aren't many wild west games that have been made. If they ever sell it as a digital download in the ps store, I highly recommend it.
  2. Mike O'Brien will be under center today when GW2's quarterly update goes live. Nothing has been revealed about it, and its a different approach to this type of stuff than we're all use to under Colin. That being said, there is no telling how much Colin had his hand on this update, and how much was changed under Mike. 

    1. Sledgstone


      I'm hoping for the best but expecting minimal changes to the aspects of the game that affect what I play. I don't care for the raids and pvp was pretty much ruined for me. Unless some new content happens via LW or WvW soon, the only thing I'll have left in the game is fractal farming for my back piece and finishing bolt. If the HoT maps do get more casual I could actually play them in my spare time which would give me something new to do.

  3. For a game that has no solo campaign they sure put a lot of effort into the world and story. That Widowmaker short was amazing, but I found some more clips that are equally cool plus another short that was before the Widowmaker one... there are going to be a few more apparently before the game comes out.
  4. http://www.polygon.com/2015/12/16/10270432/hideo-kojima-new-studio-playstation In another article he said Sony isn't pressuring him or rushing him. It may be 2-3 years before we see anything, But I look forward to it. As for another ZOE game, I'd assume Konami would have to approve that. I know they own the rights to MGS and may make another one without Kojima. I doubt it, but they didn't rule it out despite focusing more on mobile games.
  5. Blops 3 consisted of hearing the quote "Imagine yourself in a frozen forest" 32849328432 times, and then the last mission you're character sobs and whimpers the line over and over again loudly as you hallucinate through the objective.
  6. I've never played ZOE, But MGS1 was a masterpiece and is probably the best PS1 game ever made. MGS2 was probably my least favorite as far as story goes, but the game and bosses themselves were awesome... and in the grand scheme of the story, it fits in great when you see the big picture after 4 games... Just at the time people were caught off guard by playing a new character after the first 15 minutes of the game. The whole game was marketed around Snake and you didn't play as him, he became an NPC for 95% of the game. Does he have a big ego? Maybe. He's way more subtle about it than Tomonobu Itagaki. I know Sony was smart to scoop him up and tell him "make something awesome, you have complete freedom to do what you want" I look forward to his first independent title. At least he doesn't take himself too seriously, I remember the first time I saw this video, after watching a lot of their stuff, I was like HOLY SHIT NO WAY!
  7. https://www.vg247.com/2016/04/18/red-dead-redemption-2-leaked-map-appears-to-be-genuine/ Apparently the leaked map is the real deal. I'm pretty excited. RDR was Rockstar's best game to date IMO. GTA is their money maker, but RDR was their most epic story.
  8. I was doing my sab daily run. I turned it off the last 10 min. The walkers aren't even a threat, the mysterious people don't feel dangerous because there is zero tension. Travis and his wife suck as characters, they don't even belong in this series. There personalities are those of randoms that died in the downfall.
  9. Is there a reason we can't set pop up notifications for when someone replies to a post we follow like how it use to be? Its locked to email only when I was toggling all my notification options. I signed up for notifications when the forum first changed only to get my inbox destroyed by AC emails. I had to mark AC as spam until I figured it out... but thats one of the only options you cant set to in forum notifications. From what I gather, I'd only get a notification if I'm directly quoted.
  10. I didn't have time to jump in on this beta, but from the videos I watched, it just isn't for me. I never have liked slow TTK FPS. I'm just not good at them. I guess its because of how I play FPS... I tend to build an internal clock on TTK to where I know when to stop expending bullets and move on to the next target. This game looks like a cartoony version of Paragon which my friends tried to get me to buy, but once I watched the videos, I was immediately turned off and didn't bother. I'm sure it will be fun for those that like the playstyle. It also does in match upgrades... the sole reason I never could get into Counterstrike. The premise looks cool and the characters look interesting. I didn't even realize Gearbox was the one that made the game. It will be interesting to see how it does. Blizzard is already trying to steal their thunder by holding Open Beta for Overwatch during its launch. While there are similarities, they are pretty different games. Overwatch has much faster TTK, and the same hero can be selected by multiple people. Its not really a true MOBA like Battleborn and Paragon. Neither one of these games have the marketing hype that COD and BF have, and thats probably a good thing TBH. I know Overwatch has a huge word of mouth hype and it's reddit hit 100k subscribers yesterday. Neither of these games need the crybaby "everything that kills me is OP" crowd. I hope both of these games kill it. The FPS genre needs some new life breathed into it. COD has ruined the market... and with this last game showing their greed with P2W supply drops, the industry needs to change. I made the mistake of doing nothing but play BF4 for 160 hours within the first 2-3 months it came out. It was amazing, but I got burnt out before all the DLC was released and basically never touched it again outside of a few occasions. That was partly because it was the only thing worth a damn out for PS4 on launch. XD. I've been pretty down on the genre ever sense. I got blops 3 only because all my friends did, so I figured I'd suffer with them, and the game left a REALLY bad taste in my mouth with whats going on in it now. The series has just become one huge joke, ripping off anything and everything another game does. Titanfall is why AW had the exo suits, and Blops 3 added wall running because they had more time to rip them off. There is no telling what Sledgehammer will do after Overwatch and Battleborn come out.... hell Ghosts 2 may already have a AW style half-rip off going on for it.
  11. Its really a catch 22. You can say its not a real job, but neither is sports or acting. Look how much those industry workers make. Gaming is the largest media entertainment industry currently.... but a lot of it survives on taking losses and making up the profits elsewhere. Improving the working conditions and pay would definitely increase the price we pay at the counter. I don't really buy the "start your own company if you're so good" argument. Maybe 20 years ago this would have been valid. Indy games are a dime a dozen, but very few ever get any hype. Activision and EA own everything, and they will buy you if see any success... (how can you really turn down millions of dollars, and publishing you don't have to deal with or manage expenses for?) then you're back at square one with deadlines, budgets, and the working conditions you made your own company to get away from. Hell, look what happened to Bungie. Just because you make good games, doesn't mean you'll make it in a time where media sites and bought and paid for cranking out 9/10 scores for COD. You're alternative is underselling your game on Steam while others pirate the shit out of it. Kojima is another example... hes such a legend, he didn't need to adhere to timelines. He was that damn good, and Konami kicked him to the curb. Its a rough industry for sure. Even if you can get through all that BS, you have a extremely negative and self entitled fanbase whom are all armchair devs that think they know how to make your game better than you did. They swarm reddit with constant crying and threats never to buy another one of your products if you don't patch your game to benefit their play style over other players... to which even big developers cave to. Gone are the days of getting better at a game, just get enough people to cry OP on something that can easily be countered by changing up your play style and BOOM, nerf incoming.
  12. Checked my crafting station with the mind set of making ascended armor for the first time. I was able to craft 2 more pieces for my Guardian. I just need to save up more damask to get the last 3. I might as well get it done before they increase the requirements more. It's been a while since I spent all day on GW2.

    1. Sledgstone


      I have 2 pieces of ascended armor on my warrior from ascended armor drops from fractals (i know at least 1 was from fractals, can't remember about the other). But I've been doing fractals off and on for over a year. And I thought it'd be a good way to farm ascended armor. jokes on me. x_x

  13. I think the movie is the same story as the game with stuff replacing the game play between cutscenes. Recording was disabled during major cutscenes I guess to protect the movie plot for those that haven't played the game.
  14. I beat this last night and I feel it was worth the $39 I paid for it. I don't mind dropping $40 on games that are 10-15hrs... just not $60. While I did beat it, i still haven't unlocked the RYNO which is the BFG of this game. There is still quite a bit of completionist stuff to be done, and there is challenge mode. I'll have to try that out because I have unlocked various variant weapons for it via the card collection. Despite being super casual, this was probably the least forgiving R&C game. I died a lot more than I'm use to in this series. The final boss was pretty tough because of a severe lack of health pick ups. I'll admit, I've been playing MMOs, Mass Effect and Kojima games for so long, the game felt super short, and I was sad that it ended. It was a ton of fun, and the story was hilarious as always. They've already set it up for the next game, and I cant wait to see what they do with the series on PS4.... hell I'd def drop some $$$ on a DLC story expansion for this game.
  15. When you go to the DZ solo for the sole purpose of killing 10 cleaners for the weekly and the cleaner boss drops a gear set piece... I didn't need that stress, but I extracted successfully. X_x


    1. Strider Hiryu

      Strider Hiryu

      Eh, I'll probably attempt it tonight after I do the HM missions when they reset. That 30 creds would give me enough to by the M44 blueprint.

    2. DeathscytheX


      I see now why those weapons are almost 1000 credits... they are 204 gear score. I guess it makes sense now. I bought my striker pads today and I rolled 99% scavenging on them. I'll try my luck in CM drops. I hear you can get a 204 weapon drop if you're lucky.

    3. Strider Hiryu

      Strider Hiryu

      Yea I noticed that today when I got on. Nice scavenging score, pretty sure you'll get a 204 HE with that). Finally bought the M44 blueprint and, while I probably didn't get the best rolls on it, the thing is a beast in the test range (almost 108,000 on headshot, almost 152,000 on crit headshot). Can't wait to actually try it out on enemies.

    4. Show next comments  315 more
  16. That's def Mega Destroyer. Funny they don't recognize him because it wasn't til the last visual nerf patch when you could see him. I wonder if they'll update him to where the pre event isn't so damn long anymore. We were promised new world bosses in the original HoT trailer, and they showed a big ogre walking through lava with a 4 legged beast that kinda looks like that one in this trailer. I have a feeling it was repurposed for a raid or something else. I hope this update gives me a reason to be passionate about the game again. Right now I don't have the drive to play until LWS3.
  17. He sells the M44 blue print now, which is better IMO... those talents are a nice roll on the one he is selling, but 870 pCreds is def not worth it for any weapon unless it was a god roll First Wave M1A. If people didn't save up their fabric for Gear Set crafting they are in for a world of hurt with the 22 fabric requirement. Crafting still remains king and thats the problem with just about every game. either crafting sucks and drops are the best way or vice versa.
  18. I tried the Incursion on hard today, and it was insanely difficult... we didn't beat it, much less get past the 5th wave. My gear score was well above the recommended but the purples felt like challenge mode yellows. Sadly, what everyone feared has happened, the majority of the difficulty is due to endlessly spammed instakill nades. And the radius on them are so big that 2 dodges are barely enough to get out of them if you're in the wrong place. I wish they would have came up with a better mechanic. For a cover based shooter, they've done everything to circumvent the cover system. I'd prefer super hard hitting enemies rather than nade spam. It diminishes the smart cover ability that no one ever uses, along with riot shield, mobile cover, and just about everything except sticky bomb, support station, and first aid. Its a shame because all the other stuff seems cool like the new drone enemies... but nope, spam the dodge button and hope for the best. Another issue that's really pissed off players is how fast they nerfed challenge mode. Apparently when the patch went live, the CM boss dropped 4 HE items. This was nerfed pretty fast as an "unintended" bug. The main source of anger comes from the fact that the patch deleted some people's characters on Xbone, and there is a glitch tied to the One is None perk where basically your gun jams and you cant reload it..... yet getting too much loot was immediately nerfed with no foreseeable fix on real issues. The crafting nerf makes it even worse since CM is time consuming and the HE drops are shit gear score teir, it was basically mat fodder... which was fine, but now you're better off doing hard mode and getting HE drops just as well. CM only advantage is pCreds. But with the buff to DZ06 you can gain them faster killing named bosses and getting good tier HE drops. Well the patch is not all bad. The Special Vendor now has all the old DZ blueprints and they no longer require D-Tech to make. I bought the MP5 and rolled it 10 times until I got a good one... but now all my damn mats are gone and its hell to get them back up. He also sells the new gear set blue prints which I picked up the mask for. (went with Strikers Gear). I could have picked up the knee pads too but I wanted that MP5 so bad I couldn't wait. After buying the new gun parts blue prints and a chest piece I blew all 700+ pCreds I had. It's nice that they are making the gear set's so readily available. I could get a few more blue prints when I finally hit DZ rank 50, or I can get lucky on CM or Incursions. The Daily/Weekly system is nice. But they do mix in DZ so if you want to get all your dailies and the weekly, but you don't like the DZ, then your SOL. I actually ran into the new DZ supply drop today, it fell right on us and we engaged the enemies... then a few clowns came up and tried to take us out going rogue. We took the crate and wiped them which was pretty funny, but the crate was garbage loot. Its not something I'll be actively looking to participate in. I'd rather just kill my 50 cleaners for the weekly and get out. I did pick up a nice HE SOCOM M1A... so the guaranteed HE drops are paying off for DZ play for sure... but that's basically the problem solo players have. They're pushing the DZ for the best chance at loot.
  19. Ratchet & Clank is a blast. Its been so long since I've played the first game, I can't remember of any resemblance of it in this one. I remember the story, and its definitely told a bit differently here. The visuals are pixar quality for sure.

    1. Sledgstone


      Sounds fun. :D Back in the day I had the chance to play Ratchet & Clank and never did. I regretted that. Instead I played Crash Bandicoot. That was fun at the time but all these years later Ratchet & Clank looks like the better franchise.

    2. DeathscytheX


      R&C is def better than Bandicoot. Bandiicoot was just a regular platformer. R&C along with platforming and various puzzles, has always had an amazing array of weapons, tools, and abilities. Not only that it's always had an interesting upgrade system to go along with each weapon. Although the games have always been super easy, this preorder weapon I got is ultra OP. XD I've stopped using it after I maxed it by the 3rd planet I was on just to play with other weapons. Its really one of those games you just sit back and enjoy without any frustrating moment. The story has always been great, the check points are beyond forgiving on death, and its just an all around casual good time. :P

    3. Sledgstone


      You really know how to sell a game. *is tempted to buy* :D

  20. You def won't see that happen in this game. Because of console limits. Titanfall is what started all these shooters having "ultimate abilities" that charge up overtime. Sadly it made COD fall in love with wall run just to have it without making maps that made it more than the novelty ability it is. You'd have to fundamentally change COD, which they won't do. The first game had awesome mech fighting. But it got kinda stale with how limited the upgrades were. There was no point in using big charge up weapons when missile Salvo was so superior. The mid sized mech was the only choice because it was almost as tough as the big mech and the little mech was too squishy. The only advantage was an extra boost bar between weight classes which didn't seem like much of an advantage on open maps. The smoke cloud ability was awesome especially since it killed infantry on and around you, and the auto destruct was a good troll tool when you were about to lose your mech. You could melee them into a corner and take their mech out too. Hopefully there will be more mech mechanics like these in this game.
  21. The first one did have a plot tho. it was the two factions against each other. I only remember the drop ship cutscene though. I think they stick with the numbers seeing as COD4 had nothing to do with 1-3 and Captain Price was in modern times after being in WW2. I could care less about the campaign, what I want is more titan types, more customization, and no smart pistol. The electro blade is already looking promising.
  22. Ugh, the LMB of course. This should be fun.
  23. Pretty boring episode. Started out good and then they just sat around arguing on the boat. This show wont last very long if they keep this bad pacing. Only the last 2 eps of last season were any good.
  24. Got a $50 ps card for my b-day so I went ahead and preorder it. Looking forward to early beta access.
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